>Sup Forumss ironic racism has been adopted by newfags that are real racists
Worst timeline.
Sup Forumss ironic racism has been adopted by newfags that are real racists
Other urls found in this thread:
renounce racism now bigots
What is this meme? Wanna meet up so I can shit in your mouth? Would that stop you from believing this?
>ironic racism
Fuck off spamshill
Stop spamming this you faggot
Troll posts and threats of violence... is this what /POL\ has come to? Honestly I miss the old days, before the new-fags came here and ruined everything.
Australians are the new leaves
You've posted this in like 6 other threads tonight
Lmaoing at your sad existence
Kindly consider kys
Australia do we have to have the talk about why anything you post is subject again?
Also, Shareblue sample1.gif, really? Come on man. If you're really a shill you need to remember to retag your shit, and I doubt you actually are, because ya know, australia.
Ok. Quick question. What drives you to make such front-loaded racist statements? Do you feel unfulfilled? Did Mummy and Daddy hit you as a child? What's wrong with you, you disgusting creep?
I would imagine it would probably be because you're basically the niggers of the english colonies
t. the best colony
No new replies..... wonder where all the racists went. Ran home to mummy most likely.
>muh old days
kys mate
Sup Forums hasn't changed
I used to be into right-wing stuff but now it's boring and not cool anymore. Back to being a progressive centrist for me!
>Not racist
Choose one
Just because you like watching your girl fucked by huge nigger dicks doesn't mean the rest of us have to, there genuinely are some groups of people that are undeniably genetically and socially inferior.
Are you dimwitted? Most Australians aren't racist hence why everyone is so happy here. Can't say the same about the UK.. :)
>implying Sup Forums was ever ironically racist
summer come early this year
Lmao you're both getting cucked by Mohamed
I know most Aussies aren't racist, it's just a funny stereotype
eat a dick
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
You okay dude? You seem very on-edge + racist + new-faggy....
"Let's just ignore all logic and evidence to avoid looking like a racist, heh n-no way mass immigration is bad and Jews dislike white people, right goys?"
Get a load of this goy
Sup Forums is just a hivemind of people with a superiority complex. A mere hangout for the lesser white nationalists and supremacists that believes in the cause but are too yellow-bellied to be of any significant help to anyone.
75% of this board are redditors from /r/the_cuckold.
Most of old Sup Forums is now on infinitechan because we couldn't stand all the newfags that invaded this board and took it over
>Sup Forumss racism hasn't been adopted by newfags that aren't real racists
We like stats, racism is the common result. I still personally judge people on what I can perceive during a 1st impression. If your dealing drugs in the park across from my shithole apartment vs working a job etc.
if we venerate the jews so that people are aware that jews exist and have such influence what do we win?
Oh look it's this aussie shitposter again
Get fucked burger
>Muh 10% german genes
fuck off mudblood
australia is a white nation. founded, established and built by anglo-celtic, french, german and dutch people, all the others that live here are not australians, but merely residents or multi generational foreign nations that are born here.
Like the stats that you are too stupid to understand or interpret
That man looks like a very successful consumer.
We should strive to be such.
Oh, and drive pic related
Just proves what a nufag redditer you are.
Get your shitcunt arse back there, this has always been the way.
>hasn't change
>t. the newfagg
terrible post
"timeline" is some current hip slang you fellow four chan kids use, right? :^^^^)
Shariablue at it again
>i address Sup Forums's racism
>get insulted
>get threats of violence
Yep, the golden days of Sup Forums are long gone.
I've been coming to Sup Forums for ages, this is the norm here, and you need to go plebbit.
good now go away
I've been here since I was legally allowed to visit this site. I know what Sup Forums used to be like back in 2015 and it is a lot better than this.
Nigga there's no legal requirement of age to visit this site, you're 12, go home.
Do not use that word again.
everyone has been here longer than that and everyone here is racist
niggers belong in africa and jews are the eternal enemy of the human race
And you've been reported to the police.
Troll level = antifa
>Sup Forums
>ironic racism
Kill yourself
>age confirmed 12
Remember to sage and hide underage post
Ol Clivey is a living fucking meme mate, you show some fucking respect or I'll fucking clobber ya.
Fuck the shit politics in this country, he would have made Australia great again
this thread is just some gay nerds fighting over the internet feels bad man
t_d cuck