Do people believe there was a plane? look at this wide shot, which is 5 seconds before the 2nd "plane" crashed...

do people believe there was a plane? look at this wide shot, which is 5 seconds before the 2nd "plane" crashed, and tell me where it is?

Other urls found in this thread:

guys? Am I blind?

.... really?

Weren't you watching live TV like I was when the second plane flew right into it? Is this just ridiculous bait?

the MSM lied about the plane. when you listen the interview nobody saw a plane, the only people talking about it are the MSM

You can probably still youtube the actual news feed.

the OP pic is live tv 5 secs before the plane hit. show me the plane.

This doesn't answer my question.

You realize the plane has a wingspan that isn't even as wide as one side of one tower, right?

Literally perfectly clear video on live TV when it happened.

This has to be a troll.

Airline pilot checking in who watched 9/11 live (im over 40)

Pilot perspective summary:

Nearly all of us believe 2 x 767s hit WTC 1&2

Nearly none of us believe an AA 757 hit the Pentagon

Most of us think UAL 93 was shot down (the one that crashed in rural PA because passengers supposedly got "cell phone" calls about what was going on and overpowered the hijackers)

Most of us question why BLDG7 collapsed in exactly the same manner as WTC1 and 2 when it was never even hit by an airplane.

How about the one that was taken from the ground in Manhattan? You can clearly see an actual passenger plane fly into the tower.

There one video where some guy in the shot is just sort of casually reading something when the plane hits. I always thought it was odd since a jet liner that low would be so incredibly loud, youd be staring at the sky wondering what the fuck. It's like he never heard the plane in the first place

I was watching TV right as the second plane hit the tower. It was a live feed. You could clearly see the plane.

The pentagon is very intriguing to me, and I don't believe shit as far as conspiracies go.

I can't say none of the buildings weren't rigged to blow with or without an airplane, but I was watching the live news feed as building one burned, and watched the second passenger plane crash right into tower two, live, in enough detail that I remember marveling that the plane was so small next to the tower.

Planes fly over cities all the time, or did. Nobody blinked at a plane flying over a city before 911.

>yes goys (((Im))) just sitting here and casually filming myself like this heheheheheheh

Pilot talk again:

It actually would not be loud at all.

The engines were at idle.

Jet aircraft descent at very low/idle thrust depending on your desired airspeed and deseired descent rate.

The aircraft were both descending when they hit the towers.

Had they leveled off prior to impact, the engines would have spooled up and the planes would have been louder.

Maybe he's hard of hearing.

The wingspan of a 767-200 (the UAL aircraft that hit the towers) is 156'

The width of one face of the Towers is about 400'




I also thought the hologram/video trick plane thing was a huge fucking joke until I watched that video. The most damning piece of evidence was that all three of the mainstream media footage blacked out at the exact same time.

I lived on long Island in '01. I watched the second plane hit live as I walked into the door when I got home early from school. I'll never forget how empty, calm, and silent the city was when we went in a week later

They were relatively small passenger jets and the city would of been incredibly loud with sirens and cars

You know what would be easier than a massive conspiracy to fabricate a plane crashing into a building? Letting some snackbars crash a plane into a building.

WTC7, no plane. Full collapse.

The jew did it again. It's a CIA mass experiment of brainwashing.

No-planers seem to be a CIA plot to discredit anyone who asks questions about 9/11. Like, thousands of people saw and heard planes flying into the buildings, yet these fucking retards say there was actually no planes. Nobody could be that stupid. I think that "theory" was perpetuated as a disinfo campaign to discredit actually legitimate questions about 9/11.

The PLAN is to keep digging on 9-11 until we know WHY the towers fell , and WHY so much material
is missing.
book , where did the towers go ?

I don't think anyone who watched it live and certainly those of us who watched it live and are actually in the industry (airline pilots) question that 4 aircraft were lost that day.

2 x UAL 767s and 2 x AA 757s

But lots of us do question the official narrative about the 2 x AA 757s. Those are the ones that don't add up.

(The 2 x UAL 767s hitting WTC 1 and 2 was clear as day)

>It's another "Idiots who couldn't build a dog-house demand to know the physical mechanics behind the fiery collapse of a megastructure." thread.

>If I didn't see it live on camera it was a Jewish Reptilian Conspiracy

Not just the fact no footage shows an AA 757 hitting the Pentagon. The most heavily surveiled building in tne United States.

The (claimed) FDR and ATC radar pings tell the real story there.

The thing that hit the Pentagon in no way behaved like a Boeing 757 is capable of.

>Like, thousands of people

Your post is like disregarded

> →
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> →
> →

>claims to support free speech
>rails against people speaking freely


You guys really keep trying with the 9/11 disinformation, eh?

We know who did it, we know the individuals involved. Stop shilling, you suck at it.


freeze frame at 27 seconds. you can see it in the top right. Plane traveling at 600 miles an hour... crashes like 10 seconds later giving it enough time to travel ~1.7 miles since the camera started zooming in. Plane is shown in the direction of the harbor, seems pretty obvious to me that its about 2 miles in distance.

I don't think there were planes.

There was a very detailed youtube channel years ago that was removed that had a detailed analysis of all the video and the eyewitness accounts and there were no fucking planes.

Also, most of the video/photos taken at ground zero were taken by people with a security clearance, many of whom were employed by the federal guv at the time of the attack.

Also :french camera crew" just HAPPENS to be doing a documentary on the firefighters that day.

Lots n lots of coincidences.

Yeah faggot I'm sure pretending to crash a plane is so much easier.