Islam will win

Islam will win

No, this...

Have you got a problem with that ?

How? By blowing themselves up?

I honestly don't give a fuck. At this point Islam is actually less degenerate than the west. I unironically believe that if whites adopted islam A) White women would be in fucking check and out of the political arena B) Families would be stronger and there would be a huge baby boom of white children C) Social degeneracy would go way down, like all the way down to the bottom. So I don't even care if Islam takes over.


I see a sitcom brewing

>no more liberalism
i have no problem with that

btw. palp was the good guy

Did you ever hear about the tragedy of Abdul the rapist? It's not a story (((they))) would tell you.

Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jewservative.

I used to really hate Muslims and even was hoping to kill some when I joined the military a while back. Seeing how society has changed has realyl swayed me otherwise. I met a Muslim chick who is would be considered "progressive" by her family.

The benefits I can see from marrying and having kids with her.

>Almost no degeneracy in her family, except shitty uncles who cheat the system with their shady businesses. She didn't start drinking until 25 and barely does it now.
>I'm her first real boyfriend. She dated two guys very briefly and never anything serious.
>Her family has solid values and support each other. Her and her sisters are great mothers/aunts.
>She's was initially kinda liberal but after discussions on the effects of feminism and globalism she's actually a lot more conservative now. Her sisters hate niggers.
>Hates Jews more than anything in the world.
>She had a great career but so do I and we both wouldn't mind if she became a stay at home mom to raise our kids properly.
>Her entire family is full of high achievers. Business owners, Dentists, Physicians, CPAs, etc.

Just be warned, she is putting on a facade until you convert

The white House doesn't trust me. I feel like you're the only person I can rely on.



Impossible. Women won't give up their privileges. They'll either denounce islam or create a cucked westernized version of it.

women do whatever the power structures instruct them to do. if it became fashionable to support islam they would support it in a heartbeat.

>if it became fashionable to support islam
That's exactly why they are supporting it. But once it starts to encroach on their rights, they'll revolt.

You don't have much experience with women.

>Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.

They're slandering Jesus Christ

Silly goyim, it was over before it began. The chosen people control this world.

Doesn't make me wrong.


>The chosen people control this world.

Those chosen by Muhammad to rule over the new Galactic Caliphate, you mean.


Fuck off you dumb sandniggerlover.

(you) are 100% wrong kys

Not if the Blessed Virgin has anything to say about it.


Okay Satan.


thats a good idea

Islam will win a swift kick in the face

Muslim here, we need more people like you in the brotherhood. Join up today. Nothing to lose, friend.

You've been saying that for years now. Tell us when.

It will
Europe is fucked
And maybe thats a good thing
But one day im sure we'll meet again

What race is she