Ask an ex-muslim who was born and spent 20 years in an Islamic country anything. Pro tip: I'm never going back so don't bother trying.
Ask an ex-muslim who was born and spent 20 years in an Islamic country anything...
as long as you're not in the UK I don't give a single fuck you muslim scum
Got a fatwa on ya?
You are a traitor to your own people.
>Implying this isn't bait
i sure hope youre not a faggot larper and have decided to awaken or redpill your fellow muslims, seeing as you have the authority being you once were one.
cmon man just tell us the worst shit you saw all the time that people just walked by like it was everyday business
What made you stop being a muslim?
Good for you by the way, you're no longer opressed by that foul religion.
Can you give me your honest opinion on Islam?
why is homosexuality so condemned yet widespread?
What can we do to prevent the radicalisation of young muslim men? Can we secularise the muslim world easily?
How do could we unbrainwash the millions of muslims in europe? My idea is MDMA and DMT.
but you are still in a muslim country
PS: i know that feel
if you manage to send two muslims back, then you're allowed to stay.
When are you going back?
brown people who were previously muslim are the people who can best fight against the islamification of western countries
What is the best way to get a large group of mudslimes to cease attacking the object of their ire and to turn on each other. (In a mob/riot scenario.)
How many mussies have to be killed in a region (let's say a city or large town before the local population ceases with the jihad.
This isn't reddit. You're fucking Canadian kill yourself retard.
Do you think the current cultural conflict the West and Islam is locked in has any chance of being resolved with minimal bloodshed, or is this guaranteed to make Europe become engulfed in war again?
How prominent are the "radicals" and how much of the community implicitly supports them?
Which country are you originally from?
Education, lots of reading and research on the internet along with critical thinking made me question a lot of the shit that I was told in school about religion. I caught on pretty early that it was a big hoax.
A religion from the dark ages that unfortunately has so many people indoctrinated that it is unlikely it will ever evolve into anything better. It hampers the development or progress of a nation that subscribes to it in ways that are almost impossible to overcome.
You also have to witness our schools and social structures first hand to understand the brainwashing that takes place amongst children to hammer into them an unflinching dedication to the religion.
Sexual frustration mostly. Most guys are virgins well into their 20s and remain that way till marriage. Inter gender mingling doesn't really happen outside the educated "elite" so people need an outlet for that I suppose.
>It hampers the development or progress of a nation
The current state of the west is caused by too much progress, this is one of the greatest features of Islam.
How many people are dead serious about Apostahsy and how many simply saw it the same way most Christians care about contraceptives, virginity before marriage and divorce (i.e., they know about it but don't give a flying fuck either).
Have you tried pork, ribs, or bacon products yet?
Nobody gives a shit
Welcome to civilization mr. sand nigger
Ah I thought that might have been it, I'm glad that not every person from muslim cultures are without logic and critical thinking.
How widespread are the 'buzzword' principles many people critical of islam mention in your experience? Think about "Death to unbeliever wherever you may find them" and taqiya and stuff.
How many people in your environment used to condone terrorism in the west as happened in the past? Or actively supported it?
Do you fear that you may find yourself in an Islamic country even by not going back?
Good for you.
Sterylize your former brethren.
I hope they you actively work against mudslimes. Talk with the subhumans on their forums, Explain how shit mudslimes are. Fuck them over at any turn you can get because deep down you feel the truth. The truth that without Islam the world would be a better place. Its a sickness of the mind which needs to be eradicated.
Not unless you can somehow take control of the education system and shut down the religious schools that do the brainwashing at an early age. You have to understand Muslim society is heavily based around the mosque and religious gatherings so to a lot of these young men it is the only thing they know and any outsider that questions that structure is not looked upon favoroubly. This is why so many are willing to take up arms against "the west" because they consider it their duty since they view anything that threatens that order as an enemy.
I'd suggest nukes might be more effective.
It's hard to say with any confidence where this is all going since it seems like we are stepping into unchartered waters.
Not because Muslims are trying to invade the West and force their culture down your throats, that's been happening for generations. Muslims never really integrate, they just bring their cultural baggage with them and form clusters or ghettos with like minded people. The only ones that can integrate are the ones that remain Muslim for convenience only, ie to not be ostracized from the community. They are usually well educated and are exposed to the world enough to know there is more out there than what the Quran teaches.
The real mystery to me is this romanticising of Islam by the left and the media/politicians. They don't seem to understand that if they got what they wanted, ie mass Muslim immigration and resettlement, all of the things they claim to stand for like LGBT and trans rights would be the first things under threat. Try explaining your non binary gender fluid pronouns to Abdul and Rashid from the mosque. They will be the first ones the extremists eradicate.
Nice taquiya Rasheed.
You still have to go back
How did you manage to get to canada?
Honestly I didn't hear them too much amongst the general populace but I'm sure it was prevalent amongst the more radical sort.
You have to remember that a lot of people don't really go that deep into the specifics of the religion and prefer to keep a surface level of knowledge on matters. You'd be surprised at how many self proclaimed "deeply religious" types will never read a translation of the Quran but memorizing it in Arabic is considered one of the most Noble deeds, even if you don't understand a word of it.
These concepts like taqqiya and such only come to the forefront when there is deemed to be a threat or critisicm of their beliefs. People and events like Charlie Hebdo, Theo can Gogh and Salman Rushdie are what gets the general populace worked up, which is pretty impressive on a meta level to observe how effective the brainwashing is that someone criticising or making fun of your 2000 year old cave dwelling prophet can cause such anger. MK Ultra has nothing on Islam, CIA take notes.
I like trudeu he seems like a good goy
yea like one more muslim would make a difference in londonistan.
Welcome to my country, my friend! Have a complimentary Chinese wife!
Actually, since you're on Sup Forums, I'd take a thousand of you instead of the Muslims we are currently welcoming.
How did you end up in Canada, as a refugee or with proper immigration methods?
Yes, Canada has already changed a lot since I got here.I fear it might be too late to reverse the path we have taken. Mosques are popping up like McDonald's in urban areas, we just passed an anti Islamophobia bill and are importing Muslims en masse without any sort of vetting. It boggles my mind at the stupidity of these liberals and their pandering, and it dismays me to see the general population be so zombified by their iPhones and tablets that they literally don't see what's happening around them. The cultural Marxists have really done an incredible job at subverting Western culture and pride.
>The real mystery to me is this romanticising of Islam by the left and the media/politicians. They don't seem to understand that if they got what they wanted, ie mass Muslim immigration and resettlement, all of the things they claim to stand for like LGBT and trans rights would be the first things under threat. Try explaining your non binary gender fluid pronouns to Abdul and Rashid from the mosque. They will be the first ones the extremists eradicate.
This is what I don't understand about the left. If Islam actually became the state in the West then instantly the so called "moderates" who are quintessentially British would turn on gays and such and would force the burka etc.
How did your family take you leaving the faith?
Good lad.
You should go back though to purge or at the very least convince other muslims to see your point of view, perhaps you could get a proper secularist movement going.
Have you tried bacon and beer?
I used to try but I found that people are unwilling to discuss these issues because their brain just seems to shut down when you attempt to get them to question things they consider as "untouchable truths" that are not up for debate. It usually just leads to lots of name calling and deflecting and doesn't serve any real purpose.
Came to go to Uni here.
What's it like being raised with Islam? What were your world views? Why did you leave? How does life differ living in Canada compared to where you came from? Have you integrated?
THERE WAS A PHOTO OF HITLER HERE. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO IT. I am going to begin paying for the names and addresses of Sup Forums mods.
It simply fits into the freedom of cult.
They were the type to force religion down my throat even though they took me to religious gatherings and the mosque etc, they knew I was questioning a lot of things that they didn't have the answer to so they kinda just turned a blind eye to it.
What would life be without it?
Hitler is now /bant/ material only.
*Never* the type
Thanks for answering. Appreciated!
sorry but please leave unless you have a hot sister in vancouver who likes tall skinny hardcore drug abusing Sup Forumsite otterkin
We have a saying here in the U.K
Every little helps
I know it's not a question but please go back.
god speed.
>What's it like being raised with Islam?
Pretty meh, lots of religious events to attend and lots of restrictions, especially when it comes to girls or other "sinful activities"
>What were your world views?
Politically? I bought into the liberal/Democratic mindset pretty early on since being an Atheist meant my views aligned with them more so than Conservatives, who I really just identified as what I now understand to be Neo-cons, ie the war mongering globalists. I realized pretty early on that Obama was just a meme and a continuation of the NWO machine. My real political awakening was being introduced to Ron Paul during the 2012 elections and he basically inspired my world view and political thought process.
I think he was the catylst for quite a few people here as well.
>Why did you leave?
Not many opportunities back home, lots of crime and poverty, the chance to live in a free and modern society is very hard to pass up.
>How does life differ living in Canada compared to where you came from?
In some ways immensely, in others not too dissimilar, do remember we are all humans at the end of the day and we tend to follow similar patterns.
>Have you integrated?
Well I steered clear of people from my part of the world and tried to integrate with the locals. I didn't travel half way across the world to trap myself in a mini version of home. Most of my friends through college were white and I never really had any issues fitting in with them since we has similar tastes in a lot of things.
>Inter gender mingling doesn't really happen outside the educated "elite" so people need an outlet for that I suppose.
do you mean cross gender (male and female before marriage) mingling among the educated, pro-western?
or what did you mean by outlet, if homosex doesn't happen a lot (except in the educated "elites" circles)?
Honestly given the choice, I'd rather go back than go live in Birmingham or something my Bongistani friend.
Take your people with you. You are a plague on ever nation your people come to.
You are correct sir, I meant cross gender mingling. Most guys are usually stuck hanging out with other guys and the same is true for girls outside the educated elites in the cities.
Thanks for the insight. I wish you well on your endeavors.
The mods made /bant/ for your kind the restvof us are here for discussion
I'm having a discussion. Surely you see the irony of telling me to leave this board because I told OP to leave the West.
I got permanently banned on Sup Forums because of posting a webm in which man is fucked by horse in the ass and then dies from internal injuries. Mods on the board are really fucking braindamaged
Islam not having any sort of separation of church and state, I've always wondered how Muslims in the West feel about the inability to incorporate aspects of Islamic jurisprudence (Sharia) that would most likely be part of how they practiced Islam prior to coming to the West.
Does the average Muslim feel that they are not allowed to fully practice Islam in the West?
Do you think Islam in the Wet will attempt to supplant Republican rule or law for Sharia when they have the political might required to do so?
What school of Islamic Jurisprudence did your mosque practice? I think I read you are from Pakistan, so maybe Hanafi?
I saw that video...that was funny as fuck! Nicely done user!!
In my experience , the more muslim the country of the ex muslim is the harder they fight Islam
Check that Ali chick from Somalia out, she is on an all out war against Pisslam.
When I go and see Bosnian atheist pages, one can hardly find any liberal fags there, unlike western atheists.
A most excellent idea user! Let's throw some Ketamine in the mix just for the lulz.
Fuck off Mr. Syrupman. No one reads anything posted by a leaf.
>I'm never going back so don't bother trying.
Is this because not even muslims want muslims in their countries, because muslims realise that muslims are savages?
Also, Canada?
It's a few of the more rapey you's from being Sweden. Same climate too.
If you were a civilised ex-slime, you'd move to a civilised place that won't make excuses for your forcable fiki fiki.
>Pro tip: I'm never going back so don't bother trying.
ROFLMAO, as if you have a say in the matter, shitskin.
>be a bosnian during balkan war
>pray every day to make the serbs stop raping your mother and sister and eventually getting them pregnant
>the only thing left you have is your faith and help from fellow muslims
>several years later on Sup Forums i go on rampage against muslims and islam
Whats wrong with you you serbian rapebaby?
Wish you'd have died in bosnia during war and ended up in a nice meal for your family
Like we need your cooperation when the day of the rope comes
Reminder that you'll always be what you are, your kind has proven itself unredeemable even though you may not be such
Tidy your own shitty cunts before invading others'
Don't you want to fix your own country and countrymen before you hate on others? the USA isn't heaven on eath either, to be fair its more of s hell
Declining birth rates of whites, high criminality rates, overfilled (private!!!! ) prisons, and countless problems which you surely know better than me
God bless thr cucked usa