I will be short Sup Forums, my grandfather was a freemason and now that he is dead I would like to know what is going to happen to my family.. And also me and my father found this ring, I will post three pics, and having seen my grandfather's hobby was to be a freemason, I think this is somehow related.. Can you please tell me something? What language or simbles are these?
Hello Sup Forums I need your help
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You must travel to Mordor and throw the ring into Mt. Doom.
Where do I find mordor?
It doesn't ring anything to me, sorry. Maybe if you dig some more into your grandfather's stuff you could find which masonic lodge he was in; that might get you on the right track.
>my grandfather's hobby was to be a freemason
It's not a hobby.
mason here, doesnt look like anything ive seen.
what did your granpa do the 5 of may of 1936?
Follow the directions on the ring. Not for Mordor, but those are encoded coordinates. My grandfather was a mason as well. The numbers are the birthday.
Post tits
maybe he was there that fateful day...