Stephen King works for CIA

>Stephen King gets hit by a van in 1999
>man who hit him mysteriously dies from medication overdoes on Stephen King’s birthday the following year
>on his fucking birthday

>his writing suddenly turns to shit in 2000’s right after he get hit by the van and has the man killed
>the CIA probably approached him around that time
>they make deal and King agrees to put propaganda in his stories
>stories become more and more dumbed down, less and less detail to lower consciences level of readers and make them think less
>same thing is being done with movies the last 10 years

>Stephen King writes a book called 11/22/63
>the most obvious CIA propaganda ever
>pounds the Oswald story into everyone’s head even more even though it’s BS and we all know who really had JFK killed
>full of liberal guppy shit

>his wife is a Jew
>his children are ugly Jews by extension
>the only man he ever collaborated with was a Jew named Perter Straub
>they wrote two books together
>pic related is King and Straub

>voted for Hillary
>70% of his tweets in 2016 were attacking Trump
>wants open borders
>lives in Maine which is 95% white population and he lives in a nice big safe house and will never have to deal with shitskins but wants the rest of us to suffer so we can have muh diversity

>Stanley Kubrick produced The Shinning based off of King's book, and we all know Kubrick worked for the CIA and even got them to do favors for him
>Kubrick often borrowed high tec cameras from the CIA
>In case you don't know, the CIA does favors for no-fucking-body
>unless they owe you
>for faking the moon landing
>also, how did Kubrick know that they even had these special cameras to begin with if he hadn't used them before?

>it's all connected
>still doing research

Other urls found in this thread:

In 2003, King began writing a column on (((pop culture))) which was mostly CIA propaganda, but not surprising since most music, TV, and novels, have heavy CIA propaganda. It’s public record that the CIA spends billions to influence Modern music videos and modern “art”

In 2006, King published an apocalyptic novel called Cell. The book features a sudden force in which every cell phone user turns into a mindless killer. King noted in the book's introduction that he does NOT use (((cell phones)))

>He knows

Steven King has always been shit, i've read spookier shit in creepy pasta threads.

King is about to release a new novel called Sleeping Beauties, which is going to be Feminist propaganda about how men could never live without women because they do everything for us.

>all the women turn to stone or something

>It will never be 2011 and you're reading creepy pastas for the first time.

He's writing used to be good. I read IT as a teenager and when I compare IT to his latest work it's like a different person wrote it. It's not even the same style, it's dumbed down shit like those stupid crime thrillers you buy at the airport.

I miss those threads.

Kubrick wasn't bad.
He tried to put clues in his movies to "redpill" his viewers.

At a certain point, they thought he crossed the line and took him out. He died right when he was working on a film directly detailing Masonic rituals and the affluent dominating New York city.

>In a future so real and near it might be now, something happens when women go to sleep; they become shrouded in a cocoon-like gauze. If they are awakened, if the gauze wrapping their bodies is disturbed or violated, the women become feral and spectacularly violent; and while they sleep they go to another place...

>The men of our world are abandoned, left to their increasingly primal devices. One woman, however, the mysterious Evie, is immune to the blessing or curse of the sleeping disease. Is Evie a medical anomaly to be studied? Or is she a demon who must be slain?

>Set in a small Appalachian town whose primary employer is a women's prison, SLEEPING BEAUTIES is a wildly provocative, gloriously absorbing father/son collaboration between Stephen King and Owen King.


On January 25, 2013, King published an essay titled "Guns" which discusses the gun debate in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. King called for gun owners to support a ban on automatic and semi-automatic weapons. He wrote: "Autos and semi-autos are weapons of mass destruction."

King's work has always been leftist propaganda and full of pedo references. He's a sick goy, how else do you think he became such a prominent celebrity?

>It’s public record that the CIA spends billions to influence Modern music videos and modern “art”
Can you post some info?

Under the Dome is the only decent book King has written since he got hit

that crash knocked something a loose

love his books from the 80s and 90s

>pedo references

I was completely unprepared for that kid orgy scene in IT

Leave Kubrick out of it you fucking faggot. He subverted, insulted and destroyed the books of corrupt dipshits he hated, turned them into better art, for fun (Anthony Burgess, Arthur C. Clarke, Nabakov, Stephen King, etc)..

Under the Dome was the worse one he's ever written. It's all about "Republicans" and "Democrats"
us vs them
and you know who the bad guys were. Those damn republicans who wouldn't give up their guns!

Much effort for such small return. So what if King went CIA?

NO one reads his shit since the 90's.

I do love conspiracy theories.

Mine is we did land on the Moon and found the dwellings of silicon based aracnids. Their technology is far behind humans.

If NASA ever releases the video, untouched, of Apollo 16 at House Rock you would see yourself. I had a copy of a heavily edited Duke video that shows him tearing a box from one of the glass covered mounds (house) of an aracnid that had Hu dressed of wires attached. If WS funny wat hinges him trying to put the box in a sample bag.

Anyway, great theory on King.

He's just another cuck hippie boomer faggit who lives in ultra-white maine. spends his days social signaling and being a boomer faggot cuck. can't wait for that generation to whither away and slither back under the rock they crawled out from.

wtf i love Kubrick now

He was truly an artist.

*cough* (((Kubrick))) *cough*

You need to get laid.

I read that before I tried to follow him on twitter and realized how lefty he was

Maybe if I read it now I would see that

pics or didn't happen

I think we can all agree that the Dark Tower sucked ass though

Especially after that 3rd book

Don't worry I've got this GREAT idea for diversity its called Gremlins Mayhem

Take this shit to /x/. The tinfoil beanie brigade will love you over there.

Your comment Red pilled me into realizing that the "illuminati" that blacks rant about aka Kanye jay-z Beyoncé etc. Are just artists who were payed off to present music (written/created by jews) to lower musical standards to dull the population. Which I've always known but never connected that that is probably what the "illuminati" aspect comes from. The good Ole cia

>CIA spends billions to influence

and we do it for free

post silicate spider titties or gtfo


I want to get paid for shitposting like the CIA does!
They take shit posting to the next level with their "art" propaganda. Search "giant shit art museum" and "giant toilet art museum"

Owen, is that you? Tell your dad he's a faggot.

You are actually spending time doing this

>his writing suddenly turns to shit in 2000's
>implying it was good at some point


>Stephen King gets hit by a van in 1999

Yeah and the movies gonna bomb i just don't see how those books can work in a movie format there's a lot of stupid shit in them. King is a lib cuck but he gets a pass for IT and The Stand though

Degenerate functionally illiterate retard. You faggots are why america is such a shithole.

Kevin Nealon looks like shit

i hate books with lame premises.

king may be one of the most technically sound writers of our era, but he is absolutely dogshit bad when it comes to creativity. he just dances between the forms.

>Yeah, I killed a CIA nigger with my car in 1999
And after that he's been on heavy medication.

At least I don't live in an actual shithole.

Dude, you've got to do something about your hat.

>tfw not fat enough to come into her like a wave

>Stanley "Hitler was mostly right about everything" Kubrick just being your standard Jew

Warning, danger, caution, this is a low conscientiousness thread.

This fucking KIKE hated THE SHINING.

How could you hate Kubrick's Shining?
It made your SHIT book look good.

Stephen King is a clownsucking faggot.

>At a certain point, they thought he crossed the line and took him out. He died right when he was working on a film directly detailing Masonic rituals and the affluent dominating New York city.

^Poster is on point.
Kubrick REMOVED Nasa narration from 2001 so the visual clues of 2001 fakery would be seen.

Kubrick is one of the good guys.

Loved Hitler, Hated EU.

da colors of da car weren't right and it made women not look strong and empowered :'(((

King's writing definitely turned to shit after he got hit by that van.

70's and 80's King was drugged out of his mind 24/7 and wrote straight-up horror stories and a handful of very melancholic, dystopian works under his Bachman pen name which are the best things he's ever written (The Long Walk, Roadwork, and The Running Man).

After he became sober in the late 80's he went through a weird phase in the 90's where he wrote a bunch of stories that were not so much horror as just unpleasant 700 page slogs that all tried to be edgy and attack convention in some way - Needful Things was all about how horrible small towns are, Rose Madder and and Gerald's Game were all about how terrible men are.

Post 2000's he's just gone of the rails with his "strong wymyn" trope pausing occasionally to give us a detached tale barely recognizable as a horror story, like Dreamcatcher, which was so fucking stupid and boring I never finished it.

Hearts in Atlantis, which was published not long before the crash, is by far the best of his post 1980's work, although not a horror story at all. Shockingly he manages to keep the "boomer wanking over the faggot ass 60's" trope to a minimum, and even portrays Vietnam vets as three dimensional characters with redeeming characteristics.

Lastly this topic also made me remember the guy who thinks that Stephen King killed John Lennon:

How to tell if an author is producing shit:

>their name is the largest thing on the cover

If he was really confident in his work, he wouldn't be relying on his name to sell his books.

Holy shit, I thought this was a parody, but it's actually real. I fucking hate what King has become. He's such a nepotistic hack.

not defending current King but you do realize that its his publishers who design the covers of his books, right?

>Stephen King has no influence on his book covers

Even relatively unknown authors get a say on how their book covers look.

he can make any demands he wants
any publisher would bend the knee to have him

all the best shit is made while the author is on drugs

like ayn rand wrote all her shit while on lsd

>his wife is a Jew
>his children are ugly Jews by extension

Come now. King is not a hansom man.

>Stephen King writes a book called 11/22/63
>the most obvious CIA propaganda ever
>pounds the Oswald story into everyone’s head even more even though it’s BS and we all know who really had JFK killed
>full of liberal guppy shit

Am, am, am, I read that, it totally paints the Jews as in control of the syndicated Mafia across America. I then watch the JJ Abrams produced TV show starring the Jewish actor James Franco. All the mafia are now WHITE MEN, total obfuscation of Jewish involvement in JFK Assassination. King literally showed that if there was a coverup, it totally involved Jews in the background.

Clearest case of hiding the truth I've ever accidentally studied.

>the book where a bunch of underage kids have an orgy in a sewer and the white kid with a white crush is cucked by a black kid and the penis is described in detail as being "extremely large" and then they all battle a giant spider

And the Beatles wrote all their best music during their drug-fuelled phase. Even a couple of glasses of alcohol helps.

but his kids are twice as ugly as he is

'Misery' is his only good book

Remember when he wrote about 11 years having an orgy in a sewer?
Yeah...IT was a good book!!!

The Mist was good, too, but the film was better.

He wrote it because they told him about the firmament (the dome well all live under, on this flat earth).

research how todays "country" music is designed to be actually fucking retarded and make whites act actually fucking retarded

I have never understood the appeals of his writings. Just... no.

Your theory fits regardless OP.

wasn't there aliens at the end also?
does that mean they told him about the aliens, too?
that would explain why he wrote two books about aliens, and then latter says he wish he didn't write those books. He says those two are his least fav of ll his work.

country music is pure cancer. its even worse than black hip hop now.
almost all music is shit now, actually.

>thinking that stephen king was ever good, or that the CIA cares about public perception of JFK's assassination 40+ years later


Straub's glasses make me very angry for some reason.

Kubrick used a yellow Volkswagen for the movie instead of a red one like the book, later in the movie he shows a red buggy smashed in car accident as fuck u to king. Watch eyes wide shut

>Watch eyes wide shut
Why? To see Scientology and Sex Magick?

(((They))) are good at infiltration and disguise. I see Kubrick as a double agent. Disguising as one of (((them))) when he was really one of the good goys. He knew how to play the game and got by with some powerful foods for a long time. That is until he started working on the script for AI. His last moments alive were bordered by am argument with one of the execs to change the script. They already weren't too happy about his work on Eyes Wide Shut. Accordingly, it was in his contract he didn't have to change anything. And he died soon after that. After Kubrick (((died))), Stephen (((Spielberg))) rushed in to change the AI script so that Kubrick's little boy robot doesn't get molested. It hit a little too close to home for Hollywood.

Stahp. I prefer the descent into madness the book had going for it. The film had the protagonist making rational choices.

wasn't he making a movie about the holohoax but (((they))) shut it down?

I wouldn't be surprised if they handed that script over to (((Spielberg))) too. As if him shitting all over a Kubrick's script can make it any better.

Kubrick was bluepilled as fuck. All his movies have to do with some form of degeneracy. What the fugg

It's redpoll disguised as a bluepill. He took the most bluepill stories and made them redpilled so normies can eat it up without realizing the contents. It's the best way to feed it to them. Covert redpilling. Leftist tactic is the Trojan horse. Kubrick used the same tactic. He was on our side and died for it.