I want to go back

I want to go back.

We should have killed Churchill.

Me too

Hitler was shit.

Wilhelm was based.

Wilhelm and Hitler were both shit.

Wilhelm was an idiot and the sole reason traditionalism and monarchism died.

His only mistake was not finishing off the kikes.

His 1000 year reich lasted for 12 so you have to hit a pretty small window.

i feel bad for King George :(

And invading Poland despite promising Britain that he wouldn't.

Churchill was based

Funny that Britain declared war on Germany, but not the Soviets when both were culpable.

We have the best BASED ZIONISTS, right PEDES?

unless he won the war and then suddenly he would be praised as a hero and the savior of Monarchism? oh wait that wouldn't be true at all because Germany was doing the same thing as Britain was with their Royals and sidelining them in favor of power hungry dictatorial statesmen that did the same thing as a Monarch would have, your argument is not a very sound argument

Look up Wilhelm's predecessor Frederick III, who wanted to ally with most European nations to preserve peace and secure Germany's place in the world as a respectable superpower. Unfortunatly he died from cancer only a few months after ascending the throne, and Wilhelm II succeeded him.
Wilhelm then set about to absolutely destroy relations with ALL foreign powers, only having Austria-Hungary as a sort of ally out of mutual necessity. And then WW I comes around (which Wilhelm made worse than was necessary) and low and behold, the fall of 4 empires and the rise of communism and fascism everywhere.

Maybe because:

A) Britain hadn't fought the largest war in history with the Soviet Union 20 years earlier,
B) Soviet expansionism couldn't effect Western Europe (until Hitler lost his war with them),
C) Germany had a Navy,
D) Hitler was a liar

Hitler was shit mate.

Wilhelm II was an idiot though...

we all do unfortunately our leaders are selling us out for the benefit of big business and banks....like your new neighbours goy?

I thought the declaration of war was a principled stand against evil Hitler?

They all look like a fags of their time.

>19-20th century


Why is our king the only fat fuck in this lot?

These are what KANGZ™ look like

well, you can't, so nyeh

Truly our best King, too bad he got assassinated.

But the russians hacked themselves to have their emperor look like king George

What if Nicolas II secretly replaced king George and sent him in Russia to be killed by the soviets ?

Their eyes are quite different though, so that would be detected.

Yes, no one can imitate the beady eyes of the anglo

Willy and Nicky should have made sure to make an alliance. Even if Austria-Hungary dies slowly on it's own, Russia + Germany and the (((democracies))) wouldn't have dared to start shit with them. They would have flattened France and then starved the Island with Submarine warfare (which Germany nearly did already during WW1).