What were you like before you started lurking here? How long did you lurk first? What are you like now -- has it had any effect on you? Also, if this is your first post as a lurker, say hi faggots.
Before and After Sup Forums
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A commie faggot.
Why did you move downward into the green briefly?
I was Hitler, but now I am a civic nationalist libertarian.
Well it was mainly about anti government.
After learning about what the goverment and the jews are doing to us I became that way for a while.
I was a communist for a while, then a libertarian, and now a traditional monarchist. Completely skipped libertarian leftism because that is pure cancer.
Dont think ill budge from being a monarchist either. Its pretty much certain that the US will devolve into a civil conflict or war and balkanize, so I'm just waiting it out
Divine Right monarchist, or constitutional?
Which religion?
I was a fucking r/The_Donald fag lurking r/Sup Forums for 4 years before actually coming here and getting it from the source. I was already desperately seeking deeper substantial redpills so I only lurker for about 2 weeks before I went full 1488
I still have the same views. Sup Forums has been around for, what, 5 years? Is everyone on here 15?
I am Orthodox myself.
Nah just u man, lol.
I'm going to be 1 or 2. Kek take the wheel!
Odd = I'm number 1
Even = I'm number 2
over a few years
I was a cmpletely normal dude and I even had a black girlfriend before,now I completely fucking hate jews and cant stand niggers..what have you done to me?
>Sup Forums has been around for, what, 5 years?
I think 2011-ish. I came here in 2009 when all there was was /new/
So, you'd be like the Czar of Edmonton?What made you go 1488?
>what have you done to me?
Saved you.
kek, I was browsing stormfront and knew about the JQ when you were still sucking kangaroo teats.
I guess I'll be having tons of white babies.
I guess.
But rather Czar of Hamilton.
Not a bad fate user, consider yourself blessed by kek.
i was libertarian right, now im still libertarian right, its just that the definition of what is libertarian right has changed a lot for me
Not much different really, grew up in a town being infested by pakis and moved out as a kid as it was going to shit to a further out area of the borough and then moved to a tiny rural town in my late teens.
Always grown up with an interest in foreign cultures but a distinct distaste for them moving into English clay and a huge patriotic boner.
That's only been reinforced over the years, but so has my deep dismay that I don't think anythings fixable anymore.
I don't think Sup Forums has changed me at all - if anything it's made me dislike people more, since I see some people on the same side of the political spectrum being complete prats.
>if anything it's made me dislike people more
Then what do you get out of being here?
what are your political views then?
Working on 14/88 route. Just bought a house, am financially stable, moderately /fit/. Now just need to start attending protestant church meetings and get me a good wife.
>be me
>always the wierd kid
>hate normies
>once teen started to 'fit in'
>played their liberal games and such just to not be alone
>meet wife
>redpilled af
>find 4chin early 2014
>brows /p/ for a bout half year
>find Sup Forums
havent been to /p/ee since
Libertarian. states rights. isolationist. strict enforcement of the NAP on illegals. let states decide if gay marriage is allowed. Against media monopolies and (((their))) tricks. trannies are mentally ill and must be sterilized. pretty standard Sup Forums views I've had since the early 2000's
I took the redpill over a decade ago. First saw kikes did 9-11, then FDR, Rothschilds, WW2, Hitler, Holohoax, etc...
I can tell you youngfags, things are speeding up beyond my wildest dreams. More people have taken the redpill in the past week than in a whole year a decade ago.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed... it's coming.
>Against media monopolies and (((their))) tricks
Including d&c atomization schemes, like "letting states decide"?
yeah, I guess I'm not a neocon christcuck huh, really made me stop and think there.
Don't be offended. I'm always confused by lolbergs who are woke to the JQ, but insist on remaining atomized. Libertarianism is favored by the jews precisely because it makes their targets vulnerable to subversion.
>What were you like before you started lurking here?
Truly about the same. NatSoc but more interested in the German Empire publicly.
>How long did you lurk first?
Don't know. Few years on and off.
>What are you like now -- has it had any effect on you?
I want more kids now than I used to. Five is the minimum now. Also think libertarians are more of an enemy than an ally.
It didn't effect me at all since I'm not a weak minded retard who takes memes on an anime image board to heart.
You're just retarded enough to think "its all memes bro".
I've lurked longer than I can remember, the only thing Sup Forums changed about me was making me go from extreme anti-gov to gov with the ability to just execute people wholesale.
Honestly, whatever lets the purge occur is a-okay with me.
I was a moderate with socialist leanings.
Sup Forums has just made me contemptuous of the western media and dispelled the illusion that journalists in the West cared about objectivity and facts.
Now, I am a moderate with socialist leanings and a greater tendency towards smaller government.
Mind you, my "socialist leanings" are probably far right wing as far as most of Europe is concerned.
White statistics/race realism, learning about the history behind the first and second World Wars, Jewish controlled media/banks, actually listening to Hitler's speeches. Lots of solid redpills here and there; many more I sought out myself
>Libertarianism is favored by the jews
if you honestly think that you need to read up on what Libertarianism is.
Who is running this psyop?
When the opposition to the controlled opposition is also controlled, it triggers my autism.
I really didn't feel any different I was already pretty redpilled, been on message boards since the late 90s but I did feel glad there were more people than I thought down with the cause....before pol I thought we were pretty fringe
Before coming on Sup Forums, I used to be with an indian chick for years. Then I realized I didn't want kids that weren't white.
Other than that, I don't think anything has changed.
Even before I wend to pol,I dated a black girl and I knew I would never marry her or have a future with her because I didnt want to have black kids
I have become less ideological and more cautious. Turns out that people with select facts and arguments can convince you of the stupidest thing, be it the media or Sup Forums.
I have also developed a deep contempt for the media, society and the stupidity and pettiness of people.
It's cynicism, but it's a constructive kind of cynicism.
>you need to read up on what Libertarianism is if you think it makes European civilization vulnerable to hostile competing ideologies and groups
I'm sure it's not because I was a committed libertarian for years, then arrived at that conclusion; no one could possibly walk away from libertarianism if they had ever "read up" on what libertarianism is, ie, a philosophy offering to improve and in some cases "perfect" humanity by the adoption of counterfactuals to human nature -- much in the same way that humanity will "perfect" itself by the adoption of "counterfactuals to human nature" regarding to communal ownership of the means of production and a Soviet social order maintained via state initiation of force. The Jews love the alchemical concept of "as above, so below" -- that's why they occupy both "opposites" on their contrived political spectra.
Doing 4 although 2 looks better.
>Before aka 3 years ago
centre-right leaning towards libertarianism
Sup Forums had little with it though, most of it was because greece elected retarded lefties and my university is full of commies
Sup Forums in fact made me more hostile to neonazis and white supremacists, who are by far the stupidest people of the political spectrum.
Used to be an anarchist but noticed how stupid this is. Got kinda conservativ and a bit racist. Went at that time on Sup Forums to inform myself on the EU. At first I had nothing against it but after some time on Sup Forums I went full 1488. Now I want to see the EU burning, Merkel dead and our Kaiser back.
A constitutional one, but with more authoritarian executive powers to it. I prefer German style monarchy rather than British style monarchy basically. However, all local government offices and the house of representative equivalents should be democratically elected, in my opinion.
I dont think clergy have any place in government unless theyre just running for a public office like Reichsminister or something, but I do think that Christian undertones and morals are imperative for any traditional nation.
I know all about WW2, but I haven't looked into WW1 at all. What are the basics? Then I'll know where to go from there.
maybe you can tell me why there are so many COMMIE FUCKING SHITS everywhere especially on /bant/
I was fascist,/pol made national socialist.
Ww2 is just Ww1 pt2. You need to start from the very beginning.
Can you just give me a quick rundown, so I have places to start? If I just go searching for this, I'll mostly come across what they want me to think.
Because /bant/ is Sup Forums but with flags, is Sup Forums any more interesting?
>What are the basics?
Germany did nothing wrong. They just defended their allies. They just walked through Belgium to get the edge over the entente. Belgium civilists attacked german soldiers. That's a warcrime and germany executed those people. This is today known as the rape of belgium. The jews and the entente made germany the bad guys and gave them the fault for the war. Germany was raped hard when they lost, but the reason they lost was because our industry shut down and the leftist government stabbed the kaiser in the back and surrendered. Now, who has the most power over the industry and who are usally leftist politican? Think about it. Also look into the jewish communist revolution after WW1 in germany.
>maybe you can tell me why there are so many COMMIE FUCKING SHITS everywhere
The mods are commies.
Unironically i was a fat liberal neet.
My entire family was racist as fuck but i was like a black sheep because i wanted to follow the mainstream liberal values.
I started to hate muslims because of terror attacks and their attitude to europeans, after that i started to hate screeching SJW faggots, after that in Germany antifa faggot called me nazi for saying Muslims hate and kill lgbt community.
Then i started to browse Sup Forums in 2014 and went to gym, three years later im not fat anymore and on nofap for 1 year already.
But im afraid i can fall into Neo-nazi skinhead faze because im continuesly depressed and angry seeing what (((modern world))) really is and stressed out how west is falling into decadent degeneracy even further and no hope or light is yet to see.
Thank you, sir.
I'm aware of the Jewish communist Revolution and WW2, but I always saw WW1 as less interesting, so never bothered to check it out. Cheers x
I had my 1488 phase before Sup Forums. Mid 00s. It was a personal backlash against my obligatory youthful libshit phase & overcompensation against all the hypocrisy I was tired of rationalizing.
By the time I found Sup Forums I drifted slightly left into a general far-right-but-not-NatSoc range, where I remain.
I really coulda used Sup Forums back then, to see that others were on my page & that I wasn't crazy. But I guess it happened a lot later for most people.
My brother. Stay strong and on right path, do not fall, but do not get distracted. Fight and stay true till the end. No matter how delusional the world is, you, yourself can stay as yourself to the end. There will be glory for those.
I was always the silent historian lurker type that loved hearing true discussion and being able to get the scoop. Stupidly listened when people said Sup Forums would amount to nothing and was a racist, edgy nothing. Saw so many good things and places on the internet get destroyed by assholes, newbs, and 'justice'; saw so many lies by SJWs and the media form. So when I saw the stupid Something Awful election politics sub-board get completely, hilariously Trumped! everyday while the horrible leftists could only pathetically threaten and shame, I knew I had to find out where all this raw passion was coming from and know what it was about before the narratives set in.
Really wish I didn't listen to those people who told me to stay off the chans, you guys know things. Cured me of a lot of cognitive dissonance that was wrecking my body and mind.
Rothschilds financed the Napoleonic wars
y-you too, finbro.
I was a "The democrats are the real racist *squeak noise*" Libertarian beforehand, now I'm at about stage 4. I'm planning to start improving myself, start reading again, and especially start losing weight when Winter comes around.
(Winter in Arizona is like Spring anywhere else)
As a National Capitalist, my passionate hatred for Communists and Globalists will fuel my evolution. Wish me luck.
Not much different.
I was a lone wolf. Like many others.
We basically all learned the same skills because we had nobody else to rely on. Always outnumbered, so you couldn't afford to be out gunned.
When lone wolves formed a pack, it was always pretty devastating though also plagued with infighting.
It was always an issue of living space though, so to speak.
Chatrooms and forums could serve a purpose, but there were always issues of rules and number limits that would inherently limit the size of packs.
Another big issue was anonymity for obvious reasons, but that problem cuts both ways fortunately.
Places like Sup Forums provide very comfortable environments for wolves looking for packs.
We should make good use of this.
fwiw, it's sort of a pasty upper-middle class thing to look down on skinheads as simpletons. "The" original WN skinheads (Ian Stuart, the guys in Skullhead, etc) had fairly nuanced third positionist politics. There's really no difference between stage 3 and stage 4 as long as skinhead subculture isn't just a boozy subculture thing for you.
You're still a commie faggot.
i've passed the 3rd phase but i'm too lazy to read books
wat do?
Hope you find some answers:
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
true, but goodluck shaking that dogma here. JIDF pushed that meme hard the last 3 years, and it stuck in the heads of lots of newfags. The alt-kike is only making it worse.
Thanks bro.
I have already read some of the books like "Rhetoric", "Allegory of the Cave", "Politics", "The Decline of the West" and of course "Mein Kampf"
Good stuff. Might be something interesting for you in here too:
Nogunz liberal who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012.
Been lurking here since 2008.
Trump votin'
Nogunz havin' (I've got too terrible a temper to be having firearms.)
Liberal hatin'
Tranny bashin'
Only two genders acknowledgin'
SJW mockin'
Hardcore Trumpin'
Makin' America Great Again
My journey to understanding the world.
>Be me redpilled by my Conservative parent's.
> Always be the odd ball out of the kids and teens for finding the left to be Moronic.
> Have a literal hatred for smug white liberals. Was bullied by these rich kids in elementary school.
> Go to middle School and highschool with brown kids don't fit in with them. Though they are easier to redpill then stupid rich white liberals.
> Be an adult almost turn into a full SJW until I discover razorfist and have friends who are guys.
>Gamergate occurs pushs me back into politics
>Still am a degenrate but that's okay I can balance the lifestyle of a degenrate and redpill people in real life.
>Still don't know about JQ as far as I'm concerned JQ is used to derail topics by far left shills who pose as Nazis.
>All in All I fit in here at Sup Forums I'm a degenrate but I'm also redpilled on the petrodollar, the lying left, how blacks were turned into plantation voters by Democrats, post modeenism and etc..
>Last year I was able to redpill my sister into supporting Trump and turned her onto YouTubers for politics.
On timelines 2/4 how do I get to 5?