Its ironic that you look like the same as your #1 enemy.
both of you are:
- ultraconservative
- anti multiculture
- anti feminism
- anti gay
- anti democracy
- anti abortion
- suporters of holy war (deus vult - allahu akbar)
- both believe in fairy tales (aka holy scriptures)
Basicaly you both are not able to assimilate of new social behaviors.
shouldn't you join?
Notable diferences between Sup Forums and the ISIS?
There is literally nothing wrong with being gay.
Harming gays is barbarian tier behavior.
I should expect such things from the most Africanized location in Europe.
You have to go back. mexinigger.
a lot of people here say gays are degenerate
I bet that you are the same inbred monkey who makes all those communism threads.
Neck yourself, parasite faggot.
wrong holy war you stupid nigger
A lot of people here are severely mentally ill.
Spain was one of the first countries legalizing gay marriage
I don't mean the country I mean the people it normally attracts to Sup Forums.
Fuck off /leftypol/ shill.
Fucking leftypol nigger
>Sup Forums is one person
any argument?
I always hear this that Islamic extremists are 'conservative'. If that's the case why do they vote left? They aren't conservatives, they want to destroy, not conserve, just like the left with who they have aligned.
its obvious I mean most of Sup Forums posters
they vote left in the countries they invade to make the islamization more easy, in their countries they vote conservative.
And we instead should be supportive of the secular cause which invites more Muslim immigrants, allows more degeneracy with society constantly promoting sexual relationships (with underage pregnancy and STD spread rising because of it) and is anti-religious because its supporters delusionally believe religion (well any religion but Islam) is responsible for all the problems in the world?
The difference between Conservatives and Muslims, is that like leftist extremists and communist antifa fags, the Muslims abhor free speech and wish to oppress and censor. Meanwhile they constantly claim to be oppressed.
So it's you leftists who actually have much in common with Islam. At least with behaviour.
They usually don't vote in their own fucking countries and when they do they vote for big-spending socialist parties
Deja de abrir hilos de mierda, subnormal.
otro no argumento
>spic doesnt understand faith and believing in something
Color me shocked...
Muslims worship Satan, dipshit.
You'll see, youre going to be sharing Hell with them.
Qué tal si lurkeas durante un tiempo antes de postear? Es ridículo ver siempre al mismo histérico con una banderita española posteando este tipo de mierda que lo único que hace es baitear odio hacia nuestro país.
>siempre al mismo histérico