is Macron doing so well in the polls despite being exposed.
How the fuck
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Because people are conditioned not to care about corruption
He's a Rothschild banker who married a woman over twenty years older than himself, a woman who already had children of her own, and he said that France has no culture.
Why would you think a leak would hurt him? The French are beyond redemption.
Macron's offshore money and Rothschild background should've been exposed earlier to have more impact on the elections.
There is currently a blackout on polls and news coverage of the campaign in France in accordance with French election law. There have been no polls conducted since the release of the documents.
Firstly, and
>literally not le Pen
Unless it's by someone that's right wing. Then they will be in jail and impeached twice a day.
>despite being exposed.
Because he literally hasn't been exposed, people have been digging through these emails for hours now, and I've yet to see anything that's campaign ending, the drug thing looks a bit shady but I doubt that'll cost him 20 points.
And there is more than enough proof out there that latvianon was faking the offshore bank account, unless he can post the SMART data now, which he said he couldn't so...
Also in EU we're not oversensitive fat-fucks.
Because those last couple days there has been a string of fake news in the campaign, all targeting him. People are getting vaccinated against them especially when they are as retarded as the Bahamas account one. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
The leaks seem like are an obvious false flag to add to the muh Russia interference narrative.
Because French people are pathetic, and enjoy their monthly terrorist attacks and want more muslims to destroy their culture. I feel disgust whenever I encounter a French.
because it's a fake dump
Because France is to tolerant. They would rather have a Rothchilder bank who fucks his school teacher and have off shore acounts then who believe to be a racist.
He does such a good job of looking and acting like an anti-France, slimy scumbag politician.
Baguettes; explain to me why he's so popular.
The difference between Le Pen and Trump is that people here are used to loathe the Le Pen family. They have dozen of nazi supporters who, truth be told, prevent people from trusting her.
In short, people here are afraid of her, and they will still prefer the globalist no matter how much you exposed him.
What we need is a new nationalist party, FN is too much of a hindrance.
And there are ones like this too, if you can I suggest to inform you about Nicolas Dupont Aignan, he would have been Le Pen's Prime Minister, has not bowed down to the oligarchy and he mustered 5% of voters during the first round.
Donald Trump was consistently ranked as one of the most disliked (or at least polarizing) people in the USA since the 1980s.
hes not.polls are for sheep, and only spread lies. the real question is how legit are their elections/?
What makes you think France won't/doesn't have a silent FN vote even though most of them probably don't align with most of the values of the candidate just to pull a "lesser of two evils" like our election?
I'd add that she hasn't done herself a favor during the debate. Media always depicted her as a "haineuse", a hater, and she showed them they were right. Macron on the other hand, even if I hate him, showed himself to be a very "presidential" figure, and French people really like that. That's how Sarkozy and Hollande did get elected.
Finally, the day before the debate, Macron assested that he would leave if Le Pen insulted him. She walked right into his trap. She is an incompetent unlike Trump.
>What makes you think France won't/doesn't have a silent FN vote
Because they didn't have one in the first round of voting, they even got less votes than some projections.
>"lesser of two evils" like our election?
Polls have already adjusted for that.
>inb4 hurr trusting polls
The French polls have been accurate within 1% so far.
>Macron's offshore mone
>despite being exposed.
All of it has been proved false.
You fell for it without doing any research.
You're right there will be silent votes, but I don't think this will be sufficient. I think the majority of people sees Macron as the lesser evil and votes to block the "fascist" and "nazi" Le Pen.
I've even heard of people voting Macron and getting ready to demonstrate as soon as he passes a controversial law.
I read through everything in the torrent and there's just nothing there. It appears to be nothing substantial, sadly. Honestly, I wish there was something that could take down Macron in there but he's squeaky clean. It's completely worthless, don't even bother downloading it because you're not going to find anything.
His economic policies are much better than Le Pen's even if he is a globalist cocksucker.
Hillary came across as anti white as did her supporters. This practically handed the election to Trump.
Le Pen is vocally anti EU, handing the election to Macron.
Do Americans want to dismantle the US?
Hi Macron
Because there's normal level of fake news and then there's this level of very fake news. Nobody cares about your le epic 4chin trolling
Please, avoid copy pasta.
And avoid saying things like
>don't even bother downloading it because you're not going to find anything.
I don't know if you are free-shilling or attempting to false-flag, but that kind of statement is insulting to everyone.
because fake news, you dumb faggot
please terminate your pathetic life
>All of it has been proved false.
Wikileaks said they haven't found a single false thing yet, and they're a hell of a lot more credible than the media, macron, or whoever the fuck else you can come up with.
Because Euroburgers are the eternal cuckolds, they love nothing more than taking banker and Eurocrat dick.
t. putin
It's from the hillary emails. It's pasta
The offshore banking account is not part of this leak, it was some unrelated shit posted here that was easily proven fake and user disappear without further evidence.
And that Wikileaks hasn't found anything false isn't exactly a bad thing for Macron because no email so far has been bad.
When do you begin your terror campaign to end the US federal government??
This was always the strangest response from my liberal friends. They'd parrot things about trumps character, while refusing to explain their utter hypocrisy when called out. One of em said he didn't give a shit, he'd vote for the mob if they were democrat
>despite being exposed.
Exposed of what? There is nothing exposed about him.
And he does so well because Le Pen is a complete retard.
The nationalist agenda in the west is cursed to be only carried by complete and utter imbeciles like Le Pen.
/polls are rigged like brxit trump.
They don't want le pen supports to go out and vote.
If that's really the case, I wouldn't be suprised, Macron is a newbie in politics. The establishment chose him because of that, you won't have anything to say against him. But don't worry he will have cases against him and will be as unmpopular as Hollande.
>What we need is a new nationalist party
Because a new party totally won't be called Nazis, too, and faggots won't shun them to earn good goy points?
Thanks for the update (((Rabbi Nate Silver)))
So basically, the French are pretentious faggots who prefer platitudinous milquetoast puffery over passion and truth? Unsurprising!
And boy are French politicians corrupt. Chiraq and Sarkozy were both crooked, Fillon hung on in the running for president despite his corruption being exposed, as if he could get away with it.
Any, as to OP's question. Le Pen appeals to the right wing, Macron to everyone to the left of her, which is all the centre ground and more. It's going to take a big change in public attitude to shift that le Pen's way. Maybe more corruption and incompetence from Macron, he's not an experienced political afterall, and more terror attacks.
okay, so it's not even shilling or falseflag, but basic trolling.
Already 40% are willing to vote for Le Pen just bbased on the nationalist hot air alone. She could easily win if it weren't so pathetically obvious she has no plan and no idea what she's talking about.
She's just some dumb rich kid who's only employment ever was daddys party.
Find a nationalist leader who isn't a hollow bimbo and you can win.
Maybe, but in all cases it will be much less worst than with FN. They have a whole history that media use against them.
Go Le Pen, praise kek!
>platitudinous milquetoast puffery
>who prefer platitudinous milquetoast puffery over passion and truth?
Except it was Le Pen who waffled around all the time and Macron who gave clear figures and facts.
Le Pen kept compromising herself by backpedaling on euro and EU issues.
>When do you begin your terror campaign to end the US federal government??
We should be happy that politics has moved to the centre being challenged from the right. That's a shift in our favour.
Centrist's will need to consider socially right wing and economically left wing policies to please voters. In other words, less immigration.
>EU issues
The EU is finished.
The media has been vilifying Le Pen for years now. No one's going to vote for her even though most of her policies make more sense than Macron's.
oh, I don't know OP.
do you think maybe the fact that the leaked documents are fake has anything to do with it?
You have been pretty inactive lately. Maybe you should appreciate the EU for what it is in its current form.
An ideal US. Much more autonomy for member states. No "positive" discrimination either.
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Do French people really want to leave NATO?
Sad truth
Any tips on how to read faster?
Kek. Poor deluded drone. Le Pen already said she won't leave. She doesn't have any spine.
Should have rooted for Melenchon.
The French are shit when not under the iron-fisted rule of a Most Catholic absolute monarch.
Because the UK pulled out? Maybe you haven't noticed, but EU countries have been voting for people who want to stay in the EU. France is looking like they'll be the latest. It's looking like the UK are just going to be alone in this.
Macron was the only candidate who didn't want to leave NATO. Do the math.
You're telling me she got to the second round based on all that hearsay?
She has a plan, people somewhat like it and she has a strong message.
Kill yourself merkel
The EU is an extra-governmental control scheme for the benefit of central bankers and social engineers. It is indefensible and that Europeans do defend it just shows what pathetic beaten down morons they are.
Why though? I'm not saying they should stay - the French should do what they want - but I dont get the motivation for leaving.
>5 shekels have been deposited in your bank account
Its meme warfare they are trying to demoralize LePen voters by telling them they have no chance of winning. What we have to do is keep that line but tweak it. She could sin if everyone gets out and votes.
Whites are disadvantaged in the US for their race by your government.
You are a pathetic bunch of cuckold's.
Guess what. In real life people love beeing european and are Pro EU.
Libé, one of the main newspaper just said according to wikileak, it is a 4 chan joke made by the same Russian hackers who attacked Hillary.
Wikileak said the leak was probably a fake made to point a finger at Russians.
>You're telling me she got to the second round based on all that hearsay?
Yes. Voters are retards who just wanted someone to tell them they'll be "different".
>She has a plan
No she doesn't. I wish she did, but its painfully obvious she has no clue.
>Why though?
Why should they stay? What is it good for to them?
Germany isn't gonna invade them anytime soon, so who would they need a miltiary alliance against?
To regain their full sovereignty from a bunch of unelected elites who don't have the interest of their country or their people in mind.
Because in the middle of your shitstorm of fake news, real news look suspicious and fake if they aren't . You've been pawned ahah
>Be anti-EU
>Caring about EU problems
it's almost as if
you're trying to bait me
NATO was never about Germany.
You're thinking of the EU.
Whites are disadvantage in the EU too, not only by the jokes that you call national governments, but also by the unelected EU tyrants who are your true masters.
This will be surely the end of The EU, says increasingly nervous man
enjoy your 3rd-world country
Macronteam, well done, we won this one. Time to get some rest.
>"positive discrimination"
You are a second class citizen in the US and you defend it while attacking the EU which does no such thing. I get the feeling you are shill that does it for free.
Given that her waffling around was about if she wants to leave or not, yeah I fucking care.
>NATO was never about Germany.
It definitly was also about germany for the french. But at any rate, its not anymore, so they have no need for it.
Because it's anything but le pen.
Maybe the leak came from Macron's office? There's nothing in those documents after all. This will put Le Pen in bad shape and show that Macron has nothing to hide.
Meme it.
>World War 2 ended with the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers. On 8 May 1945
>The Treaty of Brussels, signed on 17 March 1948 by Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, and the United Kingdom, is considered the precursor to the NATO agreement.
Do you really think NATO is about Germany?
He's not exposed, it's just twitter and facebook. He will be after being elected thought.
This. Polls are literally only used as a political instrument of directing the people toward the favoured candidate. I've seen this shit happen already twice when polls have been giving an insane dominance to one (media favourite of course) candidate and he actually LOST.
Pre election polls should be illegal.
delet this
look at this closet faggot's face and imagine how satisfying it would be to deck him right between the eyes
Fake polls from the MSM
All of you certainly know more about Macron than most of the French. The vast majority of them cannot understand english and thus stick to their extremely jewed media.