Why are Gen Xers and Millenials obsessed with tattoos when they're weak as fuck?
Why are Gen Xers and Millenials obsessed with tattoos when they're weak as fuck?
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>hey morty, le god doesnt exists xD
this is the apex point in liberal comedy
I got one when I joined the military
Probably something to do with all the tattoo shows in the early 2000's
Also the stigma of having a tattoo was destroyed by leftists. I remember when I was a kid only criminals and sailors had tattoos
What did you do in the nu-military, user?
They don't know that these shitty cartoon and video game tats are going to be irrelevant in 10 years.
Youre just a piss weak American who's a scared girls dick when it comes to tattys
Source: tatted
For me, it was because I was raised crazy liberal. Which lead to almost 20 years of heroin and many other horrible decisions. Been clean for 5. Regret every one of them. I'm 40 in 3wks.
Repaired and operated .50 cal machine guns and all kinds of small arms and spec ops weapons.
But I'm going to get another tat once I get my black belt in Thai kick boxing
Yeah you and 90% of kids here who cant handle having control of their own lives outside of mom and pops house
Screw you midori you couldn't handle military life.
You can't seem to control your anger on an anonymous pastry forum.
>tattoo of a character that existed for maybe 4 seconds in a promo clip for the upcoming season of the show
nigga u retarded
>a scared girls dick
Holy fuck Australia LEL
>caring about what people get on them when in the end, we're all turning to dust
Just get over what people do and have fun with life, mate
>pepe tattoo
Why are you here oldanon?
Captcha is DRIVE VOLVO
So like. That would be the absolute best place for those people because then they can build a solid life for themselves from the experiences, training, and benefits. All while providing a necessary service for their country, making a draft unnecessary.
It's literally the best option for people in poverty, bad homes, with bad upbringing, and still amazing for people who don't have baggage.
Boy your recruiter must have been really pressed for quotas to let someone as stupid as you in. I bet he wheeled in an autistic vegetable child to take your ASVAB just so you could join.
Nah, it's just easier to identify a lefty now
Some habits are hard to break, friend.
The answer to this question is easy. Compared to people of the same age twenty or so years ago, the current batch of young people are so very much immature and they remain as such for many years longer. Thus, simply, they have no real idea about, nor do they even care, about what they do or think. They simply live for the moment.
Gen x . I have no tattoos, can't stand them.
In the 80s friends got them, I did not, even then when I was young and stupid.
Rick and Morty has already suggested that God exists. Satan is in an episode of it.
Rick and Morty has been against multiculturalism and shitlibbery in multiple episodes.
It is nihilistic at times but Rick is not presented as a rolemodel. He is a miserable person.
90% of nip ID's on Sup Forums are bored Marines at Camp Hansen
>I am a shallow person with no identify and a boring personality.
>How can I become interesting with the least amount of effort and no time invested to change myself at a deep level?
>proceeds to pay someone to permanently draw on their body.
Fuck rites of passage and common bonding with fellow peers who share a culture and experience! I want a pickle rick or starwars rebel insignia! Maybe the deathly hallows, I love harry potter!!
In one episode he prayed to God when he thought he was going to die, then turned right around and was a non-believer again.
It's a comedy. They do whatever is funnier at the time. And Rick is not a good role model.
>I was in the arms room so I didn't have to go to the motorpool
>I also took combatives to get out of gay ass details
you're so badass user, how can we all be awesome military dudes just like you?
spoken like a true faggot. maybe i dont want to be forced to deal with and tolerate these idiots every day.
One motivation I think for tattoos is that people believe that getting a tattoo makes them a more interesting person. They also believe international travel does this for them.
Hair dye is similar. Ugly and/or fat women dye their hair because it makes them feel pretty for a while. It wears off and they have to do it again and again.
I think they're looking for solutions they can purchase because the stress of achievement is typically too much for them. There's that point between discovery and mastery where it's just work and they haven't been pushed through it.
I hate that religion/atheism is treated like some left wing right win thing
So they can pretend that they're not weak as fuck and that they're like those cool tough bikers or prison inmates they saw on the television without actually putting the effort into toughening up.
Think of them as displays ones ability to think ahead or lack there of. The only ones I respect are ones that cover war scars or a worn by members of armed services (biker gangs to some extent though I understand theirs often an overlap). No respect for chicks or neumale beta cucks getting them. Clean skin is the way to go if you intend to be a normal cog (I mean that in a good way) of society. In addition the pigments are often lead based, not something you want on or in your body for the long haul.
Again, the answer to OPs question is this. From these simple facts, all other reasons for tattoos amongst the young emanate
Military service should be mandatory.
Prove me wrong.
> why do people like things?
> why can't they be normal and like anime?
>sheep mentality.
Are you mentally ok? Nobody is doing shit lmao
Hi, I'm here for the job.
>a literal neckbeard on top of it all
>belts in muay thai
Cause I'm already donating $15k a year to welfa-i mean military.
they're already trash on the inside, so it actually helps for me to be able to tell they're trash just by looking at their outside
I am more angry than I should be.
>only $15k
>poorfag thinks he can shit on military when he's practically on welfare himself
Ah, so he's retarded,
nah it shouldn't be mandatory
but you shouldn't be able to vote if you haven't served
also no gays and no females allowed
boom, perfect 1000 reich
*1000 year
I paid $30k in fed taxes, half of which goes to military.
If I'm gonna pay for your 20 year career then fuck you I'm not joining on top.
Besides, I engineered a comm system that will do a lot more than an E2 faggot like yourself can achieve.
Mine are all black Christian and geometric symbols. They have no meaning but black people think I'm in a scary gang and don't fuck with me.
Better to have it so that every man of age serves at least two years to avoid a feminized society such as the one we're living in now.
suicide only option
Go ahead and shun people with tattoos. If thats your thing, fucking do it. Who cares? Its your problem, apparently.
>thinks 30k is a lot in federal taxes
>thinks I'm in the military
>so butthurt and over a person signing a contract to provide a service for his country that he's spazing out over his weak salary and boring job
When you don't have a personality or any life experience, a tattoo is a substitute.
>look at me, please!
>these are things I find interesting!
>please notice them and if you like them talk to me!
Thankfully, the fad is all but over and the only people left in tattoo parlors are the trashiest of white trash (along with the usual brown filth).
>Branding yourself for life with an ideology you identify as in your lower twenties
They still act like it's some edgy act of rebellion when their Boomer parents have tattoos and piercings now. Tattoos are what people do when they have no personality, so they buy some affectation to have as conversation piece. Getting a tattoo is no different than wearing a fedora and carrying around a walking stick, it's cringey tryhard bullshit.
Get stupid tattoo for attention about a cartoon that won't exist for 90% of your life
As an E-4 shit head, I used your tax money to get drunk off rum and buy a premium pornhub account last night
Thanks for paying your taxes user!
So, not only do you have retarded taste, you're stupid enough to willingly serve ZOG? I hope you did it because of GI Bill gibs and not to "serve my country", I can respect being a greedy rat more than being a stupid meathead who doesn't pay attention.
Regardless of where your money comes from, it's your money to waste.
Nice (((try))) though
>show is deliberately contradictory
>fail to understand such a simple concept and tattoo your misunderstanding onto your body.
Can you two just post your dicks already so we can tell you which one is bigger?
>service for his country
KEK. You're probably one of those faggots who say "thank you for your service".
>weak salary
Yeah $135k is definitely something to be be ashamed of.
Technically I pay myself as well
Women cook
Faggots are camp makers
Everyone works
You spell way too well for an E-4 fuck you larping O-1
I'd imagine there's a lot of 'old' people on here because the level of discussion is more mature and real than most websites
It's only 6" but it's never been in a man's answer so...
>Screw you midori you couldn't handle military life.
Literally anyone can handle military life, which is why the military was filled with any dipshit picked up off the street for all of human history.
>and carrying around a walking stick
People do that? People who aren't old/crippled, that is?
Mine is 6.75" but I have only been laid once, with a fat black girl who had mental breakdowns. I live a sad and lonely life.
>literally signing a contract to completely give your life for whatever your government asks of you
>not service
American education
>still trying to defend his weak salary after comparing his pathetic life's accomplishment to an E2 which are typically 18 year olds fresh out of highschool
Damn, son. I really hit a nerve with you huh? You sound like an insecure and autistic man who's balding, is 40lbs overweight, and in a loveless marriage with children you aren't sure are yours.
Get help.
Most other websites are moderated to death.
Old people remember when this was not always the case.
Gee I don't know Rick
>All while providing a necessary service for their country
Unless you're an Israeli, then the being in the US military ain't serving your country.
Reddit pls. Forums were even more cancerous in the 90s/early 00s
typical welfare queen
Definition of service
a : an administrative division (as of a government or business) the consular service
b : one of a nation's military forces (such as the army or navy)
Pay attention in class, kiddo.
>literally signing a contract to completely give your life for whatever your government asks of you
You have no fucking idea what the average milfag does and you sound like a ripe target for recruiters.
Thanks, but it is true. I barely even have a high school degree let alone a college degree.
I don't think this is right, I'm attached to 7th Fleet which protects our interests over here in Asia. So I am serving the nation as far as I'm concerned.
They are worse now.
Prosecutions for writing Nigger
They do it in Brazil for some reason, never heard of it anywhere else.
No way is that permanent ink.
>Who cares?
Tattooed idiots. They always get really butthurt if they find out you think tattoos are retarded.
>I-I don't know what those contracts entail b-but... you dumb!
Why aren't you ranting about how much money your McBurger job gets you. Whoops, I mean your NASA job which pays you minimum wage. At least you designed a walkie talkie though, right?
>Why are you here oldanon?
I always love this question - as if it is the olderfags who need to explain.
It's the youngfags who should be out fucking women (or guys, idgaf) and stirring up shit, I want to know why they're here. Olderfags have done their shit-stirring, and how they're content to sit in front of their porn machines and read /k/ threads on Sup Forums.
>we all gonna die anyway nigga
Well, send me 100k $ then you stupid faggot.
Fuck bro I'll let you have it. You've probably experieced more horror than anyone dealing with a mental fatty.
Go get fucking laid bro.
41 year oldfag here. I thought I was the only person over 25 on Sup Forums til an age related thread had loads of us outing ourselves as oldies, including some sixty somethings.
I do recall the internet of the early 2000s, before social media, and where no one used their real names online and when there were no normies or women (except naked ones) and everyone could spout hate filled shit for giggles without a care in the cyber world. Great days.
Go back to Le praise kek! reddit where you belong
Spot on, why are these damn kids staying indoors all day?
>$65/hr is minimum wage
I can't tell if you are actually retarded or just don't know how math works.
>walkie talkie
You seriously think that's what comms are? Kek go join the Corp bro I bet they will be super impressed. Maybe they'll 'l let you'll be a SEAL!