Is OG Moot the savior of Sup Forums?

Is OG Moot the savior of Sup Forums?

I know what you are going to say... but listen to me...

I think that Moot realized how fucking powerful Sup Forums (aka Sup Forums, lets be honest Sup Forums has been irrelevant for a decade) was and saw the writing in the wall "if i stay i will be pressured to make Sup Forums another deep state propaganda machine like reddit/facebook/twitter" Moot thought, "what i sell it to someone from another continent with a culture that is still salvageable?"

Moot avoided being suicided for refusing to sell out to the deep state (like the reddit founder) while selling it to someone completely detached from the retarded PC culture and from a country that doesn't want globalization at all.

So before you call him a sellout or whatever insult you want to use, you should thank Moot, if it weren't for him we would be in "Neogaf - The Imageboard"

Other urls found in this thread:

m00t is a kike fuckboi

How is that an argument?


Still not making an argument.

yes I agree OP. moot has always been our guy. I like hiroshimoot too. moot is a cuck though and basically a nu male animefag.

>NeoGAF - the image board
The thought of this makes my blood quicken... I honestly fucking hate hearing about that shithole.

Go away, moot. Chinamoot is superior.

We only have Chink Moot because of Cuck Moot.

You have to feel bad for the timeline that has this.

A timeline of simps and hacks.

Whatever else you think about moot, I think he truly did believe in free speech, and this place was probably becoming untenable in America

How exactly would the deep state take over Sup Forums? There isn't an algorithm to manipulate.
The best weapon against Sup Forums is just sending mass amounts of faggots here to shitpost, but that's been happening since its inception.

Just like they did with reddit, take over every major subreddit mod team and ban everything that doesn't fit the narrative.

>Sup Forums is dead
Yeah, no.

what is his job is at google?
I doubt he knew how powerful Sup Forums would become. I would have never sold, would be proud to hold a piece of the internet that has so much influence.
I bet he's bored.


>I would have never sold
Just like the reddit founder didn't sell.

He ran away from his child after he got cucked.

I'm not saying it's dead just pointing out that the person it was sold to had every intention and means to retrieve and sell user data

Reddit founder got fucked over by the US Government.
See the doc "the internet's own boy" its worth a view
>I see your point

Who TF is moot??

Yall need to shut up

a group of literal virgins swarmed him calling him a cuck and luggage lad for months on end and people started gang stalking him in real life

what the fuck did you morons expect to happen when you scapegoat the owner of the site


Long live /bant ....the new /b

because he was being a tremendous faggot and refused to admit he was luggage lad.

he had to know any pushback would result in equal pushback until he was broken.

Is it good? I'm still salty that they didn't give us /mlpol/ or /kek/

Oh look, /r/the_donald has arrived

Moot was fucking AWFUL, he literally tried to kill Sup Forums, made it completley unusable for over a month (legit, every word was filtered, scrolling threads across screens, etc) and only made normal again when pol fought back on other boards

It's better than /b , No trap or porn threads yet

>Moot avoided being suicided for refusing to sell out to the deep state (like the reddit founder)

woah, that was a redpill

Moot got psyop'd with that luggage-lad cuck scam, he knew that they'd do anything to wrest control. He did the right thing.

Its kinda similar to what Sup Forums used to be, before it got moderated to oblivion.

someone post lewd moot pics

fucking kike , but yea he did good.

he got too emotional tbqh, he would've put the pussy on a pedestal eventually anyway.

wrong side of GG.

Like this?


Whats all this luggage everyone keeps talking about?

>capitalizing moot

why do newfags keep talking about him when it's clear they weren't even around when he owned the site?


m00t would have lost his shit at election time for sure. Hiro m00t just shruggs and says me no speaka engrish

This guy gets it. We only ironically liked m00t because he kept this flaming garbage alive. m00t is a faggot was a thing for a reason.