Turn (((their))) star into a symbol of etho-nationalism. Propaganda thread here
Star of racial purity
Other urls found in this thread:
bump for lulz
Star of the Chosen Ones
Hail Kalki
Chosen by whom exactly?
Hail The Aryan Gods Return
that david kike never used the star! never its in history. zionists used that as tale meme they even believe in that.
stop spreading the 666 bible kikery.
The hexagram is way more ancient then judaism itself its an Aryan symbol of union of male and female.
this is great, don't stop
you should return then not being in america.
jews, arabs, blacks and asians out. keep Europe for Europeans
Not mine, it's from anther thread
Well seeing as how Jews want to maintain their racial purity somewhat.
Why not just exploit this further and create Sup Forums's own jewish purity movement? It can be about spamming hexagons online and calling anyone that's not a jew an animal or trash that needs to be gassed. And if they wonder why youi do that you can post stuff from the talmud that says that goyim children need to be killed raped that goyim are not human and have no souls etc. Also badmouthing "open borders" or "humanists" like George Soros and other multiculturalism pushing jews by spreading conspiracies that they will eventually force this filth on Israel.
Subversion in other words. It will red pill everyone on the jews while allowing trolls to rake in lulz+butthurt
I see a lot of potential in this.
fucken kikes use blue and white for their own land
use the color red to spread their kikery under "communism"
Its wrong you clearly are ignorant about races.
So you copy ad propaganda memes after being advised that its wrong.
Arabas are not a race.
Hispanics are not a race.
you proven low I Q
NO NO nice try rabbi!!!
not exactly like that
get the point?
If not you are low IQ
Israel is a nationalist state. Makes sense.
Isn't it already?
Do you faggots even know what that star represents?
It's the Star of Rempham.
It's literally the Star that God forbade the Jews from using, because it represented Satan.
The fake Jews took the star, and put it on their flag.
what is ny race
am i white?(i have white skin)
it already is for (((them)))
wunderbar idea.
just keep it simple keep it pure.
>The fake Jews took the star, and put it on their flag.
You wouldn't happen to be one of those black "jews", would you?
Now this is good.
Keep the memeing up lads.
>Arabas are not a race.
arabs are in fact semites like the jews
good info, hadn't heard of Remphan until now. thanks.
ahh, good to be reminded of moloch again right before a turning point election for the world.
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