Do you want Hank Green to die just because he has a pre existing condition? What about Boogie?
Pol BTFO by Cereal Man's brother
were they dead before Obamacare?
>pre-existing condition means condition you have prior to obtaining insurance
>these people supposedly support obamacare that since 2009 made it illegal to not buy insurance
How can they have pre-existing conditions?
How can they be uninsured?
I thought these faggots loved obamacare?
Why didn't they buy one of those super-cheap obamacare plans in the last 3 years?
Shouldn't that be his "currently insured condition?"
Why does no one understand what insurance is? Think about what the word insurance means. It's literally preparation in case something bad happens. Pretty simple. Now what if the bad thing has already happened? You don't need insurance at that point, you need remedy.
Applying for health insurance with a pre-existing condition is like applying for collision insurance on a car that already got in a collision. At that point, you're not asking for someone to insure you against a collision, you're asking for someone to repair a collision.
See, insurance companies can provide insurance because they have really good knowledge of statistics. Statistically, you're not very likely to get cancer at 30, but it would bankrupt you if you did. So they cover every 30 year old at much less than the cost of medical care, and they come out ahead because most people don't get it. This is fundamentally what insurance is.
But if you already have cancer, you're not asking them to help you hedge your bets, you're asking them to give you money for cancer payments in return for a much smaller amount of money. How is a company supposed to survive by taking in 100 dollars a month and paying out thousands? That's the argument that's being made here. My car is on fire, can I pay you 100 dollars every month, and you'll pay me 20k if my car lights on fire? Why, no you can't sir, because your car is already on fire.
If you have a pre-existing condition you already have health insurance most likely and nothing's going to change. You'll still have health coverage
>super cheap
Mine was 400 a month with 8000 deductible and I only make 37k a year
Where are all these fags getting "cheap" plans?
What's truly insane about it is that these people aren't even mad that someone might not be offered insurance for a pre-existing condition. Most of them are mad that they might have to pay more given that they have a pre-existing condition. As though someone on a mountain should pay the same price for flood insurance as someone in New Orleans. It's the most insane willful ignorance of the basic functionality of the thing they're up in arms about.
Pre-existing conditions provide a difficult issue in healthcare coverage, there's no doubt, but the fact that people are yelling and screaming with such confidence about a system that they don't even remotely understand is pretty appalling.
In States that have taken the federal funding for expansion of medicare. Then those same states tax the fuck out of their citizens. Me living in California.
>want to be doctor
>4 year undergrad
>4 year med school (if you make it)
>4 year residency working 48 hour shifts (if you make it)
>2-3 year fellowship (if you want to specialize)
>half a million in debt before you even start
>have to buy malpractice insurance
>Commie wants my services for free
My sister went through this and is a radiologist now. I never saw her because she was always busy with school, studying for tests, working her registry/fellowship for a good 14 years of my life.
Now people are feeling entitled to her services for free and they haven't done or tried to do anything with their lives. She went to the most liberal schools and life red pilled her so hard she moved to one of the whitest parts of the country, but she'll never admit it.
This is why it needs to be collectivized
Imagine if the police were profit-oriented or the firefighters! Why can doctors and insurers be free to hawk and prey on those who cannot reject their services else they'd die?
The nose knows
m8 you are being a bit of a sped.
People with pre-existing conditions, and Hank Green specifically (as he has gone on record in his videos) would prefer a Social Insurance system like France or a Single Payer like Canada, given that's a political impossibility in the US they lobby within the cluster fuck regulated, subsidised and fucked private insurance system.
They understand what insurance is, they just don't think it should be applied to healthcare in the same way as other insurance markets.
Yes, fuck Hank Green and his pre existing condition. If you don't get insurance until you need it, well, its not insurance.
Am I allowed to wait until I am in a car accident to get car insurance? What if my house is on fire, can I get fire insurance then?
Why am I supposed to care or feel bad that people who are going to definitely draw considerable amounts of money out of insurance pools have to pay higher rates than healthy people who are likely going to take little to no money out of the insurance pool? It's completely fair that higher risk people pay higher rates.
>Imagine if the police were profit-oriented or the firefighters
They are, they don't do their jobs for free.
What the fuck does that tweet even mean?
I'm tired of this fake news
Police don't go to school for a decade and get it insane debt. Also you want the very best person being compensated a lot of money to cut your heart open and fix it so you don't die, not some dude that was just good enough. A lot more people are qualified to slap on handcuffs or point a hose at a fire.
They don't know what they're talking about, they're just parroting media fear-mongering narratives.
They get a salary from the treasury, but the police itself is not expected to turn a profit
They still try though, they are always out giving speeding tickets because their bosses need more money and finding criminals or saving lives does not pay
Everyone agrees that a 100 dollar ticket for illegal parking is outragous, butare perfectly fine with 100,000 medical bills because "Hey, doctors and lawyers need them profits"
This is what government subsidies should be for, not bailing out banks and solar panel companies
>get it insane debt.
Most countries with collectivised healthcare also have subsidised medical training and education.
The people who get $100,000 medical bills are the insured people who get to pay overinflated costs to cover the losses from treating those on Medicaid/Medicare and those without insurance.
Stripping away the profit motive from healthcare means high quality white doctors and staff are replaced with colored foreigners of ever-decreasing quality. We see it here in the VA and in state-run nursing homes.
That feel when you are such a massive faggot that you announce your disgusting colon problems to thousands of uncaring people in a failed attempt at virtue signalling
See, but then they're knowingly framing it as an argument about what insurance companies should do when the reality is that they want there to be no health insurance at all. The merits and faults of a single-payer system is a different argument entirely.
If they're going to argue about what insurance companies should do, I'm going to take them at their word that they think insurance is part of it.
I hope Boogie changes his name to his preexisting condition of
boogie should have to pay out the ass for health insurance for purposely being so insanely fat
Crucially though, it should be pointed out that this entire argument is centered on a symptom and not the problem. Health insurance is expensive because we don't use it as insurance, we just use it as a stand-in for any medical expense we have. It's like having your car insurance cover new wiper blades or a carwash. When people have those things covered, they don't shop around, and when people don't shop around, prices go up. Insurance costs have spiraled out of control largely because actual medical costs have spiraled out of control. It's not only the lack of a price-demand relationship in healthcare, but also because so many people are getting government care at prices the government forces hospitals to accept, leading to spikes on private insurers to make up the difference.
It can be easily observed that operations that are not covered by insurance or Medicare/Medicaid have the standard movement towards a low-price equilibrium. While the cost of having a baby delivered continues to skyrocket, laser-eye surgery gets cheaper every year.
Why are liberals so unhealthy?
Seriously, it seems all of them would die in 1 week if a happening happened and all services would shut down.
They literally live on life support
What would Boogie make his name? NotMyFault?
Must be horrible when you feel like you're gonna shit your pants but are a victim like someone dying of cancer. Such a poor baby.