Do you know anyone in real life who actually believes the Russian hacker narrative?
(People without learning difficulties that is)
Do you know anyone in real life who actually believes the Russian hacker narrative?
(People without learning difficulties that is)
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Labour voters, socialists and commies. But I repeat myself.
Not a single one, which is why I assume they all live in LA and NYC
Myself and everyone I know is aware of the fact russia spends a trivial amount of their yearly income to influence their rivals. You would have to be literally retarded to believe otherwise considering every other power does the same.
Was about to hit post but then I realized you are being paid in lazy vodka shots but I get nothing, ultimately I think that means you win.
Pretty much my whole leftist paradise of a country does unfortunately.
Australia pls annex
Yes. Mostly liberal boomers and teachers. These people had centrist or conservative political views in the past and it's like some switch flipped in their brain during the election. I don't recognize them anymore.
>Was about to hit post but then I realized you are being paid in lazy vodka shots but I get nothing, ultimately I think that means you win.
Yes, my Dad does. He's bluepilled on literally everything, wanted Hillary Clinton to win, wanted to remain, thinks diversity is good, thinks all races are the same mentally but have physical differences, thinks the BBC is unbias and always true. His brother is worse because he's the same but a Labour voter on top, meanwhile me and my brother are 1488.
Not many in real life, but hop on /r/politics and almost every double digit IQ mouth breather believes it there.
>thinks all races are the same mentally but have physical differences
Have you talked to him about that - how does he explain black gang and rap culture? If he puts it down to "muh whitey" then ask him why sub-Saharan Africans were so poor and undeveloped before the arrival of Europeans.
Or perhaps almost no one believes it. I mean, would one normie express their skepticism to another? Probably not out of fear that they would be socially ostracized. That makes me wonder if they all know the emperor has no clothes, and are just staying silent about it.
>be Russian influence agent (due lax UK migration policy)
>shillpost what no Russian influence agent can ever exist (due the First Amendment)
Hey OP, try comparing these two videos. One is aimed at the alt-right, the other is a Russian propaganda vid. If you have a keen eye, you'll notice they were animated by the same company.
Hmmmm.... why are Russian animators creating videos targeted at the alt-right...?
Wait, what? You mean Russia puts up YouTube videos expressing their point of view and trying to persuade people? Well shit. I knew China, America, and Saudi Arabia did that, but RUSSIA?
This can only mean one thing - Russia must've have hacked the world's most powerful nation. After all, Russia has far better hackers then China or America, of COURSE they could outsmart their rivals at every turn.
It's clear what their endgame is as well - stop mass immigration and facilitate the rise of self-governing, patriotic nations across Europe. We're playing right into Putin's hands!
was in the thread where some user snooped a way into pdesta's ipad on the campaign trail
literally lost my shit at the phishing that got the email pwd - what was it... runner something or other
then there was the analysis of the malware used- 3 years out of date and ukranian ifaik
nup.. its probably all baloney
Unfortunately most of my Goy book friends have severe learning difficulties (many still think Pissgate is real)
pissgate was literally golden (shower)
showed my dad that thread - he lololled
nope, every single person I know is aware its just propaganda(fake news)
>ask him why sub-Saharan Africans were so poor and undeveloped before the arrival of Europeans.
They wont admit this, they will still claim whiteys snatched up all the good wewuzes.
t. kremlin cuck
Go on cuckbook for like 5 minutes under the Macron scandal and you will see droves of them.
I mean I love that this shit is being brought out to the open but isn t it weird that neither trump or le pen get their emails hacked?
come on now
Good job, Hans. Remember that the best way to fight Putin is to let Ahmed fuck your wife.
Actually Trump's answerphone was hacked by left-wing activists but they revealed fuck all because Trump isn't a criminal.
>please do not remove Manlet please do not
could it be that centrist and right wing pooliticians
a-secure their shit
b-secure their shit
c-secure their shit?
wahh waah
Same boat ,same boat, but maybe not that bad ,my parents are cuckservative-egalitarian
No, but that's because it isn't in our newspapers yet. Checked them this morning, not a word about it.
>neither trump or le pen get their emails hacked
Le Pen has been burgled several times in the recent years. Funny thieves, who enter a house but steal nothing.
She's under investigations for the numerous illegal things done by her Party: if there is anything that we don't know yet, she must have been careful about it and not use emails.
> Like Sarkozy who used a fake name for his second phone
> Not like Hillary Clinton who thinks regular emails are secure
trump had a briefing in the middle of maralago, he isnt "secure".
obfuscation your honour
ten bucks sees 20 he's not using a private server
Suspicious from the day all kinds of 'public letters' written by heads of state/government of western countries were published in newspapers. This was several years ago. Jokes on them: even if anything they've claimed after that fact is true I refuse to view them as credible sources.