Makes sense, right Sup Forums? What does this accomplish?
At least they're not handing them out to the live ones, yet. Coming soon....
Makes sense, right Sup Forums? What does this accomplish?
At least they're not handing them out to the live ones, yet. Coming soon....
>What does this accomplish?
Well to be fair by him dying he did make the world safer place.
That is nothing new or special. Blacks are simply accepted even at Cambridge university just because they are Blacks - and to fulfil the diversity quota. Getting a degree in aviation just for being a dead Black is normal nowadays.
They should have given him a posthumous pack of Skittles instead
It what he would have wanted.
They're still going on about this nig? It's been like 6 years.
will all degrees are are worthless pieces of paper with your names printed on them
The real reason to go to college is to make connections to powerful friends and their families to get your foot in the door. You dont go to harvard to get straight As you go there to get connections.
That guy second to left is certifiably not natty
>What does this accomplish
It allows an opening for liberals to rewrite another section of history. Faggots admire this nigger, and now they can add him to a statistic of "niggers with higher education degrees that have died by evil whitey (spic)".
It's so they can virtue signal even fuckin harder and claim he dindu nuffin, and he wuz a gud boi who had a edumacation.
Good for him! A black who may actually become something
Will this make Trayvon Martin more qualified to talk about science than Bill Nye?
History is being rewritten.
Lol this proves Universities are paper mills in America they are nothing more than qoutas. Go get a 2 year degree at a community college or a online course or two on a MOCC like coursera.
It will save a lot of money and at least give better opportunity than getting into debt while they hand out free degrees to Trayvon Martin's on campus.
Wasn't there a photo of him holding a gun and acting like a thug? And then the news if I remember right tried to portray him as a normal student when he was not.
>virtue signalling the dead
we wuz ded space engineerz and shit
fpbp as usual
Do you doubt the aeronautics skills of the African? They were flying when you whypepol was in caves
> Florida Memorial University announced this week that it would present a bachelor of science degree in aeronautical science, with a concentration in flight education, on May 13 to Mr. Martin’s parents during its commencement ceremonies “in honor of the steps he took during his young life toward becoming a pilot.”
> Mr. Martin’s death inspired documentaries, films, and books that touched on racial bias and gun violence, and put a spotlight on Florida as a symbol of self-defense laws.
Needs more dakka.
>kill all niggers
>claim you were helping them with their education
Stoopid whytees always mucking about, Africans is best!
If it wasn't for George KKK Zimmerman we would have landed on Mars and cured cancer by now. Trayvon was a one in a billion genius who would have taken humanity to another plane of existence.
We should make this a meme like the Darwin Awards. Found a university that doesn't even have an address and it's accreditation is meaningless but it gives honorary degrees left and right
>>Trayvon Martion has received a bachelor's degree in Hispanic Studies from Dindu Nuffin University
>At least they're not handing them out to the live ones, yet. Coming soon....
Yeah soon they will be giving PhD for making a rap album.
Oh wait, that's already happened:
>On Friday, a Clemson University doctoral student, A.D. Carson, will defend his Ph.D. dissertation in the rhetorics, communication and information design program -- and many are already enjoying his work. His dissertation is a 34-song rap album, “Owning My Masters: The Rhetorics of Rhymes and Revolutions," which many on YouTube and other social media sites are praising. You can listen to the dissertation here. A short video introduction follows:
Not like he can use it. Right? Honorary degrees are fake anyways.
>Lol this proves Universities are paper mills in America they are nothing more than qoutas.
That wouldn't so bad, they're pozzing themselves to death. At this point I'd think twice before hiring anyone that graduated in soft science, they're nothing but trouble.
They're going to turn this bullshit in a movie, aren't they?
Flying on Purple Drank is now credit towards a degree in aeronautics...
>What does this accomplish?
One day in the future an individual will make an argument for that kid, and will mention the fact that he got a degree at such a young age. That individual will not notice this small and seemingly insignificant piece of information about how it was given after his death.
Still, killing niggers is bad.
This actually sets a fine example that other young thugs can (should) follow.
TFW you're to dumb to even try.