Who will get the democrat ticket in 2020?
Who will get the democrat ticket in 2020?
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boyney senduhs
Maxine Waters?
Pedo Joe or Cory.
Zuckerkike shouldn't be in this list. If he runs, he'll run as an Independent.
no, boy knee, send us
Running as independent seems to be still a gamble.
hillary no doubt. you really think she's going to not threaten to make a big scene if the DNC doesn't give it to her? she's going to bring the whole party down if they don't.
will happen
What happened to her health? Wasn't she on the verge of dying like 6 month ago?
Elizabeth Warren if I had to bet.
Ah shit I forgot her.
Do you really think Mark would run to win?
No, it's just like De La Fuente 2016 or Trump 2000, a fucking publicity stunt; An attempt to gather some people who will worship you for strong politcal, rather than weak economic reasons. And that works best when you don't have to worry about primaries.
Whatever the case, they'll lose to Kanye.
Dont go sleeping on Bill Gates
huh, I always pegged the Rock as a moderate republican
The rock supports Trump.
OP is a retarded faggot.
white nationalist surprisingly
ZUCC will hypnotise everyone via Kikebook
The Rock GET
He definitely is.
Zuckerberg with Gabbard VP pick
ZUCC has been going around the country listening to people, which is admirable, Gabbard is likeable and would fug, shame about her militant anti gun opinions though
My money is on Warren running. Sanders is too old. Maybe Corey Booker
God fucking damn those are all awful choices.
I pray to any god that is listening Trey Gowdy decides to take another one for the team and run.
> MFW I've heard about more nonwhite white nationalists than white ones
What a fucking time to be alive.
If they want to win, then based Tulsi, but if they want to chimp out, then anyone else
No she wasn't. In fact she was meditating and levitating.
So? Trump was supposed to be a right leaning democrat and he ran for the republicans because the democrats were not having it. If he doesn't shit the bed dramatically he'll run for 2020 so if the Rock wants to chime in he'll have to run democrat.
id vote for the rock over drumpf desu
>My money is on Warren running.
While that wouldn't suprise me, first and foremost Pocahontas has to worry about keeping her Senate seat.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
What the fuck happened to Marvel, Jesus Christ
Dwayne Douglas Johnson is a republican
If I had to assess which out of those 9 would have the highest chance of winning, it'd probably be Biden.
But no VP has ever gone on to win a race for President, so there's that.
If Bernie didn't immediately start to shill for hill after she stole the nomination, he would probably have the best chances.
>Oprah Winfrey
Americans first Tauren president
wasnt the rock a "republican"?
I can 100% guarantee you it won't be any of them.
It will be a newly elected freshfish senator from 2018.
Some safe option, like Warren.
>But no VP has ever gone on to win a race for President, so there's that.
I'm guessing you just worded that badly, because that is extremely far from the truth.
Cory Booker or Michelle Obama.
The Rock is a Republican btw
Not Tulsi, she's too based on foreign relations be endorsed by the globalists. Not Bernie, because he'll probably be dead in 5-10 years and no endorsement either.
Not Dwayne or Oprah because they're not politicians, and are too much of a meme (even though Trump was a meme himself, he was a bit of a politician to begin with).
Not Zuckerjew because he can't relate to anyone other than Apple faggots, like Hillary, and he is too young. Similar story with Booker, but only faggots and SJWs will vote for him.
Not Michelle or Biden because they're attached to Obama, and Democrats lost most of their power under him. Biden would be a mistake because he'd get meme'd on so hard with the creep videos.
I'd put my money on the Democrats trying Warren, or Hillary again, probably Warren. That's all they have.
She got better.
Mark Cuban
>Democratic Senator
>newly elected
Topkek, the Dems will never be able to win a new Senate seat.
That is from D.C. actually.
Gowdy 2024 would be incredible. I don't think we've ever had a former prosecutor as a President before.
It's about time there was a Native American president.
ZUCC 2020
any dirt one him that i should know about?
he seems like a hard hitter.
Mark zingerburger
we need a true leader.
I hope based Tulsi becomes potus
Tulsi and Bernie are too anti establishment.
Probably Warren or Hilldog round 3
I wpuld like to se Bernie as your next president, lol. He was bullied by to teenage blak girl from BLM, imagine waht would happen if he would try to deal with Iran or North Korea.
He would probably leave them alone unless he is a globalist jew in disguise.
Tulsi is obviously also not on the "trans everything" wagon that the dems have going.
She would stomp any election though.
Zuckerjew probs wouldn't run, he has significant political clout by being CEO of Facebook.
>in disguise
heh. he is just a jew, scamming retards.
would be funny as shit though.
Reasoning for Cuban: Another outspoken billionaire with reality TV presence and twitter following. Could self fund and be an "outsider".
Cuban has also been making numerous news show interviews and commenting on Trump. Why else then exploring the waters for a political run?
>based Tulsi
she's still a liberal cuck, just anti-neocon
I am not certain north korea will be around in 2020
That would be hilarious.
She is the female Jeb
The whole cheating in college will backfire. Also I don't think she has the stomach.
Damn that's a grim lineup.
Say what you want about Obama, who was imo one of the worst president of all time, but the guy knew how to work a crowd and just be a generally likeable guy for the normies to get behind. Really he was the precursor to Trump, a less extreme version of a meme candidate. I remember the hype around him when he first burst on the scene, he was like a rockstar with his tours and speeches. This was always Hillary's biggest problem, she could never communicate or connect well with the average Joe and that's something she probably deeply resents Bill and Obama for having that charisma in spades.
I doubt (((they))) will risk letting Hillary run again, there's just too much dislike and distrust amongst the general populace for her. It'll either be Warren or an Obama 2.0 type candidate that they'll push hard, probably a black or Hispanic up and comer type.
Dwayne Johnson is republican, you faggot.
Yes imagine this senile old negrese trying to rally a crowd she can barely speak
Make him the president
>implying there'll be a democratic party in 2020
Imagine she would become the candidate again and the continues to lose once more. There would be a whole lot of riots. But then she's delusional enough to think she would've won if Comy had not shat upon her. Maybe she still has enough influence to try once more.
Nice integers, user.
Michelle reiterated that she won't. She's too lazy anyway, we know she doesn't really give a shit. Bernie will be too old, probably. Hilldawg won't if she's even still alive. Oprah--just no. Not her bag. Biden, no, no interest really plus he'll be pretty old. The Rock, doubt it, wtf. Tulsi: probably not enough support (yet), maybe won't want to. Zuckerberg....I just don't see him doing it. Maybe in ten or fifteen years.
My guess is, if anyone, lower right guy. People say Liz Warren, but I don't think she wants to--either that or she's never had enough support, don't know which.
The real worry is some zingy unknown like 2008 Obama. I'd keep my eye on those junior senators and reps, maybe that sleazy BAMN/Antifa Berkeley mayor. If he slimmed down he'd be good to go as a token commie Latino.
this stupid fucking retard maybe?
She'd have to come up with a DNA test and I don't think she wants to *cough*
Trump would eviscerate anyone in that picture except zuckerburg. He might put up a fight.
Warren will never win the ticket
She's democrat Jeb
More likely a slightly older one from when Dems could get elected but your basic concept is what I think as well.
>She's democrat Jeb
Not really, I think she actually wants to be president and I never got that feeling from Jeb.
Zuckerberg is a sperg. Honestly to be perfectly serious I think the guy couldn't debate himself out of a wet paper bag. At least not with someone who doesn't play by the rules and doesn't try to be polite or fair. Like Cuban for instance would mob the floor with Zuckerberg and bully him until he starts stuttering. This isn't facebook were he can force his guys to sit in a corner.
We can't let that cat lady get the nuclear codes!
Kanye 100%
Not sure why you trolls think those other jokers have a chance.
Yvette Wutsername
Their best bet is Oprah. but she will simply get destroyed in a debate with Donald. She has no political background and doesn't care about politics. I really hope they just run Bernie and off themselves for good.
Meanwhile, Trump always had a political background. He's always appeared on TV for decades, stating his opinion on issues, actively speaking his mind and debating people while all these other fakers went into hiding doing god knows what. That's why Trump was so well prepared in 2016.
I don't believe anyone wants to become president except for power hungry people , Hillary is a good example.
Trump only wanted to become president because he thought he was the only option.
jewberg or Oprah. definitely Oprah actually because muh glass ceiling
Joe Biden or Cory Booker would be my guess at this point.
I'd be cautious about Zuckerberg. He's a two-fer on the snowflake checklist
>first Jew president
>first autism spectrum president
He's going to run. Independent or Democrat. If he went independent he'd kill the Dem vote and hand it to the Republicans. If he goes Democrat, he might take it for the memes.
Tulsi is kinda based, so I'd want for her to run. Rock could be a good Meme War II. Always seemed pretty moderate.
The rest other than Michelle Obama are election suicide.
Michelle Obama sounds like a likely pic for the party candidate, but despite being a Ivy League educated lawyer, what elected office has she held? The only political life she's known for is First Lady. She's just as unqualified as Trump was.
>That's why Trump was so well prepared in 2016.
I think this quote describes Donald Trump's campaign run perfectly.
I fucking want Mark to run.
He might be popular with young folks , but he will lose because he will spill his spaghetti at the debates.
Can't you give them all a one-way ticket to
Yes, those dangerous Faceberg memes. And everyone loves Facebook, it's not like people openly talk about it spying on you and revealing all your personal info to shady parties.
>no yeezy
ur list is shit
Neggers and Jews hang them all !!
Wait Cory Booker is OPENLY gay now?