Alright, assume Le Pen wins and an election to leave the EU is passed.
We all know the EU will try to pull some shit in order to secure its existence.
In that case, could Britain and France get away with threatening of blocking passage for EU members?
Alright, assume Le Pen wins and an election to leave the EU is passed
I sure hope so. European shakeups are always fun.
There isn't much room for speculation; if france leaves the EU, it's done. The entire project will implode on itself.
France wont most likely be leaving EU even with Le Pen at the helm, but France will assume the same role Brittain previously had, in trying to be the reformer of the union.
I dont think France will leave EU cold turkey like UK. Main difference between France and Uk is that France is using the euro.
With their currency tied to the union a brake is unlikely, but I think Le Pen will distance herself and promote increased self governance for france.
Le Pen might honestly be the one to reform the EU, and maybe one day make it feasable.
But the Germans must be removed from the cabal since they hate the idea that other nations can act individually and in self interest.
>trying to be the reformer of the union.
what would they try to reform?
The southern control is wrong. Gibraltar territorial space is not big enough.
>he thinks anglos don't rule the waves
Between the anglo navies how can spainaird ships even compete?
Le Pen is a Putinshill and should be fed to dogs, Macron aka Oedipus, should be there too.
Brexit has made Free Scotland closer to reality. Establishing a true border Ireland and Spain will boost Gibraltar and Nirn to break free too. The UK will lose white immigration from the EU but Panjeets will keep comming. Jobs will be pulled back.
Brexit was a mistake.
Le Pen won't win, if she does, Europe will be fucked, the only ones gaining from this are the Mongols in Moscow and their Turkish bothers in arms.
Refugee policies, centralization etc
The EU is great if not for leftist animals.
*hops into german submarine*
Do they still call them uboots btw?
sweden must get out the e.u asap. so sweden can trade freely with the u.k and france, thus causing trade crisis between all the other countries in the european union, finally the e.u would have to collaps.
The EU is a disgusting and vile cult that needs to be driven to the cesspits of history.
Oh, how I wish.
It isn't going to happen though. Even if SD wins next year.
Here is the eternal Anglo wanting to keep Europe divided.
We must overcome our differences in order to fight for the survival of the European people, which due to a lack of unity are under attack from the east once more. By Moscow, Ankara and the savage hordes.
le pen said she would switch back to the previous currency in france before they used the euro
they won't leave the eu
Le Pen wins
well if u don't leave the e.u then at least the sd can halt the refugees like poland has
Ah, leftists and their pessimistic outlook
Change is better than no change at this point
I am not really against the United EU project, but we have been betrayed by the EU, I am not sure of the situation in Bosnia. The lives of the innocents who were killed in Paris, London, Nice, Berlin and so on, are all to blame on the EU.
>Brexit has made Free Scotland closer to reality.
Meanwhile in reality the SNP has got precisely nowhere and the Consecatives are now the second party in Scotland.
If anyone was buying what Sturgeon was selling, the SNP would have dominated the council elections
It wouldn't be just the spanish navy. A blocking passage would be seen as an "attack" to all the EU citizens. Germany and probably the USA would step in.
Add to that the 50% of british and french population that would be revolting, agitated by the media.
I just think this plan would not work.
>the frank
Hmm then she is basically laying the groundwork to leave imo.
Implying trump would support Merkel over Britain.
sorry mate that rock belongs to the queen
Germany invades Poland to secure the future of the EU
British are oddly patriotic when it comes to military actions, spin it as a justified defence and the population will support it.
It should be a rule that if you are no longer connected to germany by land through EU states you have to leave the union.
This. The EU could work if the UK was given total control over it.
anyone protesting would be students perhaps. but the clear minority
alot of people i work with are sort of itching for a war with europe, its strange.
Am I crazy for believing that there will actually be a Hitler 2.0 in 20-30 years?
top fucking kek
Pretty much.
If attacked virtually everybody would be perfectly fine with conscription.
But then I know some strange people.
UK reformer of the Union ? you must be joking ? they were the fucks holding the EU back for generations
We mustn't let our countries go down like this. I'd rather have white people endure under liberal rule, become richer thanks to the new wave of migrants, effectively building their wealth upon them, then finding it affordable to have kids again while leaving in great conditions.
This. EU cucks should not have any Volvos.
It's more probable that SD would take us out of EUSSR than the others though.
If Le Pen wins, will France actually leave EU/hold referendum on leaving?
probably not at first. But it will be all the more tempting once they see how well Britain is doing after having left.
It will be much easier for us since we never adopted the Euro currency, that will be a major stepping stone for countries that will have to adjust their economy and revert to their past currency.
Still good that Le Pen will give France the option, we need more Euro skeptics in positions of power to help break down the Belgie circle jerk
France will surrender to Germany. This isn't 1914, they are more cucked now then ever before and no one cares about France anymore. Paris is shit now and it's 3rd time lucky for Germany.
>thinking the US would back the EU over the UK
bhahahaaha. Get fucked. I know we fought them twice but nowadays everyone sees the UK as by far our closest allie. We are brothers. Many americans still harbor resentment against france being faggots and germany for killing europe twice.
The anglos rule the waves and we will never become slaves!
no need, there is a difference of supporting LePen and actualy wanting to leave EU.
Such a referendum would go positive for remain.
But the chance is there it forces EU to reform and become more stable
Eu will get fucked up because germany and france it's the two countries that are trying to keep it togheter as it's slowly collapsing like a sand castle.
Lets hope LePen's first action will be just nuking Germany.
We sure have became cucks but Germany outdo us in that respect too