We're fucked. Who else will side with NK?
WW3 it's happening tonight
Michael Foster
Other urls found in this thread:
Ian Gutierrez
>it's real
who /bailing/ here?
also fuck I was going to work in nippon this november ;-;
Nathaniel Jones
Right when my life was starting to get good. Oh well nuclear hellfire is more interesting anyways
Jaxson Campbell
>get nervous
>then remember north korea's nukes can't even reach hawaii
Samuel Lopez
Eli Stewart
nice repeating numbers
David Kelly
Honestly who do you think has the better haircut?
Ryder Moore
fake and gay?
Kayden Lewis
I'm liking Kim's, he looks really cool and collected in that picture.
Parker White
Never mind Hawaii, he can't get his missiles out of his own airspace and when he does they can't make it to Japan.
His bombs also aren't powerful enough to do the Putin torpedo trick.