Is Sup Forums a cult? Be honest with yourself.
Is Sup Forums a cult? Be honest with yourself
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Nope, I've been in cults.
They have potlucks and stuff.
It's a miasma.
you can decide to leave
i keep comming back and i don't know why, even tho i hate you guys and i hate this place and i hate the jews for no fucking reason at all WHY DO I HATE THE JEWS THEY DID LITERALLY NOTHIGN TO ME EXCEPT THEY KILL PALISTINIANS REEE REEEEEEEEEEE I LOVE JEWS I WANT TO CUM ON SARAH SILVERMANS FACE I LOVE JEWS
A cult of what?
theres no doctrine
its just like any other ideology (which is alright),but stop and think for yourself on how you stand on it and you'll be fine.
I like a cyber fight club, where instead of fighting we shit post each other.
It's a forum on an anime website
What kind of foods? Best cult potluck dish? Most common? Redpill us!
Its a place for free speech. Unlike australia.
kinda, we are an echo chamber. the pol created the alt right is simply pol created comments that inspire other right winger, they are used to get more data and support to spout back at them like a feed back loop to control and use the right for political,social,economical gain. We generate useful data for ((them))
fucking green bean casserole
Yes and no
>you can leave
>no physical violence
>Sup Forums can't force you to isolate yourself
>us vs them mentality
>evil boogeyman who will kill you unless you keep fighting back against them by browsing Sup Forums
>constantly gives out "truths" (aka redpills)
>encourages you to isolate yourself from them
>preys on vulnerable people (the autists and losers who browse here)
Aside from being virtual (so there's no threat of violence), the other major difference is that on Sup Forums you have many different cult-like ideologies, not just one, and people follow some certain combination of both
Some people use (((them))) as the boogeyman, others use (((the globalists))), others use the leftists, others use the MSM, etc. There are hundreds of different scapegoats on Sup Forums, and every person believes some set of them (and thinks they work together for the same goal)
Some people think they want to establish communism, others think they want to destroy white people, others think that the Jews are trying to get everyone under their power, others think that the lefties want a social justice world where white people and men are oppressed
With canned mushroom soup mix and fried onions from a can?
>from them
from the boogeyman and it's supporters
It's a cringey le kekistan cult because of the endless waves of cancerous retards entering this board instead of Sup Forums & /r/the_donald
>some certain combination of both
*some combination of them
what's a cult?
Good movie about a cult if anyone enjoys weird art cinema:
campbells cream of mushroom and french's fried onions
Signs of a cult member:
>Extreme obsessiveness regarding the group/leader resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration.
>Individual identity, the group, the leader and/or God as distinct and separate categories of existence become increasingly blurred. Instead, in the follower's mind these identities become substantially and increasingly fused--as that person's involvement with the group/leader continues and deepens.
>Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned it is characterized as "persecution".
>Uncharacteristically stilted and seemingly programmed conversation and mannerisms, cloning of the group/leader in personal behavior.
>Dependency upon the group/leader for problem solving, solutions, and definitions without meaningful reflective thought. A seeming inability to think independently or analyze situations without group/leader involvement.
>Hyperactivity centered on the group/leader agenda, which seems to supercede any personal goals or individual interests.
>A dramatic loss of spontaneity and sense of humor.
>Increasing isolation from family and old friends unless they demonstrate an interest in the group/leader.
>Anything the group/leader does can be justified no matter how harsh or harmful.
>Former followers are at best-considered negative or worse evil and under bad influences. They can not be trusted and personal contact is avoided.
Since Sup Forums has no leader, instead compare these to the Trump supporters on Sup Forums
Well maybe they had Swedish meatballs? I should try making a casserole from scratch some time. Probably fine or even good from scratch. Just a hassle to fry onions and make mushroom gravy.
/nu-pol/ is a safe space for leejunists and alt-right e-celeb cockmonglers, so yeah
give back my old board you gook kike
It's not a cult.
It's true free speech, and rightist thinking flourishes in an environment like this, in which we're not censored by the system.
>true free speech
>cant post illegal things because cia and fbi and fsb monitor every post and everything and we are all logged and monitored if we consitantly post stupid inflamitory shit
oh ya famalamading dong i love this autistic pottery honey pot forum where we pretend to unironicly be nazis and blame others for our problems
>WTF I love cults now
Golly these great bullet points make me realize I'm in a cult and now I want out. Communism is the way!!
Hello comrades!
Communism is still a cult
Nope! Not a cult. Only pol is a cult. You've opened my eyes brother!
>Is Sup Forums a cult? Be honest with yourself.
I don't know, but fashwave still doesn't exist.
Go back to plebbit, newfag
no but the cult of kek is a cult.
No. For Sup Forums to be a cult it is required to share the same ideology. And here in this God forsaken pit of madness everyone seems to have different ideology and views.
Plus what stupid cult lets leftist fags to invade it.
>anti-trump profile image
>anti-trump message
is there a more obvious false flag?
I come here for banter, people talking shit and the occaisional happening.
cult (n.)
1610s, "worship," also "a particular form of worship," from French culte (17c.), from Latin cultus "care, labor; cultivation, culture; worship, reverence," originally "tended, cultivated," past participle of colere "to till". Rare after 17c.; revived mid-19c. with reference to ancient or primitive rituals. Meaning "a devotion to a person or thing" is from 1829.
Just join that guys cult and you'll get all the casserole you can stomach.
the 'thing' would be ideology, natsoc mainly (also ancap) and if you need a person you could say Hitler.
I mean if they were made from scratch I might. I do appreciate free food.
>A Cult?
More like an assembly of trolls, actual racists and proud nationalists. A Cult sounds more like a sort of religious sect.
I think there is nothing wrong with that.
I think there's overlap between a proud nationalist and an 'actual racist' since (((racism))) was a term coined to demonise nationalism.
I don't really care.
As a person who moved to America and was extremely disappointed by its current state I think that this country really needs "cults" like Sup Forums.
>there is no doctrine
It's not a cult, it's an ideological movement.
>But how do I tell those 2 appart?
It's easy user !
- First, there is no dogma. There is no book of rules or base statement to follow. The only thing that is upheld is Free Speech.
You can't make a cult simply "about Free Speech"
I personally don't take seriously every shitpost that comes through here.
It's just a mix between : trolling, conspiracies, racist jokes and extreme viewpoints.
There is no central leadership.
There is no clear goal.
There is nothing more that people from around the world, sharing their (shitty) thoughts.
Well Sup Forums hasn't scamed me out of my money yet so i guess not
a fashy cult