What do you think? The author claims he literally got a nightmare from a picture he saw here.
What do you think? The author claims he literally got a nightmare from a picture he saw here.
>In my first five minutes on Sup Forums I saw some pictures I cannot now un-see (one of which literally did give me a nightmare a couple of nights later)
>What do you think? The author claims he literally got a nightmare from a picture he saw here.
That's why they're losing. They're sheltered cowards who have lived their entire lives inside a padded bubble.
>But there are some signs of opposition creeping in on the site itself. During my research I was struck by the amount of counter-harassment I saw from a more ‘liberal’ perspective.
Apparently shills are such a problem now that even the media is reporting on them.
Thanks for more newfag phoneposters
How sensative can you be like wtf its not Sup Forums in 2005 anymore.
Leftists are scared Sup Forums has the ability to wake people up from the MSM's propaganda induced fever dream
>Sup Forums
>a particularly dirty kind of warfare
Someone make a new banner out of this
post more mexican gang videos
Too bad he did not die
>G*rmany is the enemy of the white race. They started WW1, killing millions of whites, just because they were jealous of the British Empire. Rather comically, they lost the war and lost territory to the British Empire as a result of their ineptitude. Also, unbeknownst to many, the G*rman invented communism and spread it to Russia during the war to weaken them. Eventually, this would kill millions of whites. The G*rman, deeply consumed by shame and anger, sought to re-establish himself as a somewhat relevant regional power. To try and achieve this, they elected a socialist, who fought in the aforementioned war and held a great grudge against the Anglo. In his bitterness, the G*rman created lies about G*rman superiority, to try and justify his lust for power and his neighbours’ lands. Thus war was declared, and with all too much predictability, the G*rman lost another war, with many millions of whites being killed. Again, comically, the G*rman had his own lands taken over by Anglos. The G*rman was defeated. For now. Many years passed, and under the divine mercy of the Anglo, the G*rman was allowed to rebuild, and even to thrive. But the seed of guilt had been implanted in the minds of G*rmans, so as to keep them weak. The G*rman, utterly humiliated, now put his hope in the EU instead of his conquered homeland, and in his autism invited the Middle East to Europe. This was done so that G*rmans could finally live beside a people lower than them. And so it was the G*rman's blood lust continued, as these new guests killed many whites. But alas, just as the G*rman began to feel a fell hope, the Anglos had defeated them again with Brexit. Who knows what the future holds, but there is one thing certain - the Anglo will always be here to thwart the G*rman menace.
>I may have even dipped my own toe in the water – strictly for professional purposes. And to make Sup Forums a bit more interesting.
Aaaaand he's here forever.
I want moot back.
At least he recognized that Sup Forums is destroying 4chins
Schlomobro, great find. These morons don't get it. We're Frankenstein's monster. Society made us and now they can't form an angry mob fast enough.
"SJWs (aka Social Justice Warriors aka ‘liberals’ aka non-racist people)"
Love it
was it the baby kill/fuck?
Agreed, also achive link you lazy fucks.
Sup Forums has been occasionally in news for a decade now and normies never stay here. In fact, media presents Sup Forums every year as a new thing.
Google the website, they were founded after Brexit for the specific purpose of countering the "fake news" that caused Brexit. Of course they think this. It's like a British version of Shareblue
>I may have even dipped my own toe in the water – strictly for professional purposes. And to make Sup Forums a bit more interesting.
>>I may have even dipped my own toe in the water – strictly for professional purposes. And to make Sup Forums a bit more interesting.
>And to make Sup Forums a bit more interesting.
I unironically want to kill this faggot
It's a pretty predictable phenomenon, the normies who come here lurk for five minutes, become terrified and quickly unplug their computer and go cry in their safe space and have nightmares like this faggot, everyone else stays and ends up redpilled.
You do know the Chaos God frog occultism is not a joke?
you would think after losing they would get some perspective
Probably this, also this site is not like an ordinary discussion forum. It's difficult to follow threads at first and people will run out patience soon.
They're so locked into goose step that they think unless you have 100% conformity, it's a sign of being fractured.
Why do they always capitalize the c?
This shit... THIS is why we hate you r/ t_D
Constantly posting about
>Sup Forums doing this... based 4chanz!! le cool!
on plebbit is why all these fuckers are here now. It's never been a secret club but all this cancer has come from mostly you faggots.
>Blackburn says that the election of Donald Trump saw a surge of resistance on Sup Forums that has made things “more interesting”.
A Surge of Shills more like.
It's really the hubris that pisses me off. He's pissing into an ocean of piss and he thinks he's pissing rosewater.
>But there are some signs of opposition creeping in on the site itself. During my research I was struck by the amount of counter-harassment I saw from a more ‘liberal’ perspective.
He takes shitposting as legit opposition
>frogposter upset that users aren't all pastey white basement dwellers retards
Like pottery.
I bet he's the one posting the nigger porn.
everyone act retarded.
One of the hallmarks of Sup Forums is the extremely high posting frequency, on Sup Forums and on Sup Forums peak hours it isn't uncommon for a thread to 404 just 10 minutes after the last post and every time you F5 the front page you're greeted by a new web of content, this makes the discussion very difficult to follow. Obviously this doesn't apply to the slower boards but newfags very rarely venture on to those.
Why the fuck does this article try and make us sounds more powerful than we actually are?
Isn't that what we already did since 2009?
Why do these news sites always spell it Sup Forums, with a capital C? It's obviously incorrect.
nice article
excellent journalism
keepon keepanon
Sup Forums's days are probably numbered. Just wait until the FBI or CIA become aware of it.
Fuck off kike
>Sup Forums: The site you never knew was influencing you
Is this non-existent shit like internalized misogyny or does the author mean M E M E M A G I C is real?
please, i'm in character since 2011
>no bias
journalism is dead
I wonder what they think about worshiping ancient, dormant chaos gods..
Why are Westerners such overly sensitive faggots?
Does pointing out you got nightmare from a picture on an imageboard site make the point of the article more solid or what?
It looks fucking childish, pussy and retarded.
>become redpilled
Nah. It's more like they go to Sup Forums and they either like it (normally kids) or are repulsed by it and then leave without further exploration. If they can actually learn how to use the site and jump boards or use the catalog, there"s a high chance they'll find their niche and hang around.
sensationalism. It doesn't matter if your story is accurate as long as it's interesting
I think he's saying our (((tricks))) and (((schemes))) were well learned.
Thanks, dad.
The Beginners Guide To Why A Massive Crowd Is Booing Us And Our Suicidal Policies And Who To Pin The Blame Of Our Multi-Billion Dollar Loss On
i love my smartphone it's so much more compact and convenient than a laptop i can even browse reddit on it with one hand while servicing my boss with the other hand
i love having a job so much it makes me really feel like a productive member of society haha NEETs don't know what they're missing! after 2 more years of internship i can start earning money to pay off my college debt and in about a decade i can finally start earning money that i can actually spend then maybe i can marry a fat bitch and work hard for the rest of my life to provide for her and raise a few kids so i will have the satisfaction of knowing i helped the progress of human evolution by adding 2 or 3 more turds into the global toilet bowl that already contains over 7 billion turds
that is my main goal in life, what i want to do more than anything else
They need a boogeyman to rally around.
>jeremy Blackburn doing a study on Sup Forums
>has livestream raids on his Twitter
This is the fuck making those downvote slide threads everyday that only redditcucks take the bait on
>tfw when the normalfags don't realise shitposting is a theatrical performance where we all play characters because it's funny
>please, i'm in character since 2011
my dude
>and every time you F5 the front page
What is this, 2005? Use the catalog, grandpa. There's a sort function for last reply, bump limit, and creation date.
All the world is a larp and we is merely larpers
Trump is best
also nazi breddy good 10/10
gas the juice now
geil gitler
y knot ink lude the ark hive in the oh pee?
But then who was phone?
Bonjour France, fille des USA ici. J'espère que votre femme et vos enfants sont bons. Uhmm, vous devez régler le pendule dans l'autre sens. Sinon, l'islam sera votre vie bientôt. Très bientôt. Il prend déjà 99% de votre vie maintenant. L'islam est un cancer grave et virulent qui a presque misastasé complètement dans votre cerveau. Terminez-le maintenant ou vous finirez. Le vote pour Macaroni et le fromage est comme un vote pour le cancer du cerveau. C'est le diable. Ne faites pas un accord avec le diable. Ne participez pas à votre dernier coup de mort suicide. Ne pas voter pour le cancer du cerveau français. Macron est égal au diable.
Because it's 4 Channel retard, like in BBC.
missed the id. ignore previous post
thanks for the archive schlomo
>The author claims he literally got a nightmare from a picture he saw here.
this picture?
>the ‘n’ word was replaced with ‘google’, a disparaging word for ‘Jew’ was replaced with ‘skype’ and so on
>'n' word
They'll never learn.
I miss the old Sup Forums, where you could be on Sup Forums for these five minutes and encountered non stop CP and gore. Kept these normalfaqs away
>random dog
Every time
>no comment allowed
well color me surprised
>It was designed to mock SJWs (aka Social Justice Warriors aka ‘liberals’ aka non-racist people).
>It was designed to mock SJWs aka non-racist people
wew lad
oh yes im sure adding to the retard soup that is the minds of these people the idea that the left is losing everything to a site about anime discussion site will totally get them back on the level and wont drive them to the brink of sanity at all
>pic gave him nightmares
Someone make a meme that makes
lefty fags kill themselves
It's part sensationalism part virtue signaling. Like that one journalist that claimed he got PTSD from shooting an AR-15 one time.
I've dipped my toe into Sup Forums...thats all it takes, to just dip ones toe....not years of getting ones hands dirty messageboard crushing or tricking people into nudes on irc or hacking nude patches into AAA games....just dipping my toes and i can make a difference x)
>the ite you never know was ifluencing you
>but facebook, youtube, reddit, tumblr, twitter and pornhub are perfectly safe goy.
>In my first five minutes on Sup Forums I saw some pictures I cannot now un-see
Probably went on Sup Forums. No one should visit Sup Forums.
G..guys, are we /extremists/?
>not even an angry dog
>just a happy dog ambling along
It's so perfect.
Those must've been the glory days.I guess it stopped because 4chins got too much attention eventually?
This paper is edited by Tony Blair's old spin doctor. He's an alcoholic cunt tbqh lads best to ignore him.
Articles like this are always good for a laff or too
I'm a civic national;istic
There's a disproportionately large number of Israeli flags in this thread.
Which one of you cunts wrote this article?
>The European
Propaganda rag. They're still butthurt about gamergate and pizzagate yet they use the same blatant lying in the article itself.
I actually came here as a kid back when Arby N The Chief was a thing because he would always talk about Anonymous. Shit looked stupidnso I left. Like 4 years later when pony became big I took notice and came back.
Point is, one or two visits ain't shit if you don't understand the format.
Jokes on you, I've been acting retarded since 2004.
> Blackburn says that the election of Donald Trump saw a surge of resistance on Sup Forums that has made things “more interesting”. I may have even dipped my own toe in the water – strictly for professional purposes. And to make Sup Forums a bit more interesting.
what if shills are actually college professors and PhD students.. Litterally financed by the tax payers money.
what is up my fellow Sup Forums users?