What does Sup Forums honestly think of Australia?
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I met some Aussies once in Korea, had a good time drinking and shit. Really, though, don't give a shit.Y'all cunts do your own thing, I don't care.
you can stay
Bogans, Abos and Kangaroos, Mate.
Meme related
I would take abbo coons over African American niggers anytime
It's full.
i fucking hate australians. worst posters on Sup Forums, ruin everything
If you had 74 million abo's instead of the 400k you'd probably feel differently.
You're better than Canadians, but you should help Macron being elected.
Should learn there fucking place
can you start another war somewhere already, I want fight some cunts ayye
Paki's don't have green skin
I forget you exist sometimes
Those ozzies are fucking shit cunts, I voted for Trump
If you think they're bad, you should check out Tony Abbott and Julia gillard. If only we had the sense to turn those boats back England :(
holy shit thats perfect
Really nice but also kind of annoying.
Norwegians love aussies... Most of my friends have been in Australia either in their gap year, or for an exchange semester.
Similar customs and values, look good, know how to drink etc. 9/10 wud friend again
>when you get so triggered by us deadset legends that you start to blatant lie about it
You should've gone after them rather than the based Emu's
could be better
Fucking hate your government. It's like they think they're your mom or something. Setting a bad example for the US. Hate being compared to you.
I love ozzyz
All the ones I know are pussies and socialists.
The kiwis are cool though.
>It's too hot, can't sleep at night
>If you do, wake up in a puddle of your own sweat
>Going out is like going out from a hot shower, so damp and humid
>Need to have a sun screen budget
One day I'll come over though just to punch a kangaroo in the face.
Truly sub human worthy
sage anything with those two shit memes in op
I'm an American and Australian citizen both from birth. Spent them majority of my life in California and decided to study at a university in Australia to take advantage of dat hecs.
I am now staying because of amazing this country is and it's people. 10/10
Just the right mix of hard work ethic and casual attitude.
No, I don't identify with England at all, I feel the same way the South American's feel about the Spanish.
Weird accents, Muslim culture, strange food, always escaping some recession and moving to the 'colonies' because home is so much better evidently.
If we had stricter immigration our countries would have nothing in common after about 6 months. The Americans on the other hand, they kick ass! Since they took over the English speaking world has never looked back.
How are the beaches going?
Parkway Drive is pretty sweet.
Oh, and the Big Lez Show is pretty fucksn great
Shitpost masters, we all love you for the bantz
Do you ever see Abo's? Do they even go to school?
That meme is clumsy and verbose
>That's were the Aussies live
>That's Australia
Thanks mate
what were their hit songs again?
>Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
>Dancing Gin
>Knowing Me Throwing sticks
>Flubbawubba (Fernando)
Fucking sneaky bastard! Making me shoot beer out my nose!!
Get your guns back you cuckolded fagg pooftas
don't ease up on those abbo pigmy monkeys
Yeah, I normally live up north, and thats where you see more blackfellas
school attendance seems to drop further away from the bigger towns and cities
Aussies do seem to have a completely different sub culture to us, but you'll always be like our brother's. A new empire will always be there if you want it, mate.
About the same as Canadian's.
A handful of cities, 90% of the country uninhabited, yet entitled and want to think they're important.
underage b&
Also as someone who has lived in South America and knows them, South Americans are pathetic and the whole Latin American pride "fuck Europe" shit is a front. They desperately wish they were full European, could live in Europe and the women will pursue you like a bloodhound if you have European citizenship. Get real Aussiecunt.
Nice beaches, low population, desert. Its literally the most boring place on the planet.
They're all cunts
No problem, cunt.
Nothing beats being the size of the USA, more stable than Switzerland, next door to Bali and neighbours with the Thai's.
I don't think there's much irony left in the 'lucky country' moniker, we're completely on top down under. The best way to think of it is like being a 6ft2 surfer in a Thai beach bar. Tbh it's almost like living in a simulation, I hope we don't wake up
>Right click, save. Kek!
When ever i feel down, i just remember that i'm Australian and live in the best country in the world and i stop feeling down.
A good place to refuel a plane on the way to NZ.
nice place. nice people. too hot unless you are in the south/tassie.
thats what i never understood
shit like
>muh mexican pride
"sorry, i dont speak mexican"
>thats racist esse, we speak spanish, not mexican
they're my best friends
That's so fake it irritates me. Throw a child next time faggot.
Being British is going outside, seeing a Muslim, go back inside, cry, rant on Sup Forums, repeat. We're going to need some ANZAC help in the upcoming civil war.
I think you should swap the flags in your image
come on, achmed. at least make an effort to act like you know english.
Possibly the best country in the world.
You have a little paradise over there. I just hope you stop the chinks to come in a bit.
Worthless non-country, I don't think about them.
Australia is not real . It 's a hoax , made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace . In reality , all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters , drowning before they could see land ever again .
It 's a coverup for one of the greatest mass murders in history , made by one of the most prominent empires . Australia does not exist . All things you call " proof " are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world . Your Australian friends ? They 're all actors and computer generated personas , part of the plot to trick the world .
If you think you 've ever been to Australia , you 're terribly wrong . The plane pilots are all in on this , and have in all actuality only flown you to islands close nearby - or in some cases , parts of South America , where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Australians . Australia is one of the biggest hoaxes ever created , and you have all been tricked .
Join the movement today , and make it known that they have been deceived . Make it known , that this has all just been a cover - up . The things these " Australian " says to be doing , all these swear words and actions based on alcoholism , MDMA and bad decisions , are all ways to distract you from the ugly truth that is one of the greatest genocides in history . 162,000 people was said to have been transported to this imaginary land during mere 80 years , and they are all long dead by now . They never reached that promised land . Tell the truth . Stand up for what is right . Make sure to spread the world Australia is not real , it 's a codeword for the cold blooded murder of more than a hundred thousand people , and it is not okay . We will not , accept this . Stand up for the ones who died . Let it be known , that Australia does not exist
you fucks are better shitposters than the canadians.
I get it, my butt would be kinda tender too lol.
Sadly the Latinos are experiencing an illegal Spanish immigration problem and I can see why they look down at them for it. The Costa Ricans hate the Nicaraguans for the same reason, at least they speak the language though.
If I was a betting man, I'd bet on Colombia having a better 2017 than espaƱa. I wonder what the eu will be like post Euro, hopefully there'll be cheap hookers, beach bars and ping pong shows to amuse us tourists.
Don't worry though, your language is safe with us.
So cute :3
just how fucking long did it take you to type this?
glorious psta
full of roided up juice heads. If it wasn't for that, it'd be a nice place to live.
Who is this kid? He look familiar as fuck but I can't pinpoint it.
everyone loved that kid back in the day
>the last real hope for humanity....sculls beer.
none ya bidness
even dumber and more trashy than the American South
Daniel Morcombe. The pedo bait who got murdered.
Americans mostly like Aussies. But you're fucking annoying, talk like retards, and are sort of stupid all around.
But we can hang with you. Just not Abbos
Australians LOVE maximum government interference "for our own benefit". Have a sneaky beer whilst going fishing? You're a criminal and deserve to be punished. And these fucking night club lock out laws? No new people allowed inside after 1.30am? So if you want to go out for a smoke, you can't go back in. This is ostensibly to "stop violence". Yet, the vast majority of late night violence occurs in the fucking streets, not inside the pubs. What this does, is encourage more people to continue drinking on the streets. Stupid fucking laws... but it's for our benefit. Our safety. Oh and there's about a million other bullshit laws that don't fucking work yet are enforced with the full force of the law. And every fucking time you mention it, you're informed that you must be a criminal. Law is good. Law must be obeyed. For our safety. No questions. So fuck you, Australia.
I think it's a pretty neat place
Every Australian person I've met in USA was a muscledude chad, are there actually smart people in Aus?
Also Aus is only slightly better than Canada and Mexico in terms of Sup Forums shitposting
So much truth!!
what the fuck do you cunts call capsicum
Thank you
You are our best friends too
We don't try to be Chads though; was in the US for a 6 month study visa and the moment girls hear the accent they flock around.
Strange bunch
but there are more peppers than just capsicum....
Yeah I might be totally mistaken but in my experience the Australian people I've met were low on freethinking and high on authoritarianism. They're like the Chinese of English speaking countries
Mate, I want to say "fuck off we're full" but you should come out and work visa. It's easy!
>Supporting documents for visa application; Sup Forums screen shot
Britfags are actually more likeable that Aussies.
Aussies are dumber than everyone in the Anglosphere though. Chads for the most
Canadians are Libtardish and cucked.
Aussies are cucked Chads who actually have Men among them, but they're like retarded cousins.
Come on Abayomxi, make an effort yourself.