I tried to assimilate, Sup Forums

I really did. Tonight I went to a super multicultural bar on cinco de mayo in downtown LA. La Cita
>Be me, goodlooking guy, girls like me when I hide my autismo. Seriously good-looking guy
>Girl gets kicked out of bathroom while I try to enter to piss, but gives security attitude
>Jokingly ask her if she did it to cut line
>Guy attached tries to scream at me and start shenanigans
>Call him manlet, laugh and dismiss him, trying to challenge him to hit me, but do nothing but wash hands and leave, and go back to watching Mexican band perform onstage with wrestling masks, all while ripping off of Jack White, where I pretend assimilating white man music is OK
>Get kicked out by security when douche attached finds me again, and Mexibros actually side AGAINST ME when security comes up without knowing anything but hearing douchelord scream.

I'm done with California. This place is beyond cucked. I stood silent watching a band rip off white pop music for 20 minutes without myself speaking before getting kicked out, supposedly an anti-something. Constantly have to hear anti-white, anti-republican, anti-trump propaganda nonstop.
>Had to quit working at my last software engineering job because the entire Slack channel was filled with the same hate and I was unwelcome and ridiculed.

>Why is this okay?
>Why can't I sue these types of people into oblivion?
>What went so wrong with our country?

I want to lead the rebellion.

My hometown is around 95%
When i go to a bar all I see is white folk
Feels good man.

Bump for future posterity. I never wanted to be a part of the nationalist movement. I loved my qtpie asian gf. I thought all of this pandering bullshit didn't happen in real life. If people want a true revolution, this is how you start it. This is how you give creedance to the alt-right.


I don't understand what happened in your story OP

This is where I come from and what I'm used to. I never actually thought it was for the best. Dumb rednecks do ruin things. But then I get out here and I really do see the coal-burners and the girls jumping on Arab and ((their)) dick for the $$$. It's exactly what you all told me. I just didn't believe.

I personally don't like bar culture in general. At what point in your night did you have more fun than you could have had with your friends staying in?

>Went to Mexibar with friends
>Dikey girl uses dude bathroom to not wait in line
>While security asks her to leave, jokingly ask her if she just wanted to cut line
>Get screeched at by pic attached
>Try to leave situation after making joke of it and walk back to stage to watch live band in a packed bar
>20 minutes later get kicked out of bar, Mexicans nearby my age ready to back up security and fight me all at the accusations of an SJW
>Absolutely done with any pandering, to SJWs or Ethnics
>Gay friends I came with and saw whole ordeal absolutely bewildered. MUH WHITE CIS PRIVILEGE

This is new America.

Maybe not better, but different. I know what I'm getting 10 times out of 10 playing some game or w/e vs the chance of mingling with a girl. I'm actually like most of you in that I don't like random hookups, but you won't meet that one by hiding inside.

JaJ u got gay'd

gay and drunk people act irrationally wow who would've thought
Hope you get Mateen'd next time

That has to do with almost only how the security guard and the Mexidudes acted, especially after I defended security.

The only gay and not tri-lateral, fag denomaniship, tri-lord gendernism patriarchal statement that the fag-lord tried to make was endorsed by... well, the establishment of La Cita. Even my gay friends ridiculoued the whole ordeal and mockingly called the man a bloward fag. But that's not CA's sentiment. According to law, if I stood up for myself, I'd be in jail right now.

>why can't I sue.

Jew just fucked up m8

Maybe next time stop violating other people with your "jokes", shitlord.


Ridiculoule and blaspheme people based entirely upon their beliefs.

>Not allowed into bar.
>Not allowed to work job.

Straight up social dogma?

People have been killed for less. I'd be willingly to do more.

Bro, i'm in LA too. next time come to my nazi prepper bunker. we can drink white people beer and do white people stuff.


Just breathing fresh air, not acknowledging your shit-breathe.

>what went wrong
you fought Hitler, that's what went wrong

I'm down. Whereabout? LA can be huge

California is a shithole and the people are awful, but you sound autistic as fuck.

The least you can do is fake it or just not go to retarded places like that.

Learn some fucking social skills for fucks sake and just move out of California because the whole place is a sinking ship.

I might sound autistic as fuck, and I even might be, but that doesn't begit the fact that I'm not, and things are just out of hand at the moment regardless of your willingness of dismissal. I have social skills. That's why I go out to hone them. I'm just asking you to consider how fucked the reality of our future is.

>Goes to bar, full of drunk degenerates and think he is going to find quality people there.

I don't think you're as red pilled as you think you are.

Aw you need a safe space???

No one cares you homunculus

Small bars that don't play loud music are nice. You get to meet acquaintances that frequent the same place, the bartender(s) themselves can be fun to talk to, and there's a selection of food and drink at your disposal you can choose between on a whim.

>>Jokingly ask her

Found the problem. You spoke to a woman.

By the way, can the US government or any government declare war on Antifa? The black-bloc faggots all wear black, therefore in wartime international law would make them legal combatants because of a uniform. A government military force could legally attack and slaughter them.

Don't go to nigger/spic bars or bars with diversity at them on Friday and Saturday nights. No matter where you live, it's a waste of time.

Bars will learn and start shutting down early - they don't want to cater night owl minorities that fuck up their establishment.

>conversing with the bartender

Christ I hate it when I have to listen to people screech when I'm at work. Will you be drinking or begone?

Just move. Hell I'll come with ya. I live in the Bay I've been sick of it for years now.

They usually approach me and my friends first. The place is usually almost empty outside of big sports events though.

>going to a bar

Serves you right, normie scum.


dude can you guys tell me where all the white people are hiding out at here in LA? lived here my whole life and even my 75% "white" town, doesn't feel like it anymore due to age demographics...I'm considering moving to Vegas, I know it isn't much better with any problems but at least it'll escape the terrible state taxes, anyone else know places that aren't too far away from LA and Vegas but are very very white and don't suck?

This is what 70 years of jew/liberal rule does to a society especially one a mixed race as the US

Plenty of places in California just go north past the Bay area.