Is having a very high IQ undesirable? Depression, perfectionism (lack of finished work), difficulty maintaining healthy relationships all correlate strongly with very high IQ.
What is the ideal IQ for success and a decent life?
Is having a very high IQ undesirable? Depression, perfectionism (lack of finished work), difficulty maintaining healthy relationships all correlate strongly with very high IQ.
What is the ideal IQ for success and a decent life?
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GTFO low IQ shill!
t. high iq, alcoholic, few friends, one good push away from biting a bullet
Literally I'd pay to be a normie if I could
but roll with that
I would estimate my IQ at around 120. Nothing to really brag about, but high enough to perceive the enormous disconnect between intelligent, average, and stupid (subhuman) humans.
>feels impossible to maintain a romantic relationship with a woman because every time I get somewhat serious with one, I lay awake contemplating all the ways she could effortlessly take advantage of me and humiliate me simply because she has the vagina in the relationship and end up flaking
>subsequently start developing a subtle trap fetish because at least they offer love and intimacy without the perpetual risk of being abandoned at the drop of a hat
>drink alcohol daily as a means of forcing my mind to stop racing all the time and relax somewhat
>detest 99% of what is in the media, except Jeopardy of course
>stutter in my speech, which forced me my entire life to rely more on my ability to perform actions and speak concisely than ever be able to bullshit anything because I will sound like I am an idiot if I try
it's a strange feel. I could go on, but it's been a long week of work and I'd rather work on this vodka.
>user thinks he has high IQ
>Spends Friday nights on Sup Forums
>Not spending time with the people who truly understand and share your worldly burdens
Sup Forums is the quintessential love/hate relationship. In many ways, it surpasses marriage. I just may be here forever if the government doesn't find a way to permanently destroy this think tank of wokeness.
One in ten people are actually smarter than you. Learn to relate to people who don't agree with all of your preferences and opinions. You're smart enough to have the ability to use your brain to intentionally be better at socializing. But not so smart that it's hard finding people similar to your intelligence level.
Quit blaming intelligence, start blaming your lack of skills. Then accept the blame and just work on it. It's GOOD news this is your fault because that means YOU can fix it.
IQ is not as important as EQ
if your IQ is high but your EQ is low you're still a dumb nigger
I used to be high IQ but pretty sure I smoked myself retarded.
As someone who was referred to as "the walking encyclopedia" his entire school careers, yeah, being smart sucks ass.
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
> 135 IQ
> STEMfag
> Work for 155 IQ Jews
> Overthink everything and hate my life every day
Also sage, r9k is thataway
It's definitely better than just being a normie everything works so much faster and your mental processes so if anything you get forward to having to be around slow-moving people it's like having a Ferrari and only driving it and second gear
150 (call that a humble drag if you want), but bad case of both add and depression. I cannot seem to keep friends more than a couple years, borderline incel, cant hold down jobs because I keep telling bosses when they're doing something wrong
>relates to the pathetic pond life of this board
Pick one.
>keep telling bosses when they're doing something wrong
You sound like an autistic faggot
>When gifted children try to share these concerns with others, they are usually met with reactions ranging from puzzlement to hostility. They discover that others, particularly of their age, clearly do not share these concerns, but instead are focused on more concrete issues and on fitting in with others’ expectations. Often by even first grade, these youngsters, particularly the more highly gifted ones, feel isolated from their peers and perhaps from their families as they find that others are not prepared to discuss such weighty concerns.
Can confirm this. It happens and it sucks.
Taken tests, said no I'm just a weirdo.
Combination of feel bad when I see people screwing up, and had a couple bosses with ridiculously fragile egos (not just to me, even normies pissed them off too)
Very high IQ is okay because you know how to to exploit shitiness of the world to your advantage, low IQs don't give a fuck as ignorance and stupidity is bliss, slighty above average IQ? Fucking hell, you know what shit you're in but not smart enough to do something about it or profit from it without feeling like a complete waste of oxygen, but hey, at least I can avoid most blatant traps in life for pretty small sacrifices.
I mean, good side of is I'm very very good and getting and building money with minimal effort. I'm 26, havent had a full time job in 2 years, and still am worth well above most my peers.
Money doesn't compensate for being a space alien that cannot connect with others in person.
>>feels impossible to maintain a romantic relationship with a woman because every time I get somewhat serious with one, I lay awake contemplating all the ways she could effortlessly take advantage of me and humiliate me simply because she has the vagina in the relationship and end up flaking
>>subsequently start developing a subtle trap fetish because at least they offer love and intimacy without the perpetual risk of being abandoned at the drop of a hat
>>drink alcohol daily as a means of forcing my mind to stop racing all the time and relax somewhat
>>detest 99% of what is in the media, except Jeopardy of course
>>stutter in my speech, which forced me my entire life to rely more on my ability to perform actions and speak concisely than ever be able to bullshit anything because I will sound like I am an idiot if I try
Wow, remove the stuttering part and it's me, Bubba
>slighty above average IQ? Fucking hell, you know what shit you're in but not smart enough to do something about it or profit from it without feeling like a complete waste of oxygen
I know that feel a bit too well, Marek...
I think I am just drunk and rambling my man, but I appreciate the advice. I am far more scared of a woman destroying my life over some petty nonsense than I am so "intelligent" that I feel like I can never relate to them, if that makes sense.
Thanks though, I am trying to meet the "one" to start a family with. I am 24 and just getting started in the world. It is incredible how you go from feeling so accomplished after graduating university to feeling stupider than you felt in your entire life as you try to piece together all the parts of actually supporting yourself financially.
Yeah I can't really relate to someone on your level. I have the ability to somewhat power off my mind and be easy going with my social network for a time (as long as I have some alcohol).
I hold down jobs just fine though. What you don't understand is how personally people take it when you try to tell them that they are wrong. In your mind it seems efficient and perhaps compassionate that you are correcting their ways and helping them be more efficient and better in the future. In their minds it feels like a personal attack on their very credibility as a professional in their field. You have to approach the professional world with heaps of nuance my man.
I disagree, there is a lot of good discussion here once you know how to filter out the retards like yourself, otherwise I wouldn't have been here for almost 5 fucking years
>tfw 6 years old realize i can speak inside my brain begin to todo so
>realize I can't hear others speak to themselves so i will never know if others are actually thinking or what they are thinking
>become haunted by the fact that i will always be alone in my brain
>cycled depression since i was 8
fml man I just realized I sing songs to myself to keep my self from thinking and it feels weird to do it consciously
6 beers is my social best, I just need to drown the demon.
Though not a model, I'm easily a 7 and fit (though a 5'8 manlet, cant do much about that). But something about me just makes people avoid, even after very little interaction. Not sure what.
>tfw to intelligent to be successful
It happens to me too.
>I try to bring up what seem like a reasonable conversation.
>Everyone gets uncomfortable saying I'm way to deep for them.
>I end up being silent most of the time having conversations inside my head that force me to think deeply to keep myself sane.
>Have no real friends, family thinks I'm a wierdo. >Constantly in and out of depression because I'm so alone.
>Never met anyone who I can really relate to.
It sucks so bad.
Stop smoking. I did it daily for 5-6 years, and I recovered. Just find something that occupies your time and keeps you ambitious. Whatever that is. Pot is for your college years and elderly years. Between those, you need to get shit done so you can enjoy your elderly years and your kids can enjoy their college years.
That doesn't mean go cold turkey. Just have plenty perspective and experience on how pot alters your emotional/mental state.
I can put back over a dozen beers easily in a night. I love drinking beer. Liquor is what puts me over the edge.
I am a 5'9 king of manlets, don't worry - in the professional world, height means absolutely nothing compared to the results you can produce, and shorter guys ALWAYS produce more because we have biological incentive to make our minds as powerful as possible.
You may lack self-awareness. Have you ever tried asking someone to describe you? Maybe you come off as standoffish, or an asshole, when in your mind you were trying to be efficient and help those around you be better informed. It's a pretty common thing amongst intelligent autists honestly.
>Is having a very high IQ undesirable?
Only if you are a goyim...
Jews are ruthless in weeding intelligence out of the goy genepool.
look up "Zersetzung", they are using these tactics against goy nations intelligent people....
Using the G.A.T.E. programs for targeting information.
>Between those, you need to get shit done
inspire me
My above average IQ led me to lash out against the world and in adulthood settle on alcoholism, or maybe it was family life and cultural influence. It's all way too much for my bewildered and intoxicated mind to be honest.
I feel the exact same way. My brother constantly jokrs with me about being autistic because i don't like making eye contact with normies.
Their soul burns mine. Every normies pair of eyes feels like a different episode of Black Mirror
We'll always have our thoughts to keep us company, some day we i dream humanity will evolve into a hivemind and all things such as individuality and all emotion bith negative and positive will be done away with, either that or a brave new world/1984 happens; until then whether you're real or not hehe let's enjoy the ride user
Is t-that G-Goebbels?
>watches normie television
>complains about normies
Smoke DMT and watch Blacked like the rest of us you cucked fuck.
Pic related? I'm legitimately consiering OCS for airforce. I have a double stem major for UC Berkeley, but cant find a "career" for the life of me. If nothign else want somethign to do.
But to answer your question, yes, but everyone is always too nice to really answer with any substance.
>Only if you are a goyim...
>Jews are ruthless in weeding intelligence out of the goy genepool.
why can't they just give me a qt jewess GF I'd happily add my strenghts to the tribe
IQ is just potential. Potential means nothing. In the real world, no one cares abour your IQ score or your mensa rank. They care about your ability to be social and to solve problems.
In my career ive seen brilliant people fall flat on their face due to their lack of sociability. They have a concrete solution to a complex problem but arent able to bring others into the fold.
I have also met genuises who are able to steer through corporate politics and enact their plans with ease.
Point is, dont be autistic. The world is far more complex than you all realize. Being able to navigate that maze is the true mark of success.
I feel this pain.
you need a passion for something.
I won't lie, what I do is pretty boring. It is accounting related. I do it because it is engaging and has an enormous depth of complexity. When you reach the point that you are skilled and nuanced in such a field, you become irreplaceable in a company. That is when you start getting promotions and salary raises so they do not lose you to a competing firm.
It is less about finding your "ultimate passion" in life and more about finding a skillset that engages you mentally throughout the day and provides you with a path to becoming indispensable to your employers, which opens up many doors for you.
The inspiration and satisfaction from your job comes from each day when you go home knowing just 1-2 more facts and secrets about your job which build up over time into actual expertise. College cannot teach you this. I hated math growing up, but I found that I am pretty good at accounting/finance and enjoy progressing in my career path. All you need is a job that pushes you to become an expert in your field, and you will soon find yourself a certified professional in the most satisfying way.
Having a high IQ doesn't doom you to mental illness. The smartest people tend to be less happy overall due to the prevalence of mental illness in this IQ bracket. However, the mentally healthy among the most intelligent are comparable to the mentally healthy in the average bracket (think 90-110 IQ). So, I would 160+ is ideal provided you are mentally healthy. Being intelligent doesn't necessarily make you unhappy, but it can make it so that others don't understand difficult concepts as well as you do (causing frustration). This is the one thing I've noticed (I don't know my IQ, but I've always been the smartest kid in the class with zero effort, even through much of college when majoring in mathematics). That said, anyone who is unable to explain concepts to the average person because they're 'too smart' is a liar and/or full of themselves.
The ability to retain indormation does not equate intelligence critical think problem solving and real world experience go much furthur in life, you've been lied to kid. Is a 4 terabyte portable hard drive intelligent because it retains information, no, no it isnt.
I do laugh at some people's lack of understanding sometimes. I will wait for the right moment then drop a knowledge bomb and walk away. It keeps me entertained.
Something like 120 is pretty good. High enough to do well, low enough to still relate to other people.
Memory isn't IQ. IQ is ability to recognize patterns.
Some patterns are better left unseen.
Some times I wonder how the Jews were so smart as to make the civilized world completely intolerable and then to criminalize every substance except the one that makes the worst things imaginable tolerable and then make it dirt cheap. You've got to give it up; it was masterful.
kek you probably look like a retard, I've done it before but few people can truly appreciate it the few who do are what makes life worth living
Pic not related, sorry. I work in an accounting-related field.
Believe me, I never thought I would do what I do now. I played soccer growing up and thought I would go to law school. I do what I do because I am pretty good at it so far and have an enormous amount that I can learn to make myself truly the best among my competition. That is the sort of job you actually want.
Most people are too nice to tell you the truth about something like that, and you probably don't want to hear it anyway because you are still human. If you feel like you really struggle to form human companionship, I encourage you to try physical outlets like team sports, a running club, weightlifting club etc. Even if you are terrible at it, they will enjoy teaching you and 'molding' you into one of them. You can't go wrong, trust me.
I have a very high IQ.. and I have been depressed and miserable my whole life. I see things as they are and realized the world was pretty shitty when I was still a child. I was already having an existential crisis about death when I was 7 or 8. Realized morality was bogus and just something we invented to help civilization function before I hit 10. I guess you could say I took the black pill before I knew what the black pill was or before I even had a pube. I wouldn't say it's desirable, especially in the age of computers, don't really need smart people that much anymore.
Also, emotional intelligence is unrelated to IQ. I have very low emotional intelligence. Constantly analyze things too much, absolutely despise small talk and can't seem to connect with people very well because I consider most everyday conversations boring as FUCK and repetitive - I hate having the same conversation twice. Never gave an ounce of a shit about what's on television unless it was educational or a historical documentary(yes I deliberately sought out educational television because I found most TV boring, currently I don't even have a TV or a subscription service). I'm unhappy most of the time. My life has always been this way since I was a kid, like I said. I think being too intelligent can fuck you up and make you sad/lonely.
Low IQ - ignorance is bliss
High IQ - overthinks everything and getting anxiety and depression
Very high IQ - knowing that anxiety is an irrational fear and overcoming your mental state by overthink your overthiking
Yet you study a subject to retain said information in form of memory, i completely agree with ur statement but these iq tests do not measure true intelligence.
Nah, I'll pass, making more money for jews doesn't engage my neurons. Even selling drugs makes more sense.
Nah m8 i'm pretty sure the jews aren't in charge, I'm not completely sure but I think super intelligent Ai might have existed since the 80s and are really in control all this is just an illusion to get us to accpet their rule eventually; it won't matter it might actually make things better who knows
Have you ever taken a real IQ test by a reputable testing firm? They measure all that shit. (127-137 here and I hate my life and am slowly sabotaging it with weed.)
look up crystal vs liquid intelligence
The Jews are intelligent and have a very studious culture. That's why they have survived through the millennia with such small numbers.
Unfortunately our demise benefits them. I'm very frustrated seeing retarded goyim falling for their shit every day. You just can't help some people. Especially blacks, they are completely hopeless.
Am compscifag (too dumb for electrical engineering), and I'm doing the officer route. It's a shortcut to get to play with millions of dollars of high tech shit, and they pay and feed me to do it.
kind of like rokos basilik but shit
low IQ low effort try again
For me it wasn't so much singing as much as pop music looping in my head, driving me mad. Happened to me during my teen years.
>Was told multiple times to "dumb things down" when I was working in a retail environment.
I've mastered my anxiety and almost mastered my depression. I'm 26, it's taken me this long to concentrate and meditate and change my mode of thinking to enjoy life. Well, maybe enjoy is too strong a word. Tolerate is a better one.
I havent nor am i interested in assigning a number to unlimited and untapped potentiality these exams are ((thiers)) and anything they control i want no parts of.
Nah I like to fuck with their minds.
Case in point. This woman I work with was talking about love.
>Have you ever noticed how everything you love you are also afraid of losing and everything you are afraid of losing you also love
>No seriously think about it. You use love and fear of loss interchangably in social settings without ever noticing you're doing it.
WTF are you talking about
>user, I so glad you're okay! I don't know what I'd done if I'd lost you
>expressing fear of loss to communicate love
>user, Please don't do this. I love you too much
>expressing love to communicate fear of loss
>Have you ever said to yourself, I love my family so much that I'm afraid to lose them?
>think about what you're really saying. That the fear you feel is a manifestaion of love
>that's how intertwined the 2 ideas are in you mind.
>But that sentence also goes the other way
>I'm so afraid of losing my family, that I love them
>but we don't like to look at that way do we?
No, I guess not.
>well I need to get back to work.
That was a few months ago. She still gives me weird looks.
You sound 17 m8. Your hormones will settle down after high school, until then please don't kill yourself or get too edgy on us.
This one is better. Fine until the unnecessary mention of blacks. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Thanks for your advice. Tough. I have done sports (track, cross country). My problem is I'm pretty independently athletic and learn how to best my performance on my own. I'm really bad at swallowing coolaid in any situation if I see a better way.
Example: I tried studying acting (in addition to other subjects) at a local school after being laid off. I, a nerdy manlet with no experience in the field, found that I was able to do it exceedingly well and got lots of public praise from teachers. The theatre kids that had been in the field for years, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with me.
So is too much competency a bad thing?
Not sure very paranoid. Can't stick to my decisions; may be the alcohol.
Ironically i believe this rouge ai has subverted sub species to do its bidding and destroy all that the creator holds dear, also known as the luciferian agenda.
You don't have to work for a Jew though. My CEO is a great Christian man who I enjoy working for. Our founder is a kind Protestant man. Even in Accounting, there are only a few kikes amongst us all. We are a very conservative, Christian company. There are places that are worth working for, even if you can't see them since Europe is entirely dominated by the kikes these days.
Any human can relate to any other human in some way, even if they don't want to admit is. I could relate to Stephen Hawking in some ways and I could relate to a man with an IQ of 50 in some other ways.
I actually had some symptoms of ASD. I had to basically learn to associate with others. Some 'smart' people refuse to assimilate and talk about things that people share as common ground like sports, and therefore drive others away. Actual smart people (who do not have mental illness) generally see the value of human interaction and seek to participate instead of telling themselves they are special and remaining aloof.
5'9" isn't short, or a manlet. It's average in the US (actually slightly above average if I recall correctly). Also, height has a pretty large impact on how people perceive you, and will invariably have an impact on the results you achieve as a manager. There's a reason why the average height of CEOs in the US is higher than the average height.
Potential means everything, don't lie to yourself. MENSA may be full of self important douches and meaningless, but IQ (of more specifically intelligence) is very important.
kek you have way too much free time, sometimes I get ideas like that, thank god i have a hobby now to distract me :) even then the endeless feeling loneliness willnver go away :)
high iq is like being gay.
your chances or reproduction are lowered but you add so much to your tribe that the tribe is better by having a couple autistic kids every now and then
Jesus christ where is the shotgun I can't do this
Are you sure these teachers weren't humoring you? Maybe you actually suck and they were just being nice. You say yourself you "tried" acting which implies you didn't stick to it.
>Actual smart people (who do not have mental illness) generally see the value of human interaction and seek to participate instead of telling themselves they are special and remaining aloof.
I do, but I get so frustrated with their stupidity sometimes. My patience has a limit, then I go full fuck with their minds mode. It's a coping mechanism to keep me from blowing my brains out.
>use your brain to intentionally be better at socializing
this right here. i literally lie in bed for an hour imaging all the possible conversation threads that i may encounter and how best to respond to them. this way i don't have to think too much during the socialization because i can just recall the thread from memory.
it is very important to imagine yourself in hundreds of specific examples though!!!
what the hell dude calm down
second wave kikes, cool
Not just teachers, other students. I had one instructor beg me to be in her play, but I just didnt have the time for rehearsals. I'd ask others individually for honest feedback and they'd agree; say it's uncanny that I could adapt to varied roles (likely due to me having acted my hole like to not seem like a robot)
Theatre kids are cancer though.
In this thread: Low iq individuals sugnicalung their so called intelligence by bragging about thier mental weakness. You're all faggots.
Alao getting caught up with dick measuring competitions on iq or intelligence is stroking the ego, those who act from ego do not fully put thought into said action. We are litterally biological supercomputers with 90 percent of our capabilities shut off. Point being if you are intelligent it will shine through and there is no need to flaunt express or dwell, collect moments and never stop learning new the things and ideas.
The nose knows.
>Really high IQ
>See world for what it really is a bunch of lies and subversion
>Depressing that I am watching civilization decline and every few months it seems to get worse
>I wish people would fight what is right, but realize people are too stupid to wake up
Yes its depressing I wish I could be a blue pilled normie with an Iphone 7 a lap dog and a skinny jeans rooting for Bernie Sanders
top 1% IQ here, i have a hard time relating to normals and spend a lot of time alone which is very bad for my emotions and I also notice that everyone else who is as smart as me has the same problems. we are all isolated wrecks that no one wants around except for the few who chose to pursue high-paying careers and keep the company of normals because it's easy to manipulate them.
That can backfire when you didn't take one possible path into consideration. My uncle does this and all I have to do is go completely off the wall and he gets stuck, then he gets mad cause he knows I'm intentionally fucking him up (I've told him I do it to watch him squirm). What upsets him the most though, is that he wasn't smart enough to see my 'off the wall' coming. he really believed he had been thru every possible mutation of the convo. It cracks me up every time.
>5'9" isn't short
You have clearly never been to the great U.S. South, where 6'2"+ men are common. We are the Netherlands of the USA. My parents are from the Midwest, which explains why I grew up amongst these, in my father's words, Neanderthals.
You are absolutely wrong about height being this all-important factor in perception though. Yes, of course, the super tall guy will get more immediate respect than the short guy. However, people who spend a lot of time among each other develop nuance and know who actually gets things done and who deserves their respect. Height will get you immediate recognition, but it is always the shorter men who earn the respect because they are biologically programmed to out-perform the tall guys with their minds.
I will agree that the CEO position is generally staffed with tall men because that man is the "face" of the company, so he is now politically involved, and tall guys appeal to the masses. However, there are ALWAYS a half dozen short executives behind him making sure he doesn't mess anything up because that is what they are good at and have trained for. We all play our roles in this world, despite what the kikes would have our minds believe.
I'm 26 man. Like I said my emotional intelligence is terrible. But in the past 2 years or so my mind really has settled. Got a fiancee and everything. But I'm still mostly going through the motions of life, I don't feel joy most of the time. I've been blackpilled my whole life. Every time I'm left to myself I slip back into the realization that life is pointless and I'm gonna die someday.
Black people are hopeless slaves. They just traded the plantation for debt slavery. Yeah there are outliers but I mean as a whole. White people have a chance, we aren't as smart as the Jews in general but there are a lot of smart ones. Blacks as a whole are so ignorant, as to be beyond help. The men spend their money on dumb shit like designer shoes from Jew-owned companies and the women spend all their money on weaves and hair products from Chinese shops and Jew companies. They both spend tons of money on cell phones. They don't have the cash so they put it on credit and enter perpetual slavery. This is why they are perpetually poor. Even the ones who make it into multi-millions just blow it all on hookers or big useless gold decorations. They are hopelessly consumer-minded.
You are just being edgy now.
Theater kids are truly cancer. Maybe you are just good at it, but that is like being good at posting on Sup Forums honestly
Very easy to point the finger but weakness is more slippery than you think. The thing about life is that strength doesn't exist without an experience of weakness. Or there would be no requirement for strength. Thus the greatest strength is out of weakness.
>why can't they just give me a qt jewess GF I'd happily add my strenghts to the tribe
>why can't they just give me
>just give.
For Free?
I have no idea what you are saying and it is making me want to kill myself. Give me BBC.
I am having very schizophrenic thoughts please help
Theatre is totally fine as a hobby. Even as a supplemental career to what you actually majored in (as long as you have a realistic fall back).
If your primary focus is theater, you're cancer. Plain and simple
he saying this.