>Sup Forums's influence on Sup Forums is more insidious
yes, Sup Forums's influence on an anime forum is really insidious
one thread is enough
>going on Reddit
Go back OP and stay there for good, stop pretending to go ironically
It's bad. The only bearable places nowadays are boards like /lit/ and shit.
Everything turns into politics, there is at least one (1) active thread in most board following this basic format:
>Redpill me on x
And the third or fourth posts have the word "Jew" or "nigger" in them.
I made my thread first Lord Sugar
hey you guys you wanna elect trumpo
>fer the lelz
You need to go back
>""""Sup Forumsnons"""" who crosspost to reddit
why is this allowed
yeah but we're literally on a political board
Sup Forums is a reddit board, dude. the last few safe places are Sup Forums, /jp/, /biz/, and some generals on /vg/
It is indeed interesting how Sup Forums has become irrelevant. It is completely dead, nothing comes from there anymore. It's all Sup Forums now. I feel like a lot of the people who "made" Sup Forums are the same people who made Sup Forums what is back in the ~2007 days, it's just that they're 10 years older now.
If anything, Sup Forumsnimu probably affects Sup Forums more content wise.
>Sup Forums is a reddit board
They're not the ones with ids.
That's me- an outlaw. A real bad boy who can't be tamed. My heart is black as coal and I must hang out with my fellow outcasts on the bowels of the internet to feel almost human. Also, Pepe.
it may be that the energy is just in a different place. To me the problem of Sup Forums is that everything became a point of discussion, which meant nothing really mattered outside of the attention span it kept. And that can only go on for so long before it's forgotten.
>My heart is black as coal
Yes, but this place, unwillingly or otherwise, has become cancerous because alt-right politics have become the hot new memes all the cool kids like to spout. Literally.
>/lit/ and shit
Nouns of equivalent quality
>not Sup Forums /leftypol/
Except Sup Forums is probably one of the most reddit boards on this site thanks to the election and all of the shit involving /r/the_donald.
How is Sup Forums anything like reddit?
>when was the last time something was done "for the lulz"
I don't know, all of 2016?
>implying we don't want to create 100% white nations with NatSoc governments because it's funny
Normies and redditfags will never understand.
>surprised that a board created after most other boards has a userbase from many other boards
>suprised when those users of the old boards continue to use their old boards rather than only using Sup Forums
>surprised when Sup Forums being one of the most popular boards has many users on other boards which have userbases almost entirely made up of crossboarders given how small their communities are
>mexican intellectuals
Sup Forums isn't a reddit board.
reddit steals translations from Sup Forums to post on reddit for upvotes.
The only time reddit has a presence on Sup Forums are those cancerous Naruto and tumblr threads.
Just look at a Naruto thread. All reddit gifs and imgur filenames.