>watch US television or any other american media >hurrr Trump >"trump, donald trump, trump did that, trump did this" >hillary clinton
Jesus Christ, guys, you are completely hypnotized by this subject. I admit it was entertaining for a while, but now it's becoming ridiculous, reaching absurdity. Get over it.
>media runs shit 24/7 >"lol get over it" media =/= average person
Aaron King
t.v. is controlled by the cabal. they used ot to brainwash anyone whose only source of info was via controlled outlets (MSM, legacy media, fb, google, et. al.) We're trying to fix it, but the cabal has tens of millions of Americans literally brainwashed and that's making it extremely touchy to get rid of them. We're trying it via Trump, and if that doesn't work the fighting men of this country will fix it.
Chase Turner
The media shows what you guys want to watch. It's not only the media, btw, the internet is also full of this crap.
James Hernandez
Yep. That's part of their controlled channels. They're all in the same club; they're all using the same marching orders which is why you see a consistently skewed version of reality seemingly everywhere you look (until you start looking outside the cabal controlled outlets.) I thought this was common knowledge for anons. How are you not aware of this?
Charles Long
>complains about the media >lives inside it This is what americans in this board do, desu, and the media is much more moved by audience than by their own agenda.
Jonathan Rodriguez
>The media shows what you guys want to watch. Incorrect. Which is why they are dying.
Tyler Jackson
What do Brazilians run in their news? I can't read Portuguese
Joseph Gutierrez
>tv go the fuck back to fagbook nigger
Nicholas Nguyen
I'm not following. Most of the posts on this board are shills of one type or another. Even among the comments there's a large volume of shill posting. There here "manufacturing consent"; throwing their programming cues into the masses knowing that those receptive will be ensnared. The programmers are forcing an alternate reality through repetition of falsehoods, and consistent omission of truth. The scale of this effort is unimaginable to people as recently as even one year ago. How do you not know this stuff?
Aiden Russell
>There here They're* here. and I forgot pic related.
William Cook
*Breaking News* every fucking day
Christopher Kelly
>The media shows what you guys want to watch. Totally false, and one of the more idiotic myths.
Political considerations dominate when it comes to propaganda. It's been like that since the day the printing press was invented.
Jace Young
Leftists are the primary demographic for tv news. There is a reason why they have 5 channels and americans only have one.
Aaron Diaz
A marketing friend told me the further left they are, the easier the sale.
Ryan Lewis
Nams seem dedimitely fake tok
Jose Rivera
>be me >work in creative industry >have to listen to boss, hiss daughter, and their friend bitch about Trump, republicans, and politics for literally hours every day because I sit nearby >ready to kill myself by the weekend
These people literally cannot change the subject. I'm convinced of this. The difference between Liberals and Conservatives isn't in policy. it's that Conservatives eventually get sick of talking about politics.
Xavier Morales
u r stoopid. but u make good point. we stand twogether. smertest /plo/ person evar. achieve this thread. imwithher#
Aaron Allen
>The media shows what you guys want to watch. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Lucas Walker
>watching the televised jew What do you think we are? Boomers?
Hudson Sullivan
sounds like a bunch of shills/putinbots/commie cum slurpers on pol who complain about muh drumpbffbraaap
John Bailey
It's not that. There are still sane lefties. These people have been literally brainwashed by a conspiracy of unimaginable scale. They are cultists. It's why they all had such ferocious meltdowns when Hillary lost. It was in direct contradiction to their programming.
I suspect this is a war for complete, perpetual control or perhaps even enslavement of humans. The cabal is fighting too hard for this to not be at least one of the stakes.
Anthony Carter
There's a reason why nobody here watches television anymore.
Hunter Roberts
You are now aware of the reason that TV ratings are plummeting harder than they ever have before.
Too bad, huemonkey, this shit is going to roll on for another 7 1/2 years.
Elijah Hughes
You try having an actual retard takeover your country, asshole. I don't mean a stupid politician, I mean a guy who we are literally having serious debates in the streets about whether or not he can read. And you might want to take interest too, dumbfuck, considering we have enough nukes to destroy the planet multiple times over and a system designed for the president to be able to launch them unilaterally in minutes.
Isaiah Powell
>watch television
Colton Hughes
People getting caught for corruption and SJW bullshit. Pretty much that.
Sebastian Garcia
Thankfully the SJW bullshit didn't caught on that much.
Dylan Gonzalez
I like how you think you're immune and waf.
Lucas Watson
you wouldn't be here if autists weren't immune. but it's our ability to inoculate people that scares them the most.
I agree. Luckily I don't watch t.v. But everytime I see it, it is always about Trump. I wish Trump was actually doing something interesting so that the shows would have a reason to talk about him.
Aiden Bell
The White American people were attacked by the World, even our own people, but we executed a bloodless coupe against enemies who were changing America into a socialist Globalist Godless degenerate country. Our Media was and remains enemy number one. But we defeated them at the ballot box. We pulled trigger and said "no" to everyone including most politicians. We elected a construction worker to kick Islams ass and to change all the EO AND EA that Obama put on our backs to enslave us to Niggers, Mexicans, and mooslums. NO!
I am so proud of my white American brothers!
Today we still fight this evil called the MSM. They will fall one by one.
The thing is we showed the world that you could win against the money Globalist, Minorities, and the MSM.
France is facing the same problem we were. There is only one Issue in the French Election. Which candidate will crush Islam The hardest.
The white Americans who defeated the world for our freedom again, says Marine LePen. I agree that Marine is your last chance. . There are no other chances. Thus is it France. If you vote your feelings or someone else's feelings you will die a slow Islamic death. This is straight talk to the French here. Your grandchildren will curse your memory if you do not vote LePen.
Don't be lulled by your or our no good stinking MSM. They are liars.
Vote LePen, even if secretly.
Win the battle as the Americans won.
We want you as brothers against Islam. My God man you've had to build shit and piss boxes in your streets and clean up after they deface and disgrace France.