>righteous tracksuit mafia
face shot found on youtu.be
Antifa stabber
Other urls found in this thread:
Source me on him stabbing someone and I might care
>fascist antifa
it seems neither the retarded left or the retarded alt right know what fascism is.Both idiot groups claim the other are Nazis.
continuation of
yeah neither side is authoritarian nationalism, but you could say antifa is fascist in the colloquial sense that they use violence to push their political agenda
let me see that fash getting stabbed please
this could become an YLYL thread
>embrace the third position where you can lose all three guaranteed in only a few short years rather than waiting for decades
he looks pretty cute. you have his nudes by any chance?
>but you could say antifa is fascist in the colloquial sense that they use violence to push their political agenda
no you dope, how do you think the communists get to power? how do you think kings get to power? since when is it only fascists that get to power through violence, everyone has been doing that for all time, there is nothing inherently fascistic about political violence.
the word has lost all meaning, it's just a stand-in for "other side that i don't like"
>more stripes and blue backpack
That's a good picture. He has abnormally short legs.
Seriously though, I haven't seen a video of this guy stabbing anyone. Clanton got video'd whacking like 6 different people on a shitload of different cameras, and seeing him creep out from behind the large female and hit a guy who wasn't being violent is what drove people to work on unmasking him.
I'm not saying I agree with that usage, I'm just saying that's how people are using it.
well im fuckin sorry then cunt
>ulockfag was there too
I accept your apology
Bump 4 justice!
haha nice try, leaf!
Why do the anti fascists always have such full bags?
What are they carrying in there?
Do you think there's any possibility of xraying their masks or calculating their facial structures? I think they did something like that with bank robbers who used tight fitting masks.
>fresh underwear
Antifa are diseased faggots.
their families disappointment
he's probably a "professor" at some nearby "college"
>antifa fetus on way to planned parenthood
>short legs
Yes, his legs are shorter than his torso, most people's are equal to.
Hunt him down and make him pay
Nice shots of Eric there, not seen those ones before.
I'll bump for justice
>you nigger leaf
Oh shit he was pictured nearby to the bike lock attacker? Could they be working together or on the same payroll?
>le Socialism is authoritarian meme
Well they're all together in the same little gang obviously, so it stands to reason they'd be nearby.
this video was one of the few which showed Apr-15 walkout to MLK park by Antifa group so pretty much the entire gang was there. eric walked in group about 20 feet in front of stabbing-suspect but they were seen virtually side-by-side later in the day.
Yvette felarca love you long time.
The shit skin commie mayor Jesse arreguins wants Berkeley to be a third world shit hole.
Why are they putting paper plates on the ground? Picnic? Cute.
>there is nothing inherently fascistic about political violence.
spoken like a true antifa shill
Dude, AFAIK you took 'em all in
bump, anyone know when this was taken?
you got the wrong person but you'll just call me a shill so just make yourselves look bad. pol is the new reddit
>February 2, 2017 ??
capitalism is not a ideology it is a state of being where the private industry owns the means of production.
Any nation where the state doesn't own industry and people enjoy private ownership is a capitalist society.
lol they're supposed to be soldiers and they're having a picnic in a statist public park cared for by the local council, yet they're anarchists
HAHAHAHAHHA stupid fucking edgy poser manlet faggots
Anyone know the brand of water he is drinking?
Burn this stabbing motherfucker
We know already, slowpoke.jpg
Wow. It's a modern day lynch mob.
>long way from his somalia homeland
> face
At least people have a fighting chance in capitalism.
Your pic is retarded.
that brazilian was trying to tell me it WASNT dead eyes mcgee?
Don't mess around with low res images, here's a much better version.
Antifa uses color codes the red code are the ones willing to use violence or do property damage it would make sense that the red coded people all know eachother and work in close proximity with eachother
you've been under the spell of taxes and increasing bearaucracy too long
Even better still, with top secret haxor image sharpening tech applied.
Where did he get that coffee?
Better yet, with the max9000 x-files enhance filter, you can practically see his pores with this one !!!
And zoomed in + enlarged, simply amazing !
This guy is right! Good to see a clever man here.
finally, a game i can play on my potato pc!
>what program is best, i just use noob paint
And a quick pass through the megakekover9000 png optimiser just for luck, well fuck me this is reaching astounding levels of high definition !!!
Don't you have Rick and Morty episodes to discuss in a brony discord somewhere, faggot?
here's a slowed down clip never see a knife but a pole
this is shit quality where can i upload 1080p without an account?
here 1080p
wow, nice work
still not seen any evidence of stabbing, but who cares, is obviously scum
>so 1 short girl with drawed eyebrows and looks little bit asian
>1 guy with glasses, brown semi long hair, red backpack.
>and 1 guy with tattoo on right wrist, goes to gym (likely) wears adidas and nike
>State of the shills
Why are antifa so ugly I am genuinely curious
Is it all poor genetics or are they a chemically neutered sub breed of humanity?
>is it coincidence that these 3 people are mostly always in same place at once?
>fascist antifa
this is how you spot a cuck