British """culture"""

As a European student studying in one of the major Universities here, I am absolutely despiced by the British culture. I don't even know how did those people manage to conquer more than half of the world!

>What's your views on the British culture and why is it overrated?

Other urls found in this thread:

>british "people"

this kills the britbong

You should brush up on your English skills, buddy.
I can't believe they let you study in University.

Fuck off then you cunt

What are you a curry nigger ?


Probably a Paki, if he were an Indian, he'd love more spice.

When the rich british people take power of the UK and make the savage poor do shit.

Thats how we did it.

>Jeremy Kyle
Oh come on, you can't seriously consider Jeremy Kyle to be representative of British culture, watch some songs of praise and the bbc's proms this year.

>"""""""""British"""""""" """""""""""people""""""""""""""

British are not humans they're fauna

>Goes to one city.
>Probably Londistan.
>Thinks he has a clue about anything British.

Your future overlord mehmet

It's ridiculous isn't it? Brits have this amazing reputation outside U.K Come here and see the levels of degeneracy and crassness. I can't wait to leave once my work is finished. I'm here as a teacher because britfags are too lazy/stupid to use their heavily subsidized education and are running out of teachers.

These people represent the very bottom of the working (or not working) class. They're basically hillbillies and get paid to air their dirty laundry on these stupid shows.

>Brits have this amazing reputation outside U.K
haha yeah

Pay yor 100 billion debts boris

What we call Britain and the British today is a falsehood.

We're a dead people and a dead culture.

If you listened to more of the Spice Girls you wouldn't be so despiced.

>European student

Pay your NATO debts, Hans bin Mohammed al Mehmet



What is this word?

Inferiority Complex : The Thread

Ok. actually outside Europe to be fair as lager louts and football enthusiasts can only travel so far on their budget. I know the Greeks and Spanish fucking hate them.

Also saved that dog face, thanks!

Since the 300 billion are meant to be spend on our army i would say this is pretty different haha

I love these threads, it's so nice you all care so much
This is fun!


No worries man haha but we still don't like you

They like our shekels though.

He who controls despice controls deuniverse

>I am absolutely despiced by the British culture
Despised by or despise ? the distinction makes all the difference.

If he was a paki the only thing he'd be studying would be gradeschools.

We are very proud of our diverse multicultural society.

The upper and middle class are descendants of the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons, while the lower class Brits are insular Celts.

Gib scotland oil? Fuck off you utter mongoloid, Scotland pays so much more into the system from oil revenue than it takes out. That's why the English had to redraw the maritime border in the 1970s to be a giant zig zag into the North Sea. Reeeeeeeeeee. Fucking gibs....

Dangerous post.. Britain has one of the highest rates of autism per capita and the rest of us are arrogant and petty.. we've been inducing this since the 70's and right now their weaponisation is taking form. I'm not sure shitskins can have autism and the last time I checked we still have the most complex language and thus, the best memes. Praise KEK for prophet PEPE Reeeeeeee!

The age of men is over, the age of the orc has begun!

Honestly hate being British. Wish I was born in a more conservative country with conservative values. I hope Islam or someshit does take over this country desu. I just want to take all power away from women and put it back in the hands of men. Sick of living in a liberal matriach society.

Why don't you fuckoff back to where you came from faggot . We don't want you here complaining

you realize these shows are basically fake right?




Sup, pussy?

>My contribution so far
3 years degree: £27k
Cost of rent with bills per month: £560 x (36 months)
Other expenses like food, entertainment etc: £200 x (36 months)

You do the math and you realise that during this degree I will give your country over £60k. That's from ONE student, faggot. Image the thousands and thousands from the EU that study here

Is the degree worth it?

This. The basic disconnect between the reality of Britain and foreigners expectations. You can't be a race of genteel, tea quaffing ponces and conquer a quarter of the globe.

What country are you from and what university do you go to?

>Ha.Ha.!! You made a type mistake!! Ha! You g..ggoo...go b..back to your country! Haa..HA you aaare stttupid i..inferior sssubhuman tttoilets ccclean haHa!
Typical British proves my point.

So fuck off then.

Really, poor British culture is degenerate. I say this as a poor British person.

>As a European student studying in one of the major Universities here
You ask how the British conquered the world yet YOU like so many other millions of foreigners have come here to use one of the best universities in the world because your poorshit country can't even compete with our ex-polytechnics that were founded in the 90s.

A few of those guys are Aussies.

All the successful ones left for the colonies leaving the scum to stay

>I don't even know how did those people manage to conquer more than half of the world!

We have a strictly hierarchical culture, like the Japanese. British people are capable of showing great courage and bravery, but mostly when they have been ordered to, or know that they have the full support of their superiors in doing so. That's why we love a maverick/rogue who strays from the group occasionally, but only occasionally. Not like in America where the "one man army" hero is worshiped. Camaraderie is our natural way.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bruce.

This is why Britain is still holding on while America is fucking imploding as a result of its autistic hyper individualistic culture btw

Which uni? Although it probably doesn't matter as they're all full of over-entitled, lazy, rich retards.

Despice is the mind killer

Let me straighten some things out for you there, Johnny Foreigner.

Yes, you're despised (not despiced) by the British, but what you meant to say is that you despite them.

Now fuck off back to whatever third world shithole you came from, we're full.


it says more than the rest of the world than it does the UK.

woke. Too much individualism leads to narcissism and a "cult of me" culture.

British culture is the fucking best.

I was sent over as a Irish prisoner at least I'm honest with my shit past but at least I know I'll have a better future also we don't have to leech off their more successful children

Glad to share it with you, mate. Ignore the shills.

Britbongs are an odd looking bunch for sure...

>Using Jeremy Kyle to represent Brits
Nah I ain't falling for this Hassan


Also, who is grill> ???


You clearly haven't mingled with the rich 'elite'. They are just as bad as the chavs on street corners, except they can exploit their wealth and status to get away with shit

I am from Turkey. Even there the Universities are 100x better than here.

Unless you're an Abo you are >British people

>brush up

>1 post by this ID
Did you just say that Turkish universities are better than British ones? In what world?

So bad that you came here to study

>1 post by this ID.
OP here. Just changed from WiFi to 4G

>I am from Turkey
Go back to your Islamic dictatorship hellhole.

They are so smug with their Royal family. It's like, why in the west, are cisheteronormativepatriarchal whites still royal? Make refugees the new Royal family to prove to the world you're not racist. (Satire guys)

>(Satire guys)

We are the envy of the world. People don't hate irrelevant countries, and we are despised.

I often wonder how many of these 'guests' are just actors?

I genuinely know someone who's actually been on Jezza Kyle, went to school with the fucker.

The fuckers on the fucking show are all at the bottom of the gene pool and/or are drug users, it's not just britan im sure where-ever you came from there are dicks like them.

Remember Trisha?
I knew a guy on that, but he was a halfwit from notts.

The first time I saw this show was on the TV they had at a welfare center I went to to apply for food stamps when I was homeless. I feel like that says a lot about this show. Makes you feel good, but only if you are VERY low.

I'm a massive gay bender with a cock up me arse

>A fucking toothpaste

"Hoe street"

>Jerry Springer tier TV show is proof of culture
um, no.

The UK is probably my favorite country desu. Step outside the London Caliphate and youll see its majesty, turkroach.
God save the Queen.

I bet you voted SNP, ya prick

I didn't realise convicts were successful

i fucken love jezza

Why the fuck are you there if you hate the culture? Fuck off. You have to go back.

>So what you gonna fill my centrifuge up with ARYANS and then I'm gonna show you and then refine em?
>Yeah FACKIN RIGHT you are
>Yeah? Do you like that?
>Yeah, FACKIN love it. Fill that centrifuge up with those ARYANS. Put your mouth around the tap
>-And then I'll swallow it but I'll keep sucking it 'till it's empty then I'm gonna go *shows tongue, its covered in blood*
>FACKIN right you are
>I hope you've saved all your ARYANS?
>Yeah I have FACKIN 'ELL
>Well, a couple. OARGH FACK
>[unintelligible] ...the whole FACKIN lot?
>FACKIN [Rest unintelligible due to the centrifuge whirring to life]
>I hope they really enjoy that
>OAARGH go on
>Loads in there. BLOOD, I love it
>OAH YEAH. OAH YEAH go on. OARGH you ready for THEIR BLOOD? AARGH FACK go on. UARGH, OAH FACK... [continues]
>*shows tongue*
>Mmm swallowed the lot
>FACKIN did didn't ya?
>Hhmm. Lick that bit off there
>YOU BEADY ANGLO you. Lovely
>Mmm, beautiful. Did you enjoy that?
>FACKIN right I did!