Brit/pol/ - 1,000 year tory caliphate edition

>The 7 "brilliant" arguments Theresa May made against Brexit

>Theresa May opts for a "hard" brexit

>7 times Theresa May promised there wouldn't be an early general election

>Theresa May announces snap general election on June 8

>“When immigration is too high, when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” - Theresa May

>Immigration hit record 650,000 in Theresa May’s last year as Home Secretary

>Theresa May forced to defend views on Sharia Law (May sparked controversy when she spoke out in support of the Islamic courts operating in the country, telling the nation they could "benefit a great deal" from Sharia teachings.) as she prepares to enter No 10

>"I mean what I say and I say what I mean." - Theresa May

Other urls found in this thread:

First for a hardcore Brexit

>This guy comes up to you on the train and pulls out his Bradshaw guide to show to your gf

what do?

Hey Brit/pol/, in a few months I'm going to visit my 3/5th British friend. (He's white but he's from Scotland) and look around the Scottland/UK/EU.
What are some nice places where terrorists won't bomb, mug, or run me over for being white. Do I have to lie and say I'm a leaf or something?



No the locals will probably like you.






Memes aside none of that will happen in London if you don't go to a place like tower Hamlets which a tourist would never have a reason to go to anyway. The inner 3 miles is whiter than the average American city by miles. In the touristy areas the only non whites will be chink tourists
London is a wonderful city to visitt and you could easily spend a week before getting bored

Dont listen to this guy, stay away from London.
Its boring and shit regardless.

t. Somebody who has been there.

OP is right, everyone should vote Green, they are
the only honest politicians.

>OP is right
>everyone should vote

Literally the opposite of what I said. Voting is pointless.

Have you nothing better to do than shill and fuck up the OP?

>he can't handle these truth bombs.

Stop giving blackpills attention. It's what they want.



Paul Nuttall found dead at home. Apparent suicide.


and we thought OP was an attention whore...

>Labour and the Nats are going to get BTFO June 8th

Perfect, if pro-union voters flock to the Tories regardless of their other policy opinions like happened in that shithole area of Glasgow it's going to be solely yellow and blue.

It's amazing

What's also amazing is that all those butthurt Nats are constantly posting on Facebook how stupid people are for voting Tories, how any bad things will have been brought on themselves, listen to me I know what's good for you because I have a degree in media studies etc etc.

It's like they haven't been paying attention to why there has been a recent surge in populist politics and a move away from left leaning political parties

Cannot WAIT for the tears on the 9th of June

>b-but muh mandate of the Scottish people!!

>SNP: 431 (+6)

What happened to SNP getting obliterated?

+6 is doing better not worse

Labour dissolving will boost nats as well as blues

Is Labour just going to roll over and die? If they get wiped out on June 8th what happens to the party? Does it just dissolve?


There will be a leadership election but because the party is now full of Trotskyists there is no way a centrist is going elected to leader.

The biggest single mistake they ever made was letting members who only had to pay £5 have an equal vote. Before the unions would get a bigger say.


Who needs UKIP when Tories are UKIP?

Does Peter Hitchens seem as stuck up and haughty to native brits as he does outside the motherland?

Immediately concede my GF to the BPC

No mate, over here we get the impression he is a humble man who dislikes confrontation.

He's not really stuck up and haughty. Just stubborn and retarded about certain things, e.g. the tories and terrorism.

>Retarded about the Tories and terrorism






You are the retarded when it comes to the Tories. You are basically a brain dead midget who has the appearance of a dead midget who was killed by being slowly sandblasted over several days when it comes to the issue of the Tories.

>The party that's been in government with an outright majority for 7 years


I don't know

According to brit/pol/ he's the saviour of the white race in that he's given up all hope in anything ever being good again

He gets paid to be contrarian, take everything he says with a grain of salt and remember this is the man that accused his brother of being a communist in a newspaper mainly because they disagreed on religion

Can you repeat the question?

Chris was an open Marxist. His last words were "Capitalism, downfall"


He had fallen out with communism and the established left by the time of the Iraq war


Pathetic cunts, Moat was right.

>Some day my prince will come, say Vanuatu worshippers of mere mortal royal Philip


Reddit might be more enjoyable for you. Go there

He really is the Prince of Banter

Goddamn pol... I am so anxious atm about seeking a career.
I get the feeling that at the end of these three years of Uni I will have nothing to show for it... wtf good is a degree? What experience does that give me? I just waste away my days drinking or doing nothing productive.

Voting is futile desu but fuck tactical voting. Vote for the best party

>tfw your volcano god retires and a massive storm appears

Like poetry.

Go to Africa to be a gravel farmer like the man in your picture.

Visit the national parks. The Lake District, go see the Cotswolds. As for Scotland, don't have familiarity with up there but all of Britain has beautiful countryside and shit to see. Contrary to what that other user said, stay away from London. You can go if you want but it's the same as every other shit, dirty, overcrowded metropolis in the world, with a European twist and some older architecture. Kind of sad that foreigners think of London these days and have unironic fear of being exploded by a sandnigger. Fuck this country.


Why did you become a nonce? Is it because no woman will ever willingly touch you and you can only overpower prepubescent girls?

Oh great where I'll get even less accomplished

Just finished my degree today and so far I can tell you it has done me no good. I have applied for a job on the railway that I literally could have got without a degree. Hopefully I get it otherwise fuck knows what I'll do.

Why even try in this world? There will always be someone better than you and Chad will always win.

The best thing to do is break out of society.

You newfags always do this.
>m-maybe if I call him a nonce and tell him le neck yourself XD he will go away
lmaoing at ur life

I'm addicted to porn lads. I've wanked it 9 times today. It's a good thing I have a full time job otherwise I'd wank myself to death.

Do I just kill myself or keep going because I really don't think I can stop

>uses newfag as an insult
>posts anime
>laughs at others lives

You watch cartoons of sexualised school children you sick fuck.

>*blocks your path*

>I've wanked it 9 times today.

It's ok to be new. Don't get defensive about it.

>wanked 9 times today
>it's only 10 in the morning

Daily reminder i am the first namefag on brit/bant/

called puberty dude, you will grow out of it

Tbh yes suicide is your only option at this point mate.

>fuck knows what to do
I can think of a few things involving a rope and a high beam.

Add to the fact that I fell for the university scam, I have to go back to fucking London.

Why are the left so racist?

>diverting this hard that he is aroused by children

It's not okay to be a nonce.

This blackpilled cuck again. Hello, friend!

I enjoyed memeing with you yesterday. Let's continue.

The democrats are the real racists user!

you will never EVER stop anime from
being posted on Sup Forums. How does it feel newfag? Wish this site was more like Reddit hmm?

>I have to go back to fucking London.
No you don't just get a shit job and stay in your Uni town unless you hate it there aswell. Then you might be right about that rope.


He's trying to be allowed back into the Tory party, the slant-jawed weasel.

>I am right about the rope

What's your skype? I'm quite up for a virtual wank session if you are. We could watch the same video and see who spunks first?

Why is le reddıt/newfag always the first and last resort of Nonces here when called out? Do they think they can somehow divert away from their pathetic peodophilic fetish by somehow accusing those not blighted with such abhorrent perversions of these nonsensical things with zero grounds to do so while simultaneously posting more peodophilic images of cartoon school girls?

The mind of the nonce would be sad if it wasn't so degenerate.

also stay away from every tourist site because there may well be a terrorist attack

Where abouts in the country are you mate? Pop down to Kent for a pretty suicide pint mate. First rounds on me.

Karen supports a free and independent Britain.

What's ur e-mail m8?

>good goy don't vote

>good goy, keep voting

Because anyone who actually gets annoyed at seeing anime on Sup Forums can only be new. You've probably been called newfag about 100 times since you came here when the election was called, hence why it's getting to you. Or are you one of the Trump election newfags? All the same and so easy to spot.

Complaining about anime images on Sup Forums is the very definition of newfaggotry.


>14dPrussianfencing at 10:10am

The good people are reaching out with their message of love.

What did you lads study?


I believe the Conservative Party will retain government at the next general election