Preaches islam as the only true religion

>preaches islam as the only true religion
>shits on jews
>Kwisatz Haderach prefers delicious brown pussy to inferior white one

why is this shit praised by Sup Forums?

its a shitty meme that floats over from the scifi community like blade runner does. both of them are shit tier.

blade runner is trash. ive never seen Dune but i praise on Sup Forums just to trick people into watching shit

>why is this shit praised by Sup Forums?

Because its an epic read

It literally has nothing to do with Islam. The only thing it has in common is that its a desert religion. learn to differentiate ffs.

It is one of the most epic reads in the genre. I think its even better then Lord of the Rings.

Have to read the series to understand that
>1 Duncan is the main character while Paul is actually a pussy
> 2 the whole religion thing was a psyop to repress humanity and cause a rebellious reaction millennia down the road.

>It literally has nothing to do with Islam

good morning shariablue how's the coffee?

>preaches islam as the only true religion
Lame bait or just a retard OP? Is there really a difference?

He who controls the spice, controls DER UNIVERSE HEIL HITLER

>Author is influenced by Islam/Muslims decades ago
>Someone from a dirt farming country assumes this means that the book is literally about Muslims

>He still reads fiction

its been a while but isnt the point of the story about how humanity has stagnated to the point to where everything relies on a single planet whereas before humanity was spreading across the galaxy

religion is just one such vice that has caused the stagnation

>ive never seen Dune
It's a book faggot. How retarded has this board become seriously. one of the best pieces of literature in the 21st century. compared to Islam and viewed as a movie....

w.a.p is overrated as fuck.

mad bantz brah

they made a shitty tv series out of the books and also a feature length movie.
you might have known this already, but the context of your message kind of has a double meaning.

People who take spice get Super Human abilities + Blue Eyes
Cabal of Harkonnen, Spacing Guild and Emperor (joos+one world Government) Hate Duke Leto atreides for his noble ways and being a man of the People (Nietzsches Übermensch)
They kill him
Son and mother meet oppressed People who want to make arrakis a complete desert into fertile Farmland (US and SA Settlers and farmers)
They band together using old knowledge and new weapons (European Rennaissance)
and crush the OWG in a final battle
with Paul killing the Redheaded Stepson (everybody hates gingers)
and you want to tell me this isnt about europeans taking back their continent ?


Why are these threads always bumped by Sup Forums?

The Brothers Karamazov (1880), Fyodor M Dostoevsky.
>the better book.

>preaches islam
what did he mean by this

cool opinions bro.

Oh go away and grow up

I wouldn't compare them since they are both great.

>implying Baron Harkonenn isn't a jew

Just because the book uses words like "jihad" doesn't mean it has anything to do with Islam. I personally would have preferred if Herbert didn't use sandnigger words, but it isn't really a problem.

its about white people with blue eyes ruling iraqistan all because of a precious commodity found in the faggy desert and simchosenone being worshiped as a god by the indigenous people

i mean seriously why do you even have to ask why Sup Forums eats it up

>I personally would have preferred if Herbert didn't use sandnigger words
It makes sense that distant future language would combine English & Arabic

Honestly, I have been seeing Islam in a lot of sci-fi and I didn't notice it as a kid.

For example, Ferengi used to be Jewish to me but then I realized they were way closer to Muslims.

>Live entire life by a collection of proverbs (Rules of Acquisition)
>Follow them and profit but don't and you get smited by "Invisible Hand"
>Women all need to be naked and in the house forever and cooking (basically parody of Islam)
>Ferengi are all pretty much these annoying short assholes who live based on antiquated ideas (capitalism) and are secretly a huge threat to the galaxy because of their crass expansionism especially in regards to their religion based on money
>They have very bad culture and all their cities are terrible

>Just because the book uses words like "jihad" doesn't mean it has anything to do with Islam
yeah and people blowing themselves up in europe also don't have anything to do with islam, not only that but they aren't real muslims aswell, yes?

>They have very bad culture and all their cities are terrible
But Islamic cities were for a long time were equal or better than Western cities.

Don't you realize that Islam was developed by pagan nomad tribes,that made their religion into Abrahamic fan fiction?

>Live entire life by a collection of proverbs (Rules of Acquisition)
what is talmus
>Follow them and profit but don't and you get smited by "Invisible Hand"
Jews are like that, even atheist ones
>Women all need to be naked and in the house forever and cooking (basically parody of Islam)
ever seen the orthodox jews?
>Ferengi are all pretty much these annoying short assholes who live based on antiquated ideas (capitalism) and are secretly a huge threat to the galaxy because of their crass expansionism especially in regards to their religion based on money
>They have very bad culture and all their cities are terrible
You never visited Israel, or at least Manhattten or fucking San Francisco? Berlin????

>feudal society
>social classes segregated by light-eyes (nobles) and dark-eyes (peasants)
>gender-defined jobs, roles and etiquette
>enslaves crab-niggers and is at war to ethnically cleanse more violent crab-niggers

Why is this series so based?

>just because it uses words like "jihad" "sunni" "salafi" "feydakin(feydayin)" "mahdi" "shaitan" and 50 others
At least in the later books the islamyat stuff was limited to the detestable dirty Tleilaxu

fuck me, you're a retard. The Fremen are a desert people who are white with intense blue eyes becase of their spice addictions. Their religion is based on prophesies planted thousands of years ago by the Bene Geserit and they worship the giant sand-worms, the Shai Hulud - and eventualy their god-emporer. The only similarities are geopolitical.

Maybe it's just too diffucult for your pea brain to understand.

this right here. The metaphysics in this book are a blast too... those interested in evolian filosophy will like it.

I think he is trying to make people who point out shills sound retarded. I liked the book too.

The idealistic leader Leto2, author's alter ego, nationalizes everyone, keeps them from traveling, to preserve them, then builds the "golden path" everyone goes their own way out in space, to decentralize power, away from (commie Harkonnen oil Barron Rockefeller, banker Corrino, Catholic nuns, and multiracial trans-nonbinary Tleilax)

Spice is oil, CHOAM is OPEC, the Fremen are Arabs. How does everyone not know this?