Why aren't all women like her?
>link related
What Every Girl Needs To Hear
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every girl needs to check these digits
off by one.
Great video. My gf of 4 years ended our relationship because I was trying to move it towards something more serious and she wanted more partying before settling down. She's going to regret it, and I'm going to find someone younger who can get the kind of message in this video
>99% of her audience is probably male
>whore glove shirt
No fuck this chick
Didnt she used to say people like us were massive losers and went on whole rant about anime and stuff
>Why aren't all women like her?
what do you mean? legally a man in canada?
You mean back when she was working undercover at CTR?
people change, user
This. And all those bitches go for Chad regardless.
with that deep voice ? with those wide shoulders ? are you quite sure ?
how is not liking a fashion style grounds for a woman being a whore? lmao
It's not a whore thing, it's a very emo thing
t. every emo girl I've ever known cut holes in their jumpers to put their thumb through so the sleeves don't roll up and show self harm scars
I swear to god as soon as she turns off the camera and finish this video she goes out and fucks 10 chads/week.
Lauren southern is just a right wing celeb slut who do it for money.
Really grasping at straws there mate
Crash team racing?
Lauren Southern is a Jew who mocks white genocide.
OP is a paid shill promoting her brand. This is evidence Lauren is controlled opposition:
if she wasnt, she wouldnt need shills to market her.
the same stupid meme? go kill yourself
What a neatly demonstrated fallacy
She's a fucking hipocrite.
I dated a guy that is friends with Lauren and has fucked her on occasion and she has explicitly said that she doesn't want Children or to be married to a man.
All this stuff that she is preaching is so fucking hiprcritical.
She fucks men, usually those in Political positions, to get them to give her these political ideas.
She is a fucking THOT attention whore, whom is literally playing you all like a fucking fiddle. She tries to appeal to you young redpilled people and YOU TAKE THE BAIT SO FUCKING HARD.
In reality, She is dumb as bricks, and if you fall for the Lauren Southern meme, you are just as dumb as she is.
Hey now, if somebody does not agree 100% with you on every single issue then they're your ENEMY that you must loudly denounce to demonstrate your ideological purity.
You forgot the part where you found out about her taking money directly from Hillary and Soros.
Hahaha I forget how fucking easy guys on Sup Forums are to manipulate.
Seriously. At this point I don't even feel bad for you guys when you shell out 60 bucks for a 90 pg book that's just Sup Forums rehashed concepts with no actual sincere input of her own.
It's pathetic. Makes me want to start my own channel and just get free money from dumb shits like you guys.
Does she smoke cigarettes? She should
She's an idiot in most regards. She just browses Sup Forums and repeats some of it. She's smart in that she's made a living off of you, by selling you back your own words.
That's nothing new, people did that at least as far back as the 80's, if not longer.
>Uh, my girlfriend is from Canada, you wouldn't know her, we totally did it in my uncle's cabin
Is it degenerate to want to be Lauren Southern for a day to find an aryan alpha to cum in me?
>What Every Girl Needs To Hear
Communism has failed every time it has been tried
Most women are like her.
She's a coal burner.
LMAO no, the guy I dated went to school with her. It all checks out, I did the digging.
>Most women are like her.
what a gaylord lol
Why are all alt right snowflakes always dispensing the exact same advice as all other women? And even more mean about it.
Every single alt right podcast I've seen has women cackling about beta orbiters, short guys, guys who aren't manly enough, rich enough, and so on.
I thought the whole alt right thing was supposed to be the beta uprising, but it seems you guys have only risen to the level of licking Stacy's asshole.
>She's smart in that she's made a living off of you, by selling you back your own words.
i don't even know what she sounds like.
i literally only look at her boobs
Because they're looking for attention from the "alt right boyz" it's just another form of "Look at me!! I'm one of the boyz!! I'm not like those other girls~"
Why are there so few full body pictures of her?
She talks about good stuff but her presentation needs to be a bit better.
Don't they have like vocal coaches or whatever in America? She could do with some lessons just to be more presentable.
I listened to her briefly for the first time a couple weeks ago. Her voice is not what I expected. She's like 75% less attractive after hearing her speak. I guess that's true with every woman though...
Here is what every Lauren Southern beta orbiter needs to see.
The Jewish transvestite makes a video of himself in bed with a fellow transvestite calling you all Shitlords and yet you still kneel before that heeb.
I'm not sure what their point is other than to be trolls in their own minds and thus somehow be winning in their own demented subhuman jewish minds....
...but to hell with Lauren Transvestite Souther and Milo Gay Yinjewpolous.
coalburner DJ Race Mixer
I don't even see women's faces. I just see their tits.
the only reason i know she is blonde is her hair sometime gets in her cleavage.
She is fucking right. Being too lazy to breed is not genocide, it's suicide.
she's a fucking LEAF
you are correct
Shes like 21 years old. She knows shit about shit. Just saying whatever for male attention and famous for showing her tits.
Haven't you guys learned anything from the civilization fail of the 19th amendment yet?
Let her have opinions about what to cook her babies for dinner and whether to jerk her man off or blow him when she's on her period. Beyond that you're looking at a potential problem.
>I sure do wish more women were redpilled and traditional
>woman is that
>seriously tho, what's wrong with women? why can't they see that we're right and come to our side?
I'm glad your race is dying out
proof that they fucked/are together?
If there was actually proof then nobody on Sup Forums would post pics of her anymore
they're just friends and T is pretty redpilled
>pic related
Literally my thoughts every time.
These mgtow faggots are awful.
>>I sure do wish more women were redpilled and traditional
But they already are when they're whoring themselves to the local lord, what people usually mean is that they want to be such even when they're married to the local baker or miller.
I will never understand the support for hierarchical systems in interpersonal relations from the male part of the alt right.
It's hard for me to believe people Sup Forums is this stupid and shortsighted. I suspect there are a lot of shills mixed in there
chinese are literally going to exterminate you and every other nigger subhuman on that continent. there's 20 million jews and they control the world. there doesn't need to be 10 billion whites cause only white men have value and producing white women is a mistake
women don't belong in politics or deserve rights
Would be perfect if he had X45 as ID aswell
We don't deserve her. How is she so based. We need to spread the word about her to western women
>redpilled and traditional
>showing her tits for money
Sure, burger.
We're growing fast in numbers while you're dwindling. We're gonna be here long after you die out
I too wish she was in a burka but we'll get there
god i hate these fags
it doesn't matter how many subhumans you have. what matters is your technological level and your military strength.
10 million of you can be obliterated as easy as stepping on ants. your race will never compare with whites or asian. the technology gap only makes you easier to exterminate than ever.
remember the nuclear bomb and how destruction that caused? that is only increasing. meaning it's easier to kill all of you
Hi there shariablue shill
>he proved lauren southern openly denies and mocks white genocide
>better call him shariablue and use "sharia" so everyone knows im /theirguy/ and not him :^)
People like you areally retards. The more women who are right win the better. I hate women too, but having more women on our side shifts the Overton window right, which is what we need.
stop shitposting Mohamed.
She acts like she's an expert of everything. Stop talking about architecture as if you understood what you are talking about, you dumb cunt
You know jews can have cute straight noses and whites can have large crooked noses?
It doesn't mean shit you sperglord
She was a lolbergtardian basic bitch back then now she is /ourgirl/. She is definitely not jewish genetically speaking
I've never seen a single one of her videos. She's never made a cent from me not even from ad revenue. All I know is she is right-leaning, and is pushing right wing ideas to the public. This is a good thing. It doesn't matter why she's doing it. But it helps us.
Protip: women only do anything because of money or sex so of course she's not gonna be genuine
i dont watch laurens videos but i saw in a previous Sup Forums thread that she did a 23andme and didnt have any jewish blood so i dont think shes a jewess at least.
thanks for the meme btw
>basic bitch
>genetically speaking
fuck off you low IQ shitskin.
at least she doesn't suck off a niggers dick like your girlfriend does. whats the matter sven, why do you hate on women so much? We need more women speaking out and joining the resistance. fucking cuck
why do you believe she used her own DNA for the test m8? is it because youre gullible and blindly trust anything a dyed blonde Jew with a pair of tits says?
i doubt that I think theyre genuinely this fucking stupid
I had an ''indepth'' talk on other occasions with 4-5 of those retards who yell with no evidence outside of a tweet that lauren is a jew. They're absolutely fucking stupid beyond words. The difference between nigger and that vermin is indistinguable
Oh got it you are one of those reddit shills who larps as a super nazi to create D&C. I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers
are you mad your meme served as proof shes actually a jew? why does her nose look so non-white, user?
I once had a jewish russian co worker and she was really a qt and you couldn't see that she was jewish.
On the other hand i am a white christian but have a pretty big nose. It doesn't look jewish though, just big.
Btw she was into me but i spilled my spaghetti. I don't know if i should regret being autistic or if i dodged a bullet there. She seems to be pretty far left.
Well, we're out-breeding you in your own nations and most of you cucks are loving it and want even more of us there. Whatever tools you think you have, you're not gonna have them anymore.
why did the Soviets beat the Nazis even though they had inferior military equipment and strategy? Numbers
promises promises ;)
Are you seriously attributing if she is jewish or not to her nose?
>My friends refer to me as shlomo because of my crooked nose
>My ancestors have been German for the better Part of 1200 years
White people can have different noses too.
Its called "genetical diversity", you know the thing that makes whites look different from each other, something that cant be said about everyone.
>Are you seriously attributing if she is jewish or not to her nose?
why not? this user did why cant I use your shitty memes against you? im quite capable after all.
i guess easier for us to win then. Only Islam can save the world from (((degeneracy)))
You have to accept this. Even if you believe your traditional christian values are superior, We're the only ones who realistically have a chance because we aren't cuked and/or retarded.
I think the few non cuked non retarded white people should take the mantel of Islam and lead the "shitskins" desu
here i cleaned the lines up a bit. better?
>that's wide shoulder in Bongistan
Pakis usually have a narrow frame.
This is the first video I watched of this whore despite the fact that she is posted/shilled here all the fucking time but whatever.
Anyway, I really don't like that whore. I guess I am too fucking redpilled to take any woman for that matter serious despite the fact that she (sometimes) speak the truth.
And also, she has a subtle speech error that goes on my fucking nerves... as a native speaker what a dumb cunt.
Last but not least that make up JUST JUST
>>And also, she has a subtle speech error
It's called being Canadian.
>It's called being C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶i̶a̶n̶ Jewish.
fixed it.