Say hi guys, you are famous.
Seriously can we start posting the usual anti faggotry, redpill Jewish, racist stuff?
This place is becoming candyland, except for a few good autists
Say hi guys, you are famous.
Seriously can we start posting the usual anti faggotry, redpill Jewish, racist stuff?
This place is becoming candyland, except for a few good autists
Op's Id:PO
Poo in loo
just commenting that is really autistic.
I agree. But it's nice having influence.
Also POO
Also poo in loo?
Whatever you say, poo
OMG I'm going to retweet this on my Alt-Right account. Shadilay, bros!!1!
That guy is so fucking cringe
I want to say hi to the Rothschilds and to Macaroni.
What did you meant by this?
Can we just keep the anti-semitism down please? Its really not good if we want to attract
new members to the alt-right. We're nationalists but we're not nuts.
Pedo talk?
What are you, a faggot? You're just letting weak-minded normies that can be easily swayed by what they read and see without having the capability to construct arguments and opinions.
Case in point: the_donald posters here in Sup Forums. They turned a blind eye about the Syria Bombing, claiming Trump dindu nuffin and Assad really is guilty. Tf? /sg/ generals have been present way before /ptg/ and its been long established that Assad is /ourguy/
Ok poo
hi world, i posted everything on pastebin.
yes australians are in the game of exposing crooks aswell.
communist macron should disappear with his granny wife while they still can.
You sir, are an idiot
Loads of aussies are on the ball, shit even poo here is on it
honestly what does macron see in that old bag. i must be like banging a bag of rice.
I am a liberal dem that has been here since 07.
We have to spam nazi and race shit 24/7. The faggots will stop coming if we make it stormfront 2.0 because they cant show their friends a nazi website.
I bump every nazi thread I see
This literally proves most aussie posters are paid shills that pick that server. Like honestly, kys Jew
>Can we just keep the anti-semitism down please? Its really not good if we want to attract
>new members to the alt-right. We're nationalists but we're not nuts.
Heil Hitler Heil Trump GTK
take the south korea redpill