New Ad for Jeep Compass.
Notice anything, Sup Forums?
I'm gonna go and buy a jeep today.
It's a CUCV for soccer moms and faggots.
>two thousand and fucking seventeen
>still buying heeps
Nigger gives girl a ring while both alone in the woods instead of rape and murder. What a twist!
When Italians buy American car companies.
Jeeps are cars for the poor and uninformed
jeep is run by jews?
But there interracial couples seem upwardly mobile middle-class and happy!
Look it up Mexican intellectual. Be useful for once, cabron.
That's some sweet negative camber
Owned by FIAT
>tfw this
>tfw modern Jeeps suck anyway
>tfw no more Xterra
>tfw 4runner is ugly
>tfw everything else is either too expensive or not available in Burgerland or both
This is not /o/
I'm guessing it has a mixed race family, and Sup Forums will have a problem with that.
Seems to be a couple of them. Can Sup Forums count them all?
Race mixing is anti-diversity.
We need to unleash the new rainbow memes on Jeep.
>C-Clip axles
Tip tip keks!
By a real rig, fags.
I drive a '74 Land Cruiser fj40.
fucking a m8
got a FJ60 myself
Nigger stole girl's ring?
I actually thought that car looked nice. Now it's ruined.
I kind of felt like this ad went down the middle. The vegan succumbing to a giant steak certainly isn't aimed at lefties.
Even the "stay single until you're 34" is actually prioritizing marriage.
Of all the ads to be offended by, this once doesn't seem worth the outrage.
>get fired
>run into the woods
>become homeless
>marry a nigger
>get white babies
>marry a black women
>get mixed babies
>eat expensive steaks and travel around without having a job
>buy a jeep
rly gets those noggins joggin!
Looks like I never buy a Jeep again (own one now).
Will be emailing them, to tell them why.