what methods should we use to take our rightful clay
NZ Annexation
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nuclear war
hold on are sheep like emus do they get stronger when nuked
jelly fools right here. im sorry u live in a shit hole
the sheep have fuzzy wuzzy wool to protect them, just the kiwis behind them will burn
>shit hole
north-east of melbourne is pretty compy desu
you need to stop
thats nice their accents make me want to perforate my ear drums
stop what
because somone living there is totaly not gonna defend it
they need to make them selfs feel better somhow
(you) need some eye scientist to perform horticulture on ur eye bulls
he never said it was one poster...lol
i literally havent seen a chink in over a month can you say the same
inb4 basement dweller
he strongly implied it, you really think the leaf was trying to defend your honour, orc?
I mean, New Zealand would have been ours if they didn't leave the Federation meetings
You can have the north island for free. The south island will remain new zealand.
not really. u can use you when talking to one person or more? are u a retard
i saw one today. but not sure why i would care? our country is quite multicultural and i dont give a fuck who comes here all are welcome.
(you) is singular perjorative you mongoloid
your thinking of use
>implying australia isn't just new zealand clay
lol u cheek
still not seeing the problem lol...
maybe deal with your chink and indian problem first dumb cunts. you're not even gonna have a country soon at this rate. LEL. btw we wont be accepting you as refugees
poor b8
you need to kill yourselves
implying we wouldnt just invade
Tried asking?
Although it's a retarded move, why'd you'd want uppity Maori, Chinks and coconuts is beyond me. Although if you kill them you can have all our fresh water.
just my opinion. you dont have to agree but it isnt b8
hitler a cute
ah now i see why ur geting so put out of place by this stuff. i feel sorry for you.
We actually have no choice in accepting them due to the free movement.
Although that is a vice versa thing.
reminder if you don't live here you are probably chinese
The cunt have already all move over here so there's probably nobody there
Nice try Muhammad.
sorry if you didn't understand from my words, because how could you possibly, but I was reffering to you and your extended family and anyone whos ever interacted with you
You've interacted with him.
yeh there are fuck load too many of you over here is nz really that shit
Im not married
I'm not a new zealan tho
Hey its the Wairarapa dude!
How do we stop the maorification of our country. European place names being wiped out. Everyrhing from a new maccas to kindys have a hour long nigger song and dance session when they open to cleanse spirits of some stupid fucking bullshit. Even National radio is now down to half English language ffs.
Tldr: its called Mount Egmont
Yes and no, we got fucked over 70's to 80's due to the Britain's growing agricultural sector, the EU single market and being one of the few 'friends' of South Africa.
However the country is nice physically.
Australia annexing New Zealand?
No. Britain should annex you both.
>Checks flag.
Fuck of pajeet.
We all have the same sovereign dipshit.
i dont know how or why someone either as retarded or ideologically apposed got to pol but as a suggestion
also Wanganui not Whanganui
I support this plan.
ok but only if nige can be PM
>Mount Egmont
Fucking this.
just accept that your country is dying
Tie a bunch of ropes to it and get some tugboats to pull it back to your shores, then they'll concede defeat
>Australia releases 1000 emu shock troopers onto the shores of New Zealand
>Kiwis kill them because they're just big birds
>Australia gives up because if you can beat emus you can beat Australia
nice meme best friend, Britain cant even leave a yuropooran legion
>tfw Petone used to be called Britannia
why the fug would they change such a based name reeeeee
also tfw no shrunken head collection
Why not explain what you mean by calling me a cuck then? nice shit reply
It's a shithole full of meth-addicted Maoris on welfare, chinks buying up all the properties and retired senile Brits.
Plus it's got third-world tier infrastructure. Why would anyone even want to annex NZ?
If all of the above fail then send your Shelias to prostrate themselves in front of the big kiwi cock.
alright you can annex us if you nuke the leaf
peter sharples and ken mair can go to hell
We want to annex it. Restore the British Empire and all that.
Agreed. But then we'll annex leafland as well.
Exactly, that's why no one should come here. We're full anyway.
ok but i have first dibs on the qt Quebecois refugees
is everyone in oceania this autistic
Send in the emus.
Go in and retake the ruins once the birds get bored and migrate north in search of more skulls to take.
>what is oceania
Go ahead, have them all.
Spent 20 years in Sydney and returned to NZ last year. Although we have our problems NZ is a better place than Australia. Less muslims less problems. Sydney and Melbourne (where the bulk of the populace is) aren't even Australian anymore.
NZ would get BTFO and surrender in less than 30 minutes if Australia ever decided they wanted their piece of shit island.
singles confirm nz > australia > UK > all other countries combined
UK > British Empire > Independent NZ, Australia, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, USA etc. > all other countries > Argentina.
o shid praise kek
Australia plz... You are probably the most politically unstable 1st world country. You couldn't get your shit together to invade a cricket pitch let alone Gods own nation.
loadsa PMs =/= politically unstable
is that not just a problem with the metropolis
turns everyone into a bunch of money grubbing traitors
>tfw the gov general has the power to dissolve parliament
>but chooses not to
You're being annexed by niggers and pakis as we speak. Deal with your own problems.
NZ history:
< 1400 just birds and forests
1400-1800 niggers arrive and destroy everything, eat all the birds and burn down the forests.
1800s whites arrive en masse, get things into a respectable order, putting paid to some chimpouts
1900 top 3 country on all the indices, health care, per capita income etc. Why? Because we had only one industry, feeding Britain which made us fucking rich AF
1973 UK joins EU. NZ immediately fucked
1973-2000 country lurches from crisis to crisis. Shit tier governments, at times a new PM every other month. Venezuela tier reforms introduced. 10% of the population leaves because being Havana doesnt work. Socialism rules and the worlds very first fat lesbian sjw's start making noise in Wellington in the late 70s.
1999 start of first stable govt. Shit tier leftists under aunty Helen but its a start
2008 Nats form government. Somehow despite GFC we are chuffing along nicely. Begins a long steady period of stability, high employment levels, infrastructure improves, less govt spending, diversified economy. And also dismantling many of the stupid social programs of the left wing days
Problem is we are becoming a victim of our own success. NZers are returning in huge numbers, and immigrants are flooding the place. We hit 4mil in 2003, and were told we wouldn't reach the 5mil mark until 2042. We've grow so fast we will reach that milestone next year
I so prefer to live in present day NZ then in the 80s when no one had jobs and you had to apply to the govt to buy a fridge or take a $100 note out of the bank. But when every supermarket chick is Indian, every petrol station is staffed by Pakis, and you check out the brand new Italian restaurant to find it owned and operated by Chinese- this tells me weve fucked up big. And because of the rush of immigrants, we now find ourselves having to spend $500k for a crap townhouse on a 600 sq m section in a sketchy neighbourhood. 10 years ago that amount of money bought a substantial home in a top suburb
and this is a bad thing?
I think you mean
>ideologically opposed
>rightful clay
>not even on the same continental shelf
>is that not just a problem with the metropolis
>turns everyone into a bunch of money grubbing traitors
All I can say is that I've seen two women in hajibs since returning to NZ in August last year. Where I was in Sydney was like fucking Suadi Arabia...total Islamic take over.
This is true.
But I live in Dunedin and saw a fully burqa'd woman yesterday -- is there no hope for us even in one of the most remote cities on Earth?
wew thats rare
Only small pockets of Sydney feel Australian. The shire, north shore and eastern suburbs. Penrith, parramatta, lakemba, Campbelltown, Liverpool, cabramatta are all fucking hell on earth. Just no one knows it because no one ever goes to these places, they never see tourists. Hell, proper everyday Aussies have written these places off. Give me Otara over Punchbowl any day.
I literally don't care if you want to take it or not. Enjoy all the criminals you're so desperately trying to deport, can't do that if we're Australia.
See them a bunch in Auckland, particularly in my area as I live reasonably close to a mosque.
youre both chinese colonies at this point.
Come take us, we'll send wave after wave of unarmed new Australians to try and stop you.
No one will judge you for shooting them, it was war after all.
desperately trying to deport? or already calmly deported?
I lived right next to Punchbowl in penshurst...total shithole...glad to be back home in NZ bro.
>this burger knows
True bro, the gooks are in charge and I hate the fuckers.