The REAL red pill;

Federal Reserve is a PRIVATELY owned institution.

When the management of the Federal Reserve Bank proclaims that one billion dollars should be created for use by the American people, they simply issue one billion dollars. By doing so, new money enters circulation, as the Federal Reserve Bank, the creator of money, is not required to have any actual funds of its own.

Each time the private corporation called the Federal Reserve Bank of New York "purchases" a billion dollars in Bonds, one billion dollars worth of American labor and property must eventually be confiscated by the Treasury to "cover the check."

The banks now have one billion "new dollars" in their accounts, which they will then loan into the economy.

The effect of the Federal Reserve Bank on the US and its citizens has been devastating. since 1913, the value of the American Dollar has fallen to 11 cents. The gold reserves have vanished. Interest rates rise and fall arbitrarily. A continually-inflated money supply wipes out the value of life-long savings. Within five years, interest payments on the national debt will exceed all revenue collected annually by the Treasury. Sadly, not one in 100,000 Americans would be able to guess the identity of the actual group responsible for these tragic statistics. The Federal Reserve Notes in our wallets and purses are not Constitutional money. They are in fact pieces of paper which document America's ever-growing debt to the very clever, very persistent, and very wealthy stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank. THAT IS THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR MONEY

Other urls found in this thread:

This is why capitalism doesn't work.

Yeah we don't have a free market. We have a rigged economy where the banks create money for themselves at no cost, at the expense of everyone else.

Everyone's busy talking about identity politics, left/right, religion... the banking system is the real red pill.

You are thinking to small friendo

You forget about fractional reserve banking, where they only need 1/10 of what they loan creating cash, creating debts to pay debts to pay debts,while exporting inflation to the world and get shit.The reason the ponzi scheme doesn't not fall is thanks to based Nixon for getting the dollar backed by petro

There is a wordcount otherwise I would have explained it all in the OP. But you're right to point that out and it's a good point mentioning the dollar being backed by the petro.

"By 1975, all of the oil-producing nations of OPEC had agreed to price their oil in dollars and to hold their surplus oil proceeds in U.S. government debt securities in exchange for the generous offers by the U.S."

Banks being privately owned is capitalism.

Free market competitors have it in their best interests to reduce competition and interfere in free markets to their benefit, Business Theory 101

Keep Stacking

I cant open my own bank or use my own money. So no free market at all. If I could be paid and pay taxes in bitcoin/gold/silver that would be free market. Dollar is a man made monopoly.

Banks being able to create money they do not own by lending it at an interest rate is capitalism?

If not, what is it?

And guess who runs the federal reserve and its branches. JEWS. JANET YELLEN, BERNANKE=KIKES

>Free market competitors have it in their best interests to reduce competition and interfere in free markets to their benefit, Business Theory 101

This is true in the sense that banks get in bed with government and pay them to use force to protect their practice of devaluing people's holdings. Even before the Fed, the US has always let banks get away with not paying as much specie as they promised.

This is false in the sense that in a truly free market, any bank that issues phony notes will lose clients. Everyone will move to the least inflationary private banks.

Currently banks have no reason to be concerned with protecting their clients from inflation because there's no real currency competition.

Money Socialism

You're either larping or you have down syndrome. Either way, you're a faggot.

>doesn't understand what capitalism or free markets are.
Welcome to Sup Forums, now please kindly return to Reddit.

>Federal Reserve is a PRIVATELY owned institution.
he's right you know

This is why you need a Full Reserve Bank controlled by the government

this isn't capitalism, idiot

You've literally enslaved the world, and those who go against your mark, are surrounded and destroyed.

nice, am stacked as well

It's not "capital" if it can just be printed into existence.


yupp, the reddest pill.
Without the FED counterfeit money the kikes could do nothing...
Banking reform > everything else.

Nice collection.
Someone's set for when the German Civil war kicks off

Not enough, America still enslaved the owrld through Breton Woods, and dissolving the gold standard.


Congratulations, you just realized that everyone had been JEWED


Daily Weekly reminder that you're all controlled by degenerate Sex Magick Satanists, literally.

Works for Chile. Think about it, without patents and government controls, how can businesses compete for customers? They must offer the best products at the lowest prices.

Good start but that's 8000 euro at best if I'm estimating the weights correctly based on the coin size.

>Each time the private corporation called the Federal Reserve Bank of New York "purchases" a billion dollars in Bonds, one billion dollars worth of American labor and property must eventually be confiscated by the Treasury to "cover the check."
user forgot the magic of this, when the FED created that $1B they didn't create the money needed to service the interest... therefore more money must be borrowed to pay the interest.

same shit happens in EU.

This looks close enough for a question that didn't merit a thread

Are there any countries not operating under massive debt?
Why would countries voluntarily overspend so often?

The Babylonian invasion of the world through financial enslavement AKA Centralization of all power in America.

Bretton Woods

And the coup d'etat

I'd love to see them taxed on their profits
Only fair right?

>Banks being privately owned is capitalism.
>Free market competitors have it in their best interests to reduce competition and interfere in free markets to their benefit
Also true

But here's the issue with the banks. The Central Bank prints the money. All other banks take loans from the Central Bank. The Central Bank CREATES money, it doesn't manage it, so how can it ever fail unless the entire economy fails? It's too much power. The value of the currency isn't dictated by its use and what can be bought with it, it's dictated by how much is printed of it. Fiat currency is a claim on wealth, so more claim on the same amount of wealth reduces the value of each individual note.

This is compounded that the banks are LOANING OUT MONEY THEY DON'T HAVE. When you put your money in a bank, it's no longer your money. The bank now has a >>>debt

True, a free market has competing currencies that people can freely switch and choose for payments and savings.

The Fed, ECB and other central banks have state sanctioned monopolies on printing money from nothing.

Inflation is a hidden tax which has increased a lot by central banks.

why are canadians, who are a disgrace to the image of white people, so arrogant in their method of talking??

You're a fag nation with a closet faggot feminist Castro cuck baby 420 dude weed PM and the chinese and arabs are rabidly taking over your country, and you fucking sit there thinking you have any kind of grasp on reality.

It's fucking disgusting. You shame Europeans with your stupidity and unearned smugness while the rest of the world steal and plunder from you.

sure thing

>He has been gaining money instead of gaining fitness, survival skills and collecting sheep for their tight wooly pussies.

> Iluminati

Omg what does it all mean?

that video is outting the main disinfo agent on the internet
that's what it's about.

unless your too brain dead to follw the video. he made the disinfo videos, uyo know that is that what you where saying???! may8

EVERYONE SHOULD READ THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND. The amount of information in this book on central banking, and all the main players is incredible. I'm about to finish it today.

So Capitalism only worst as long as people have an Imagination and decide to imagine the same system Working.

Capitalism, for realists that want to live a dream.

If a bunch of degenerate sex freaks can enslave man, then that says more about man than the degenerates.

>If the bank goes under
every financial decision carries risk, if you store your money under the mattress there is a risk you might lose it all if your house catches fire
if you had invested $100 in a 5% municipal bond in 1913 it would be worth$15984.06 today

>bigger than prime alex
>idgaf about lifting
>don't diet
>don't routine
How has this happened?

Prime Alex is tiny. Probably was doing brosplits

Also, Mandatory watch for this thread:

Great documentary, this will catch anyone up to speed on the federal reserve. The true red pill is understanding economics and how (((the powers that be))) use central banking to enslave everyone.

>Banks being privately owned is capitalism.
No. It's a state gifted monopoly,

oh wow, that would make everything ok, retard


good book, don't remember that bit though


oh you little baby, this isn't capitalism, this is theft. capitalism is voluntary, with no cheating. once there is cheating it is croneyism, or just theft and fraud

I don't get it

explain me potaot


I think its world population.

wat? make sense

It's a great book. This is within the first 200 pages where he talks about the setup for world war 1 with the Lusitania and Churchill.

but will burgers understand before its too late?

Of course not, the tipping point usually occurs around when at least 10% of the population possesses knowledge, but for something with so much propaganda and disinformation behind it, it might have to be as high as 20%

just point these niggers to bill still and let him sort them out

How do you email or direct mail, or get everyone to know about this?

Hahaha agreed my man, I linked that above. If countries were to drop using the dollar as the reserve currency the dollar would inflate to massive levels and would ultimately lead to its destruction. Correct me if I'm wrong there, but I believe that's the case, right?

maybe I should reread it

you read tragedy and hope? quigley


No, but I think I'm going to read it later when I finish this. It looks amazing, glad I saw it in the footnotes, what did you think of it?

I'm no economist, but that's how I see things playing out.
I think you meant "when"

if it's true, it's one of the most important books ever produced. only read a bit of it so far, I should continue and stop shitposting for a while

Except the FED isn't part of capitalism but is penultimately socialist you retard.

Hahhaha yeah, for now though we'll just have to keep toppling governments that don't bend the knee to rothschild finance.
I feel you, I just have this tab open right now while I read. These are some of the most important threads in my opinion but they don't get enough attention. I will start it later, you should get some coffee and dig in. I'm comfy right now with some coffee and classical music

>If countries were to drop using the dollar as the reserve currency the dollar would inflate to massive levels and would ultimately lead to its destruction.
100% correct, dude.
essentially, we have a suicide pact with saudi arabia to be their wind up soldiers in exchange for them selling their oil in only american dollarydoos.
there are some other strings we have rigged up with exports and imports that we trade only for dollars, too, but the global demand for petrol is what really props the dollar.

how the fuck did the fed end up in private hands? that's the only thing I dont understand. in what other country is the central bank privatly owned except the us?

Okay thank you, I never quite understood the petrodollar completely, but now it makes much more sense.

its not private. Its just not part of the government to prevent the conflict of interest between party in power and monetary policy.
They still have to report to the federal government, their books get audited and president? appoints the chairman of the federal reserve.
People like OP honestly believe that the the federal governemnt isnt monitoring the fed to not do outlandish shit and to preserve the value of the dollar through steady inflation.

yeah, coffee, good idea

I love clasical, but today is eurobeat day

Look at the first post in the chain, it's the inflation rate since (((Central Banking))) rothschilds took over.

Wow well done faggot such an untouched diamond you just uncovered literally no one here ever knew about fractional reserve banking.

The districts do not get audited and the federal reserve has private shareholders. There's a lot of disinformation which makes this hard to uncover but it's the truth. The member banks all have a giant ponzi scheme running with the fed, and congress has no authority over the federal reserve. I would suggest researching more or reading something on the topic.

>falling for compounding graphs
you goldbugs are so easy to fool, here is a graph of 3% stable inflation rate

>preserve the value of the dollar through steady inflation
retardation levels previous thought impossible. congrats

I see that, but what is the line for?

>There's a lot of disinformation which makes this hard to uncover but it's the truth
its literally in the wiki, they pay them 6% dividends rest goes to treasury. Members banks have no say in the direction of monetary policy

>doesnt know money is neutral in the long run
>doesnt understand that steady inflation gets absorbed in the system as most assets are inflation adjusted

This is so true. We're worried about girls being whores while we're debt slaves.

Indeed that's in the wiki. Why do you think I said there's a lot of disinformation?

you been sniffing the farts of economists, faggot?


stealing from savers to give to debtors is immoral, no matter waht retarded justification your (((high priests of money))) tell you

People who actually want things to change will and should spread the truth as repetitively and wholly as the lies

Since you probably wouldn't want to watch a 3 hour video on central banking I recommend this short video or you

5 min


you do know that if you have money in any stock or bond as long as infaltion is at steady rate its going to get factored in the price, right?

The only way you can steal from savers is if you have iceland style one time 20% inflation

Where do I begin? I don't want to get a shady (((merchant))) and get burned. But I want at least 10k in metals when shit hits the fan.

How is this not common knowledge at this point?

Either retard or slide; Sage

come on guys the Fed loves us, what about QE, what about all those trillions in stimulus they printed to buy back all those treasury bonds that the US citizens own?

oh wait, it's like 99% banks that own the treasury bonds, and banks got 99% of the "stimulus" in the form of QE, the Fed printing money to buy back their own treasury bonds. the banks got all of the money and used it for stock buybacks, executive compensation and lots of other shenanigans so basically now we have all-time-high stock market and a shit real economy!

yay, Yellen is such a sweet (((lady)))

here's a good video that explains really well how the banking system works

and this one sheds some light on the history of war and banking

without the leveraged credit system there wouldnt be 7billion+ people living on earth right now, more like 500 million

nominal debt /= relative debt

they pumped the whole planet

guess what comes next.. a low in the population curve

and after that, rebuilding with next lvl tech as always

this is a fractal system