Why are Republicans so intent on screwing over MILLIONS of Americans and MURDERING them? How much interest does the Racist Cheeto Pig have in insurance companies? Republicans should be tried for murder once Americans start suffering because of them. Sad!
Why are Republicans so intent on screwing over MILLIONS of Americans and MURDERING them...
>excellent, i used anime memes, made a trump reference at the end of my post, and made a highly instigative statement about my political opponents
>surely they will take me seriously now
How do I give you gold?
Ask OP
I believe in the right to not make other people pay for someone else's problem.
slay op!
show these redditors who is boss
dumb frogposter
Healthcare is not a right
These words don't go together. There's either "Freedom", "Freedom to [verb]", "Freedom of [noun]", or "Freedom from [noun]".
Fuck off with your Newspeak.
It is quite sad.
There is a place for you, it is reddit.
Please return and never come back to Sup Forums
Yes, I agree. Healthcare should be paid for 100%, schooling too, and food, and necessities like automobiles and clothes. Debate me Sup Forums.
You lost faggot.. get over it.
Go get your sex cha...
Oh wait
>1 post by this ID
Never mind
Universal healthcare in the States has only existed for 7 years. People are acting like we're diving head-first into the bronze-age.
>1 post by this ID
Dumbass.... youre talking to air.
Sup Forums has been overrun.
Stop using anime for your shit you fucking normie bitch ass nigga
It was pretty shit compared to commonwealth universal healthcare too. I heard one guy say he was paying like 430 dollars a month in insurance as a healthy 20 year old. I've never spent a dime on doctors in my life.
fuck yes i love to pay half of my income in taxes and have my employer pay twice my wage to the state so i get "free" healthcare that is so shit that if i want anything done properly ill have to pay for a private firm anyway
t. country with universal healthcare
Do you even know the difference between positive an negative freedom? Negative freedom is lack of legal and political obstructions, so you can do what you want. Positive freedom is about socioeconomic issues being tackled by the welfare state
Wish mods would do something about these bot/attention seeking threads.
anyways waifu claiming thread now
Oh you spent a few dimes, it's just been hidden from you.
wow i wonder if you liberals are serious when you put those absolutely retarded statements
>freedom for mummy and daddio gubmint to take care of me my entire life
die you scum
sage your replies to (((1post))) OPs you fucking newfag
>Freedom to healthcare
I'm NEET so I doubt it.