What do we do about the Chinese Christian problem


Maybe not just Christianity but Chinese exposure to abrahamic religions in general. The last thing we fucking need is a bunch of evangelical Chinks worshipping Israel like they do in the US

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clickbait, not likely to happen and you know it

>Chinese exposure to abrahamic religions in general

>Arrahhu Akbar?

Go tip your fedora over at the donald

There are currently 100 million christians in china

Anything can happen. And the Chinese are so soulless that they'll accept anything.

Just to be safe the Christians in China should be eradicated

It's actually happening.

It's not surprising if you know even just a bit of recent Chinese history. A traditionally superstitious people who got their entire cultural heritage wiped clean in a grand Marxist cultural critique experiment (the Cultural Revolution and the New Culture Movement) is now clamouring for whatever culture they can get hold of.

Add into that with a mixture of White worship (Christianity perceived to be somehow a White thing), the potential for state-church collaboration (as in the case of the Patriotic Catholic church), and you get this current trend of China turning Abrahamic.

The Jews win, again.

i would give it top 50 milion, most likely around 30-40 milion people
pic related

chink crusade to remove kebab when?

chinese jews. just imagine

>chinese move to israel
>ashkenazis, arabs, kurds die under a hail of my brothers

This is very concerning. We need to reinvigorate China's culture.

How now, bong Mao?

White piggu Jew out of hory rand

There will be no such thing. Christian contamination has always been negligible in China, even when it had weak government and obsolete society faced with aggressive proselytizing efforts.

It is now negligible as well, excluding the delusions of some Christian pastors.

It's a miracle. Thanks be to God!


>reinvigorate China's culture
You'll need to destroy the Communists as the first step,

which I'm pretty sure none of the current world's powers are willing to due to many stupid reasons.

Well it is growing, just look at Indonesia. Chairman Mao Zedong needs resurrection

There are millions of Muslims in China and have been so for centuries.

You're too late.

China could take down the USA down with them and the USA will take dow the whole world

>Desu Valtu!

>not naming it Chink in an armour

Why is this even a problem? It's not Islam, and it may lead to the eventual downfall of the communists.

>loving the current world

You're just willingly being one of (((their))) useful idiots.

Japanese aren't chinks.

Speaking of which...


Cry More


>Israelaru is a our a greatest arry
That's why.

>not wanting an additional billion people for a crusade

Its like you want shitskins to win

It's simple. We kill every fedora and LARPagan on the planet. Then we can all be happy and gas the jews in one last crusade.

only americans and protestants do that

Amen! Praise the Lord!

Start being missionaries for Kekism

There is, in fact, a decent argument to be made by Catholics and Orthodox that THEY have claim to the Holy Land.

I mean, think about it. Israel, and Jerusalem specifically, are for the chosen people, right? The ones with the covenant with God. But Christians have a covenant with God too, created by Christ. In fact, you can argue that the New Covenant replaces the Old Covenant, and that Christianity has made Judaism obsolete since Christ has completed the Law and the Prophets.

tl;dr Israel is Christian clay.


Lemove kebab-aru should be a thing, then.

All I can hope for is some showdown with the west in which China rejects western culture as being subversive or whatever.

Doesn't the Chinese government still have strict control over people's religion?

2nd Taiping Rebellion when?

>a fedora ignorant of history
>calls christians jews
Can't say I'm surprised. This is why fedoras should be purged. Traitors are worse than kikes, desu. At least you know a kike is gonna stab you in the back.


Hence the Patriotic Catholic Church (the Roman one is banned).

Hence the Chinese Congregationalists (the Western ones got their crosses removed).

Hence all these Party-sanctioned and Party-controlled denominations.

I'm not a fedora at all. I don't hate religion for its mystical qualities or how it unifies people. I just take issue with how weak Christianity is.

We don't know how many Christians there are worshiping in houses, and the Chinese government doesn't either. They tried cracking down hard on them but it just made the problem worse so now they let it be.

State churches are mostly left alone they just can't touch revelations etc.

Aren't house churches a bigger population than any state-approved shit?

I would give anything to kick it in 19th century China tbqh

>Get the knives, it's time for some slow slicing

Let the Communist Party sort them out.
They don't tolerate any other cults.

>i'm not a fedora at all
>i just don't believe in anything and hate christianity
Oh, ok.

Depends on who you believe, but anonymous phone interviews about religion gives evidence that's the case.

>house churches

Powerless unorganised religion are no threat to the Party (yet) so they don't care.

>I just take issue with how weak Christianity is.
I guess that is why it conquered the western world
yea? Cause it's weak?

why didn't communism fall in China like it did in every European country?

Don't worry they're all Catholic.

I don't know if God exists and I think it is beneficial for the population to at least believe in God instead of subscribing to overly nihilist ideologies. I don't see how I'm a fedora. If Christianity didn't glorify masochism I wouldn't have a problem with it

They were willing to use the tanks

Christianity is perfectly fine as long as there's nobody abusing it to spread islam.

>get bulldozed alive and still keep growing

Actually, most of us who believe are protestants

>This is very concerning

How? You know these people are going to be in charge of the planet in 100 years when all of us whites cuck ourselves out of power. I'd rather have them have western style christian culture instead of eating dogs, and running over kids and not helping them.

in Croatia they used tanks too, but they realised it was usless because the police didn't support communism

Turns out hive mind politics works very well for insects
Who knew

Men with swords conquered, not the religion. If I reject the religion which is inherently middle eastern in origin and not western that doesn't mean I'm against everything Christians promote.

Really, if the slanty-eyed Reds want to cripple Christianity, they just have to stop persecuting it. Comfortable, worldly Christians always end up politically irrelevant or just de-convert.

wow you're so progressive

Every survey and study ever done shows that the majority of atheists vote left wing, while the majority of Christians vote right wing.

>muh desert sand religion kike on a stick
>muh troo roots tree worship
Yes, lad. You are of the spergiest of fedoras. You can drop the feigned neutrality.

I guess there's no sense in going with paganism or atheism, right? Because they don't get shit done, since one sword is the same as any other.

The protestants are putting the legwork in in China. However you feel about it, Chinese evangelicals are absolutely devoted to Christ. Many to most of the house preachers were in jail at some point, so they preach with heart and community respects that.

Catholic church doesn't work so well in underground conditions.

The majority of right wing Christians vote Cuckservative.

And it does depend on how you reject the religion. Some people reject it for its authoritative ways but I just don't like it for glorifying weakness.

Good joke.

Even the 'mainstream' Christians in China don't give a shit about Christianity and go on with their Daoist/Buddhist beliefs.

The rests who really give a shit are called retarded fanatics and tend to move to America.

the chinese really need christianity maybe that would give them moral and ethical codes

>worshipping a white dude when you're not white

seriously hope you guys don't do this

I'm not a pagan.
Christianity has been a good way of separating middle easterners from whites but that's about it

I think you mean worshiping the Son of God, Lord and Savior, King of kings, lad.

>moral and ethical codes
Sure worked well for the west, soon to be caliphates

idk im watching a documentary about them and some seem pretty christian

impossible, the Chinese have no soul

that's why they had to constantly repress buddhism and Tibet

>let my llamas go

Are you implying Jesus was white?

user the west got cuck when they lost christian faith look at eastern europe for a difference the most cucked are the most atheistic of them

>90% of China is Christian
>the chinks launch an attack over the Islamic Caliphate of Yurop
>purge Europe of jews,muslims and degenerates
>leaves fertile chinese women and smart chinese men to re-build Europe

Am I dreaming?Is China our last hope?

Christian parts of China were converted based on Buddhist ways. Christians would do anything to spread their Jewish virus, even pretend to be Buddhists. As long as China doesn't recognizes Jews as ethnic group and has control over religions, they are safe. Worth thing that happened to Christianity in Anglolands is splitting into 1000 different religions, private owned, where nobody even reads the teachings of bible and just use their Christianity to excuse their degeneracy. Christianity should be enforced by government unto Christians to be punished according to bible if they fuck up, only this way you will have normal Christians, everything else from there is Judaism degeneracy.

>Not blaming the atheists who vote for that

Maybe if Atheists had kids we wouldn't be importing people


their last hope user i believe we in the east will be okay

save me China

Nah I actually met them.
They are legit ignorant fucks who bought into Christianity because they thought it made them look 'modern' or 'Western'.

They don't know jackshit about the Gospel.
Worst of all, they are the type of assholes who repeatedly knock on your
door every SINGLE fucking day, shit-talking about how lack of faith is
sending YOU to hell and if you already have a non-Christian religion, how you are going to HELL for it.

The real fanatics literally immigrate to America/Europe/White Majority Countries becuz 'muh' Christianity

Remember only through misinterpretations of Christianity have Western Christians become more dangerous

>over 1 billion
>not fertile
Just because the government murdered babies doesn't mean they aren't capable.

Anyway, the high rate of RH- blood we have kind of ruins the chances of having a lot of babies with them.

>door every SINGLE fucking day, shit-talking about how lack of faith is
>sending YOU to hell and if you already have a non-Christian religion, how you are going to HELL for it.
Sounds like they don't want you to burn in hell, user.

China has super low birth rates and they're experiencing same decline in fertility (sperm count) that we're seeing in the west.

That's a cute one

no shit Sherlock, it's almost like the low birth rates were somehow results of the fucking laws in the country

Because the government forces them to, and they have a huge gap in the the sex ratio. No telling how many men will never have a gf.

Nigga you from hong Kong how the fuck you know what s happening in China?

This is like a Hawaiian talking about what s happening in new York

China's reduced sperm count isn't because of the one child policy...

That is an unfortunate Nope


It is not uncommon for Chinese couples to have 10+ children barely 3 decades ago.

cant they just go to another country?

Everyone who believes in god is just mentally retarded and should purged from earth. Would solve most problems we have...

Relax guy, I've got this.