how can you even refute this? protip you can't
Pol btfo
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Mudslimes can't be individuals, they wear the same brand of ninja gear and are allergic to bacon
Maybe it has something to do with how much their religion influence their behavior and clothing ?
If they don't want to get treated like Muslims why don't they just stop being Muslims?
>He could be telling us that in his ideal world, Muslims should receive special treatment because they're the best or whatever
>He could be telling us that people are genuinely afraid of visibly practicing muslims and that disappoints him because his peers are peaceful for the most part
>He could be saying that muslims are subhuman and deserve to be treated as such
>Without any proper context, we'll never know
Something about that seems off to me, for some reason.
The whole point of the hijab is to mask individuality
If you want ab ideology to sucssed* you have to create an us-vs them mentality, Preferably by lowering their standards as as human, remmer when the iris where considered their own race? No? Learn some history
* = killing lot of people for no reason
> I hate when I'm identified by the negative things but none of the good
Well what is the good?
> well you know, diversity, and some other things
Nothing pisses me off more than a grand standing, shitty muslim
Like, bitch shut the fuck up and put your damn burka on and get your brother to escort you around you stupid cunt
The only reason you're not completely forced to submit to REAL Islam is because Western Civilization, you'll be the first one in line to get stoned when the Sharianiggers seize control
Goddammit Sup Forums, is there nothing more disgusting in this world than a useful idiot?
>X gets treated like X
fuck this melting pot shit, we muslims will see kikeslaves as forever enemies and we shouldn't mix with those fuckers
correction: muslim women are treated as just muslims. and that's cause they all look the same when they're covered in a veil.
Sure I can, the fact they're addressing white people with this betrays their intent. If they were honest, they'd call out the leaders and other members of their collectivist death cult. But they didn't, and as such, I can only see this as another piece of muslim propaganda aimed at guilting us into letting these shitheels invade our countries.
This actually makes perfect sense.
Half of their culture revolves around de-sexifying women and hiding them them in plain sight through concealing, non-individualistic attire.
It's a literally a uniform that only muslim women wear, of course people will start thinking of them as a single block.
the flip side of course is that if we don't recognize them as a muslims collective the same people will get butthurt about having the muslim identity erased.
This is what happens when you wear a fucking cape over your head that makes you look like every single other person who follows your religious dogma to the letter at peril of being beheaded.
Story time cause fuck it.
Since i was a young boy my father has imposed his religion onto me. I was home schooled because we live in the west and my father wanted me in an environment that was free from anything Haram. I couldn't associate with Jews or Christians, anyone who ate unclean animals, or any girl. As a teenage guy going through puberty this was naturally a living nightmare. After years of begging from me and pressure from his colleagues, i was finally allowed to attend a very nice coed high school. The only rule was that i had to keep avoiding anything Haram. Being free for the first time i started to celebrate. Ate bacon my first day, had Christian friends in a week, and within the month i had even met a girl. I was shy and awkward as i could possibly be but she liked me and thought i was funny. She was a little too hipster punk for me, listing to music i've never heard and using words like tubular and bae, but i loved it. Within two months we were dating. It was going great until my father heard about it. The Christians and bacon he could overlook, but the women to him were really wrong. To him this was too much and he even claimed me of having sex with her. As if it couldn't get any weirder he actually demanded i show him my penis to prove i haven't been having sex. I had to ask him twice to make sure i heard him right. It was awkward but living under his roof i had to do as he commands. I started to go out with her on dates and every time i came home i had to whip it out for dad. It might be insane, but i actually am ok with dicks out for haram bae.
Go be a muslim somewhere else, Islam doesn't belong in the West.
>The only reason you're not completely forced to submit to REAL Islam is because Western Civilization
yep, sandniggers/regular niggers do best in white culture not their own.
I was expecting something about lesbian Muslims, very disappointed, op.
...I'm gonna check for Muslim lesbian porn,sounds forbidden as fuck.
I'm not Semitic enough to understand how you can promote a view of your religious group as an indivisible whole ("ummah"), while also demanding to be treated as individuals.
They don't believe it and neither do I.
Islam is a purely collectivist ideology, it does not allow any individual freedom as every aspect of life is determined by the Koran. Mental gymnastics at its finnest.
>while Muslims get treated as Muslims
Sounds about fuckin right
goddamn mudslimes
people don't want muslims in their countries, its so simple yet the media completely and willingly will not represent the truth
No, the parents force them to do it so they don't become sluts. Stereotype is they're the biggest sluts.
Over 1 billion people on planet earth and you still don't have any solutions.
Literally only westerners do this. If you go to Middle Eastern countries they often don't wear them (some exceptions).
have their even been serious attempts to debunk this pic?
>I am not your muslim
oh so muslims were enslaved and were called muslims as a dehumanizing title to further enable the justification of slavery so now "I am not your muslim" HAS ANY SORT OF FUCKING SIGNIFICANCE IN RELATION TO THE PHRASE I AM NOT YOUR NIGGER!
NPR is the sole reason I have hypertension. It's been nothing but thinly veiled propaganda since the election cycle kicked up. It used to have decent reporting before then.
The guy on the right literally looks like Ethan from h3h3
muslims always seem to lose their heads when they try to get away from religion.
I was going to tell you to gtfo out of my country until I read the end and keked
Muslims embrace the group identity. Everyone else is usually introduced by their nationality first and their political/religious beliefs after. The media refers to them all as Muslims, we refer to them all as Muslims and it gives them a sense of pride and power to be under one banner (when they're not literally tearing each other the fuck apart)
Part of what makes political Islam so dangerous is how united its members are.
No one wants to refute this,if we threat like like muslims is because they deserve to be threated like the trash they are
dress like a garbage bag, get treated like a garbage bag
Nazis are treated as individuals? Since when?
Have you noticed when niggers and Muslims do this shit they never showcase their men?
You can actually find cucky looking Muslim and nigger men but they never use them!
They know it would make their propaganda less effective to have men in this because it's aimed at stupid white women that will just FEEL.
>we're all individuals
>except we're a part of a cult that governs every aspect of life and kills you if you leave :^)
Getting real tired of this shit
>unironically make articles like this
>2 days later make an article about how racist and sexist FUCKING WHITE MEN are
It's a fucking joke. We always generalize people and people love to generalize white men but how dare we want to kick Muslims out for being a danger and threat to our nation and safety.
Sounds good to me.
t. jew
Kys plz
oh gee maybe because you all look and act the fucking same. Muslims are pathetically unindividual
Maybe because when they start acting like individuals, especially the women, other Muslims will hunt them down and kill them?
Muslims don't get to be individuals, they get to be in submission to Allah and at war with the Dar al'Harb, that's it.
Dick inspections are just a meme... except in Islam. Your father is a shitty Saracen and deserves a thorough Deus Vulting.
>we muslims will see kikeslaves
lol 911
PS you Muslims are kikeslaves, your so-called prophet was a Jew merchant who tricked a bunch of dumb tribals. His big miracle is he was supposedly illiterate but magically wrote a book that just so happens to be a copy of Jew bullshit, how fucking convenient!
Simple, stop defining yourself as a monolithic entity & start defining yourself as an individual.
>Everyone else gets to be treated as an individual, except Muslims
Another 911, and let's be honest, Islam is an Arabic supremacist creed.
>being german
get treated as a german
>being male
get treated as a male
>being white
get treated as white
being tall
>get treated as tall
what the fuck is OP on about? Everyone is getting treated through their identity matrix. Question is wether said identity is presented by a majority of fucktards or not.
So fucking what? It's the lefties that use them as pawns anyway
What flies over his head is that the Muslim culture in its adherence to tradition and in-group preference, and rejection of the toxic liberal individualism the west adopted that turned every person into a stranger in his own neighborhood, is exactly why we subconsciously realize that these people are far more interconnected and group-oriented than we are.
Once upon a time we had the same traditional understanding. Obviously our own cultural dressings over it, but ultimately the same fundamental understanding of the human condition that every nation on earth was built on. Once upon a time people might have looked at us and felt the same thing.
Of course people see Muslims as Muslims, that's the ultimate achievement of civilization, to have your people truly Belong. And likewise, of course we recognize that these people will possess the proclivity towards selectively favoring and furthering the Muslim interest.
That's called winning.
That's called being a fully functional member of a real society in a planet where over half of the civilized nations have turned their populaces into disconnected fleshbags that buy Coke and masturbate for a living.
>worship a child molesting, slave keeping, genocidal mass murderer and warlord
>emulate his behavior, and promote him as the ideal role model
>provide material support via 'charity' to islamic terrorists around the world, that murder innocent people
>act absolutely astonished when you are treated and recognized as a member of a cult and nothing more
You're lucky you and your whole family aren't dead, you dumb cunt. Islam is a disease. An infection that needs to be burned out, because it kills the host.
Straight white male here. Muslims, I feel ya.
Sandniggers are all terrorists
Their religious regimes regulate everything about them so they are basically the same, unless they interpret their holy book on their own without the assistance of any government. That's when they become individuals.
Except it's the Muslims themselves that obsess and insist on their identity and how important it is to them, hence why they have the need to wear a hijab in the first place. They treat themselves as Muslims and thus they deserve to be treated as Muslims. If they grow out of their tribal identitarianism maybe they will be treated as human beings.
>>worship a child molesting, slave keeping, genocidal mass murderer and warlord
They don't worship Mohamed. They do think of him as the ideal human.
If you understand humans and/or religious world view, you would understand that people naturally assume certain contemporary views, and it is not always wrong.
Saying; but Mohamed did this and that will not result in what you want it to result in. You should instead point to a better role model instead, which would be Jesus Christ / Issa.
>Literally only westerners do this. If you go to Middle Eastern countries they often don't wear them (some exceptions).
You never travelled it seems.
>Literally only westerners do this. If you go to Middle Eastern countries they often don't wear them (some exceptions).
This has to be b8
wew laddie
>Muslims more interconnected than we are
true. good value.
>That´s called winning
If it takes a highly illogical pedophile death cult to achieve this, if we need to become unproductive, smelly shitskins to "win" I´ll pass.
Don´t give credit to those subhumans. They retained a real society not because of their valor but because of their regressiveness.
>You should instead point to a better role model instead, which would be Jesus Christ / Issa.
It is pointless. There can't appear better role model for religious people. Because the source of their religion is faith. "God says so". Period. Can't refute this argument with any logic.
>follow strict set of rules that anybody can verify in the age of internet
>get mad when people know the rules you're following and expect you to follow them through
Well boohoo, how about stop being a muslim if you don't like the muslim reputation? Imagine if people started to dress up in nazi uniforms unironically and then getting mad when people accuse them of nazi stuff.
>If it takes a highly illogical pedophile death cult to achieve this, if we need to become unproductive, smelly shitskins to "win" I´ll pass.
Fun fact: natural selection doesn't care if you pass.
>They don't worship Mohamed.
>They only spend 95% of their time studying his life and the bullshit he said about his made up death god
>muh context
Kill yourself, muzzie scum.
Mass murder and kiddie rape was never acceptable. Muzzie behavior has never been acceptable, which is why until only recently, the entire fucking world was at war with them in every region they tried to occupy.
Mohammed was a child molesting mass murderer, slaver, and genocidal warlord. Muslims worship him. Their behavior is worshipful. They may not call it worship, but it absolutely is. Their idol. False prophet, proud thief, and proud murderer. All by his own admission.
Muslims worship Mohammed because he is their ultimate excuse for their bad behavior. It is how they wash their hands of natural guilt for being human garbage.
The only thing worse than muzzie scum, are their enablers. All of them should be fucking removed from the face of the planet, before they kill us all. Which they absolutely will. Ethnic cleansing is a hallmark of Islamic rule.
muslims are part of a cult and as such can definitely be treated as "just a muslim"
top kek
To bad your are OBJECTIVELY wrong. Religious morals are OBJECTIVE truth. You personal opinion is SUBJECTIVE misinformation. Man can't argue against God.
Fun fact: for every problem there is a solution.
Then don't wear a hijab cunt
You are cucked forever from this solution.
Karl Marx here. All you nazi scum are dumb as fuck.
Whz don't you just end those 90+ Grannies?
What a good and dutiful father, realised that homeschooling made you miss all of the penis inspection days at normal schools so he took that job upon himself.
Does he smell it?
Fun fact: Kazakhstan develops law prohibiting to live more than 80 years.
your hatred only shows the emptiness of your own hearts - the lack of humanity you ascribe to others shows your own lack of humanity.
for you Sup Forumsards, the twisted caricature you image Islam to be is only a reflection of your own empty, sterile, hateful hearts
when the communists defeat you on the battlefield, we'll know we're walking over fools and churls with little humanity left...
Kill yourself too, cechen rat.
Neat uniform, save for soviet landing pad on his head.
you can't refute if you don't post a link.
nah, Mohammed wasn't a jew, he was just a crafty arab.
the cartel of jewish merchants who had been supporting him were the ones who ultimately killed him to try to steal his cult of personality, though--and it worked, the Sunnis are slaves to the jew. Islam is Rothschild, who owns Mecca. Why do you think Israel is buttbuddies with the King of Saudi Arabia? dumbass arabs are all part of the long-term plan to build Greater Israel, that's why. Shia muslims were the ones who rebelled against letting the merchants usurp MUH HAMMAD's cult and that's why the jews and the jew's slave arabs have been fighting them ever since the fucking desert Jim Jones choked to death on some bad kool-aid.
This. If a Christian was complaining about how they get treated differently for being a Christian all the liberals would be saying that it's stupid to believe in Jesus, that God doesn't exist, the Bible is a fairytale, that they should dump their irrational beliefs and become atheists.
Also Stalin thought Hitler would never invade.
Don´t be so sure about ze germans. Full of suppressed hatred. Always good for a surprise.
Maybe if they dressed and acted like normal 1st world people no one would even know that they are Muslim? But they insist on wearing towels and shit which announce their religious and political beliefs to the world then wonder why they get treated different...
Because they're muslims, I mean wtf do they expect
Jesus fucking christ could you this time start with the other way?
Getting real fucking tired of rebuilding everything after each westward leap
>trying to apply some weird "indentity matrix" bullshit to a quite simple problem.
-Integrate into your host countries properly
-Try not to be an animal
-Treat women as humans
-Abandon the veil, hijab or burka
-Reform your backwards religion and "culture"
That's what happens when you're wearing a muslim's uniform.
What country is that pic about? It's one of the scariest things I've seen.
Probably Germany but to be fair, "migrant background" could also include people from other EU countries.