Convince me not to vote Macron

I posted a thread yesterday but the responses were not really convincing, maybe this time-slot will be better.
On Sunday I will probably vote for Macron, because as a right-leaning libertarian, I agree with most of Macron's economic plan.

>simplifying labor code and relaxing labor laws to facilitate hiring and firing, increasing fluidity in the labor market

>simplifying small and medium-sized business tax code and cutting taxes for small businesses

>provide more autonomy to universities and schools regarding staffing, infrastructure, implementations of the state-enforced school program

>suppression of a unique French tax on wealth, which is very taxing on investing in France. Would this tax disappear, massive capital would flow into France's economy

>all around tax cuts for businesses

>all around spending cuts in the government

It resonates to me as a good step in the right direction for a more libertarian France, with a more powerful stance in Europe. France has a strong human capital with highly educated, innovating people, it's ripe for a booming economy given enough deregulation. Why do you guys hate on this guy ? I thought you guys were against the ridiculousness of the extent of socialism in Europe.

Other urls found in this thread:

Economy doesn't matter when you get murdered by muslims.

Economy does matter because muslims with high paying jobs and purchasing power don't murder people

you will just be ignored, /pol has no real reason to vote le pen

except le muslims xd

>implying third world hordes will want to uphold the economy and not just go to europe for Gibs

Ahh the good old 'the classic liberals have a good grasp of the functioning of the economy'. I suggest that you rather analyse the party's track record on voting behavior and integrity. Here our VVD/classic liberals co-formed a cabinet with labor and most of the promises were thrown out of the window. This will happen for Macron too, I can promise you.

Thats the same dumb argument that my retard politicians have made and look where that got us.

>On Sunday I will probably vote for Macron, because as a right-leaning libertarian, I agree with most of Macron's economic plan.


it doesnt matter because he wont deliver anything he promised, because he cant, because he has no nationwide legislative base to work with

vote Macron, he is the right choice for France and Europe.

digits confirmed

tomorrow will be a great day

Order Meth now! I don't give a fuck, have them deliver it to Parliament! Wooooooooooooooooo! Feck ya!

Because Macron is literally the Obama of France. He portrays himself as anti-establishment when he's the polar opposite he's been groomed to be a globalist and will not put France first. If you can't see this...Then France deserves what's coming to them.

Check Sweden.

Lel you don't know shit about Muslims, do you?

But yeh, vote whatever. Both choices are hell.

Or hey, if you're a real man and a descendent of the same French who did their whole revolution (cuckery though it was), go onto the streets and start chimping the fuck out.

He is a granny fucker globalist

you came to the wrong place for a debate
Sup Forums is only capable of shitposting and muh muslims type of arguments

What job would that be? Lmao. Here we also have muslims that aren't from middle east. They're indigenous people, and they also happen to be mostly trash. Malays are almost never in high paying jobs except for certain government positions because of diversity reasons. Its not like they dont have an equal chance either. They're even given hours off school time to go to mosques and have prayer rooms.

He's drug-loving degenerate

I c-can't a-user..

I second this.

you're a swiss faggot and not french?

Retard alert.

The good thing with voting Macron is that it will push the anti-systems to radicalize themselves.
The second good thing is that since he's very liberal, if the anti-systems fail to create a decent opposition, we will know what we'll have to deal with for the next decades.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




It doesn't even matter. Neither candidate will do anything significant.
Le Pen is not a proper response to problem and Macron is just status quo.

economically he's good. But do you really feel fine with so much Islam and nogs?

He does because in reality ordinary French and European is not really affected yet.
People here cry about it but that's just LARPing.
However, in future, when foreigners become 20% or more of their population, they'll start to feel it more and realize they made a mistake. However given their political culture, it will be hard to resist it peacefully, and I don't believe there will exist a critical mass to resist it violently.
But that's how people are. If he isn't directly affected he won't sacrifice his economic well-being for long-term solutions, especially in modern consumerist post-modernist world.
Western Europe is pretty much dead already. It's either slow burn or chaotic violence from now on, unless something extraordinary happens, like another huge economic crisis, but in any scenario they will lose.

Rothschild banker, Hollande, Merkel, the EU will rule your country. Not that Merkel and Brussels isn't already. The flood gates will be opened for Mudslimes to pour in.

Besides do you really want to have the pedophile that chased young Macron to be the first lady. She looks as though she should be in granny porn.

You are correct with all your points. I agree, Macron is the better politician and better suited to lead a country like France.
The problem is that we need a change in course. I don't see a longer term outcome of our current policies regarding the Euro/EU, Islam/immigration and decadence/decline that is well-meaning to us. Unfortunately MLP has no fucking clue about the economy or how to drop out of a currency union and her program is all about short term remedies with more redistribution.
But she would be a shock to the system that will lead to a definite course change and that's exactly what we need. What good does it do when a statesman like Macron, experienced in the art of statecraft, sails further along in the wrong direction?
It's a choice between two bad presidents. I would probably vote MLP if I were French even I hate her marxist inclinations. But then: As a libertarian I would hate France anyways.

None of that will come true considering his cabinet has been revealed to be made up of Socialist Party people

Literally bribing immigrants so they don't murder you. Literally 4d chess

as a whatever libertarian,

you are fucked up in the head and don't care for Nations.

Go live in the jungle where you can be libertarian all you want without parasitising what the nation has already achieved and what the people are taxed.

In a more serious note, Macron's economic policies are somewhat better than Hollande's and I'd even say better than Le Pen's.

However, the Germans will not allow the French to truly be competitive to them, otherwise, what would be the point of being in the E.U.?

But that would only be possible if the French people wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot and cry with paralising strikes and stuff.

1789 France is so fucking leftard in its core that no good can come from it.

His idea that people are only violent or have beliefs if they are poor is another symptom of Western sickness.

So let me inform you he plans to give 15,000 euros on 3 years for every company that hire a nigger or a sandnigger (on paper for any people living in the invaded areas).

Well yeah they just fund the extremists instead.

you're a liberal, you believe in the rotten establishment. go ahead and vote for your internationalist banker candidate, he's the choice for you, cuck.

Also, half the proposals you highlight will be no good economically. They will only serve to "enrich" the left and let them spend the money in unproductive and futile political ... "view" / "vision" / shit / whatever...

The other half, although probably good in an economical sense, would hurt France to such an extent that in the end, it would be detrimental.

That's how fucked up France is.
Only through a major cleaning (Not Marine but perhaps Marianne Le Pen) could it, maybe, become interesting.

That's my 2 cents

You can't if you're swiss

who gives a fuck you retard, you're not even french


Even if you don't get murdered...

A 50 thousand dollar per capita gdp doesn't do nothing for you if you don't have the most basic things for human life.
A nation on 10 thousand dollars per capita gdp is way better if you can function properly.

>muh Nation state
>muh white supremacy
>muh borders

butthurt much?

Ok you are fucking stupid.
I will not reply more to you, libertarian. Go choke on rich muslim cock and leave, please.

skillful swiss sarcasm

> Convince me not to vote Macron .../... as a right-leaning libertarian

Macron's Cayman Islands bank connection might be CIA front.
Same people intervened on the French election against Mitterand.

You right! High paid Saudi Arabian & Qatarian do not kill people themselves. Instead they finance all the political and armed groups to propagate radical islamism.

More muslims = more habbenings. Pretty good reason to vote for Macaron, I want to see how creative future attacks get, the Nice truck set a new high.

france will be led by a woman, le pen or merkel

Always expect the unexpected.

... specially when you have such a "simple" grasp on politics, its causes and its effects.

butthurt? no. delusional enough to think this system can be saved? no.
>muh nation state
they won't last
>muh white supremacy
i believe in monoethnic societies
>muh borders
it's too late for that.
nice post though, lenin.

Great image.

And the Spanish conquest of Mexico is always there to remember that only, say, 5% of men of ANY European country, if well organised and "well" meaning, can EASILY become a new nobility in their own countries if they chose the right path.

We haven't found that right path yet. Or at last I miss the numbers...


Just vote Macron. He is literally the establishment but with less backbone. This is perfect, just another puppet for the great german empire. Our archenemy does whatever we tell them. Deutschland, Deutschland über alles

Could you provide the source?

It can be in French, I don't mind. Thank you.

100% a shill, and this thread is full of them.

Macron is a Rothschild banker. That should be screaming so many alarm bells you can't hear. If hearing that doesn't bother you then you're a fucking idiot who needs to stop voting.
The only way he could be any more dangerous to the welfare of France is if he was a Rothschild himself.

Meanwhile the obvious choice points out how much of a fake puppet Macron is and that France is about to get over-run by its barbaric Muslim invaders - oops I mean immigrants.

While I mostly agree with you...

good old Trump with Bannon support was also a globalist elite, or a former globalist elite.

Don't fall for the trap that all rich people are our enemies. Spit on Marx and Lenine's faces any time you can.

Vergewaltigungen über alles

ficki ficki

wir schaffen das

Seems like you got it right. Most answers here are scared cowards who are afraid of foreigners and economic illiterates. Le Pen is simply a populist. Banning muslims is not going to help the French economy. A stronger economy will also lead to less radicalization.

We just need to make sure France get's all the ficki ficki. Macron would probably voluntary take most of the shitskins we imported.

Sorry I phased out, I was jacking off to granny porn

Because you give too much gibs, socialist cuck
But it's not a problem when Hitler does meth?
I'm a french citizen, friendo leaf
Macron is NOT status quo. His deregulation push is small for the US but almost unprecedented in France
Only subhuman peasant farmers care about Le mudlisms. People actually living along the muslims are the least racist and vote LePen the least, because they don't have the news channel as only interface with the muslim community, and have a better statistical representation of the Muslim french citizen.
stop reading whatever news feed you're reading man
How does it feel to have the same avg salary as the Chinese this year, Portuguese friend?
I'm talking about the son and grandsons of migrants from Algeria or Tunisia or Morocco, most of them are just angry because they're dirt poor because there are 0 jobs for them
that's fucking retarded, france at the national level will be lead by its president, and at the supranational level by the European officials elected by the french people
big banks are the expression of the aggregate demand of the people, not a separate system from our society. Do you deposit money into an account which you agree to be fractional reserve? Then you can't complain about intelligent people playing with your money. For me, stepping down from the bonuses from high finance tells me he'd rather lead the french people than to make mountains of money.
Most migrants pass through France or never come here. Our mudslims are coming from northern Africa, and honestly I'd rather have them than Syrians or Afghans or what not. Northern Africa is pretty comfy actually

Stop killing innocent jews.

i already voted for macron and I don't regret it

Some terrorists had a job and were considered integrated according to modern western standart.

Please, instead of reading economic stuff, take care about how work religion and identity. That's the biggest problem of people like you. You think that Muslims works like us but they don't. They don't give a shit about your obesession for economy and progress. And that's why you will fail on long term and you will be killed.

You have a Swiss flag.
That aside good look with your "Libertarian" France when it becomes a caliphate.

Vote for him.

He's the best choice.

It's that simple.

>france at the national level will be lead by its president
Sure and if Merkel asks him to do something he would totally have the balls to say no. Sure.
>and at the supranational level by the European officials elected by the french people
Kek. Germany has the most votes and the most power in the EU parliament. Your officians just do as we say.
>Northern Africa is pretty comfy actually
Now you are just baiting. You life in Swiss you idiot. You don't even have a shitskin problem and you're not even a part of the EU.

Make me

Do you want to be a puppet?

holy shit, you really are the ultimate cuck

If le pen loses, it's over for France. If you are a white man, it is your DUTY to vote le pen, and if you're a mudslime shitskin you should not vote at all and just go back to the desert

t. the best goy

>if you are a white man, your duty is to vote for a sub 50 IQ retard crook who has no real program
M-Make France great again goys

Yet these arguments were posted
>/pol has no reason to vote le pen
>except the fact that she is not a globalist and we don't like slimes.
>mfw you claim /pol has no reason, and then write their reason beneath.

Any rational and pragmatic person would vote for Macron. I'm not sure he can make things better, but well, can't be worse than Hollande.
The problem is that Le Pen is an incompetent idiot, so it's not like we have the choice.

>simplifying labor code and relaxing labor laws to facilitate hiring and firing, increasing fluidity in the labor market
Soros immigrant economy
>simplifying small and medium-sized business tax code and cutting taxes for small businesses
Shell companies for banker scams. Alsowill not be able to decide on staf or many other rulings thanks to the EU
>provide more autonomy to universities and schools regarding staffing, infrastructure, implementations of the state-enforced school program
Soros education programs staffed with obedient pawns. Still have not dealt withthe issues of free speech and violent coercion in unis
>suppression of a unique French tax on wealth, which is very taxing on investing in France. Would this tax disappear, massive capital would flow into France's economy
Making bankers richer
>all around tax cuts for businesses
You can only run a business if the infrastructure is there. This is just token gestures as the big players monopolize on new city developments compeltely inhabited by immigrants.
>all around spending cuts in the government
...great. Still enough money to siphon off to special interest groups or face the kinds of riots these scum stoke up though ay?

Fuck off and die blatant shill. You have no opinion.

France has always had a strong national, socialist hold on its economy, right? As you rightly say, probably too much.

OK. So in the world at large, this is something of an abberation. Many other countries have seen economic power increasingly taken away from national governments and homegrown/small businesses, in favour of multinational corporations. This is the force of globalism. People in those countries have begun to feel as if they are losing their ability to assert their economic and cultural will.

It may well be the case that France is too old-school socialist. But people from other countries, where the forces of globalism are stronger, can recognise in Macron an agent of those forces. His policies may on the face of it look like a sensible reigning in of out of date socialism, but they also clearly point to a globalist agenda - especially together with his person history and political alignments.

When they truly perceive and feel the affects of this agenda, most people do not like it at all.

>she is not a globalist
Fuck off

>everyone I disagree with is the Jew
>Soros immigrant economy
no, this would affect all employees giving them more power or corporations, migration in France is really small compared to Germany or Sweden, don't aggregate all of Europe
>Shell companies for banker scams. Alsowill not be able to decide on staf or many other rulings thanks to the EU
every business owner will still profit from those changes, they will be able to hire more
>Soros education programs staffed with obedient pawns. Still have not dealt withthe issues of free speech and violent coercion in unis
the education program is still state-enforced
>Making bankers richer
>muh financial markets are evil
making every investor richer, and providing capital towards economic development France badly needs
>You can only run a business if the infrastructure is there. This is just token gestures as the big players monopolize on new city developments compeltely inhabited by immigrants.
how can you be more irrelevant
>...great. Still enough money to siphon off to special interest groups or face the kinds of riots these scum stoke up though ay?
the point is that it will try to moderate the insane govt spending of France
>Fuck off and die blatant shill. You have no opinion.
>everyone I disagree with is a shill
>60% of French voters are shills

Vote Macron, please. With Le Pen, the economy would be in the shitter. I know as a Brit I'm not meant to be in favour of an Europhile like Macron, and I'm not. My ideal guy was Fillon; he was perfect. But for your own sake, you should just allow Macron do try to make his economic reforms. In five years, you can get behind a strong candidate who isn't fucked on social problems and actually believes that French culture exists.

>an Europhile

this is what I get for pronouncing all my words like the French do

rare picture user, mind if I borrow it?

use it however you please

He's not good.
Read about "pacte de responsabilité" and "CICE".
He funneled 41 billions straight into jews pockets, and increase unemplopyment by a relative 30%.
Shut your whore mouth and stop parroting what jews in the media tell you.

Here you go

Retarded game plan.
In those 5 years France, Britain, Poland and Hungary would be directly destroyed by Macron, meanwhile the rest of Europe would be indirectly destroyed by the EU, having been reaffirmed by the debts that you lot would be forced to pay, Euro-Skeptic and nationalist movements would lose all popularity and legitimacy when the EU is able to make an example out of Britain.
The collapse of the EU needs to happen in as short a time as possible, it cannot be allowed to recover and import more muslims over 20 years (because it wouldn't just be 5 years of Macron, as I said nationalist movements would face a very real risk of losing steam.).

This French election is genuinely more important than the American election, it's just not as fun a large part of course being because of how fucking serious it is.

Economy also doesn't matter at all anyway. In a sense. Since these days the richest country in the world has the majority of it's people in poverty or borderline. Why? Because the vast hoards of money the "economy" shows the US to have is held by only very few....and Macron will get you growth in France, (unless the upcoming downturn happens within 5 years), but not for the people hahaha oh no, he's an ex-banker, remember, the growth will all go to the higher ups, while you normies will be living in fear of terrorism and borderline hunger from lack of jobs.

I hate european politics, at least burgers try new shit to win. Euros just repeat the same formula and idiots always believe them. They legit pasta their election promises.

Macron will do fuck all of what you just said. With the massive welfare state France now has, if he even attempted to apply on of those tax cuts the entire economy would crash.

>voting for Macron
Just call it what it is, voting for Merkel, own what you're really doing.

The UK needs you.

Vote Le Pen.

>Economy does matter because muslims with high paying jobs and purchasing power don't murder people
There have been suicide bombers who are physicians and engineers, you fucking low info dipshit.