Please explain
A gay jew is the leader of the alt-right
>Please explain
We're not the bigots you want us to be?
We turned reality into a shitpost.
You're welcome.
What's not to understand?
A gay jew is the leader of the gay pedo right actually
>MILO entered his Meme Mansion, packed to the rafters with anxious fans just waiting to get a glimpse of the Dangerous Faggot, with a large snake wrapped around his shoulders and accompanied by a number of large black men
How will conservatives explain this turning point in their ideology?
Praise Him
Straight white bois is to passive because.
Probably like this
"MILO entered his Meme Mansion, packed to the rafters with anxious fans just waiting to get a glimpse of the Dangerous Faggot, with a large snake wrapped around his shoulders and accompanied by a number of large black men"
It worked for Hitler.
Wow that guy's backside is fucked up. I've never understood pain fetishists.
As a gay jew he's immune to criticism from the left.
I watched that shit, and it was really cringe. Personally, I'm a fan of Mlio, but my biggest problem with him is the narcissism. This is fucking horrible.
Gays is very sadistic.
Fake Jew
And this boy is straight, lol.
>Wow that guy's backside is fucked up. I've never understood pain fetishists.
That'll heal.
As a fellow gay Jew I will try to take this on. I don't understand his fervency for race-mixing propaganda, but perhaps it is to solidify his credentials as a full-scale troll. I think his point is to say that anyone should be allowed to do anything but he mostly is serving as an experiment in what offensive stuff someone can say from a far-right perspective with the cover that they themselves are gay, Jewish, and not racist (date Blacks). It is more of an experiment in fucking with perception than an honest philosophy to me. It is a publicity stunt, for sure, but at least it shows that gay Jews can be conservatives, and leaders, and express new ideas, vs. Ben Shapiro who is a fairly traditional conservative Jew.
Nobody actually cares about this fag kike pedophile anymore. Maybe a few the_donald posters still care about him but as per usual, reddit is like 1 year behind the times
I want to send that faggot to Chechnya
I'm not sure how damaging that was long term though. The media have a fairly short attention span and if he can still attain financing, he is still in. The question of how he can mingle with other alt-righters and will they agree to do so is rather unresolved at this point though, I will give you that.
a gay jew co-opted the term alt right, simple enough.
Who died and made him leader? Milo's redeeming quality is that he's not just a useful idiot, but a very useful idiot
>triggers leftists basically just by existing
>a gay, racemixing immigrant, so he doesn't fit with the left's narrative
>whips leftist college students into a fury, baiting them to violence, which only makes them look bad to ordinary people
>has no substance, but is good at talking quickly and outwitting interviewers, so he comes out of interviews looking like he won even though he said nothing of value
>draws the media's fire away from the actual NatSoc online influencers
He's probably only in it for the money and because he's an attention whore, but he's been pretty damn useful so far.
sick burn ovendodger
t. the ghost of Hortler
>As a fellow gay Jew
didn't bibi say gay jews are traitors because great israel won't repopulate itself?
Well then Bibi can let us have surrogates. Also, I believe that Israel should fund itself, and if it does so then I can lend it my full support.
Milo is only good for arguing against low hanging fruit. Along with r/T_D and Sargon he serves as baby's first red pill.