I realise how important religion is in society, but I struggle to believe a lot of what Christianity claims, and paganism is larp-tier. What can I do to find religious beliefs that can support a modern lifestyle?
Agnostic help
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Either you believe or you don't ffs
Are you retarded? You are "looking for" a religion to believe in?
Holy shit faggot. That's new.
Read genesis. Did it for me.
Pleb. Study some math and the nature of axiomatic systems before you say something so dumb.
I'm in the same boat OP, I would consider myself an agnostic theist, in that epistemically, I do not know (for certain) whether there is or isn't a God, soul, afterlife etc., but I have seen enough to be quite comfortable with living and practising as a theist/deist. The more specific doctrinal/dogmatic claims are difficult for me to accept, but I've come to a (somewhat) firm belief in a creator God and the existence of a universal/natural law
I believe in a god but I don't know what faith is the right one, it's on earth practices that Im asking about
how about just being religious for the virtues it brings instead of forcing yourself to believe?
>tldr pretend you believe and you'll eventally believe
Let's say there is a god, alright? Would he care about you? Would he even care about earth? Or would we be even more worthless to him as ants are to us?
Think about that live your life.
Thomas Aquinas will help you realise that God is real.
>Either you believe or you don't ffs
Yes? That's what agnostic means. You don't believe, but you acknowledge that you don't know either way and are open to each possibility
You don't take a hard stance because guess what you don't fucking know
Humans are fantastic creatures, while we might not go around conquering galaxies our presence and our nature is profound.
>paganism is larptier
clearly someone's never actually studied the occult
abrahamic faiths are complete bullshit, but if you seriously immerse yourself in the cult you might find yourself with more questions than answers and a lot of strange experiences
i'm pretty sure there's a reason why religions that push the idea that the occult is evil have so much power, and whenever an atheist "disproves" an occult practice or belief i've noticed they never actually seem to know what they're talking about
that's non-theistic agnosticism, there's agnostics who lean more towards theism
the occult*
Real talk, it's up to you.
God exists but he's not some bearded old guy in the clouds. It's everything in existence and we're fragments of that. The consciousness we have exists from this source and it's just God experiencing ever facet of existence possible (applied to plants and animals and other things).
But pretty much Jesus understood this very well and at the least everything he said in the bible is legit if you need a starting point.
define a "modern lifestyle?"
Do any of you morons ever bother to search the catalog? There are at least 10+ threads about these daily.
Sorry if I don't make sense right away but i think I have a point anyway:
For a struggle like yours, not believing things about Jesus, anthropomorphic God and Eden, miracles etc etc..I think the main crux is not understanding these issues properly in their wider context. I am not talking about historical, cultural background but more like the whole mechanic of biblical "worldview" and having a soul turned towards God.
Mind needs to be certain type of state to consider these things, have an open mind. Usually big changes in persons life trigger having a desperate but open mind. It's kind of hard to have the door opened to you if you aren't both sincere and in true need.
Nothing good comes if you violently try to believe something you consider plain stupid.
My advice is to read some historical christian author who is deemed respectable. Somebody with talent to explain Bible, from historical, philosophical perspective.
Man can't really force himself into believing things that he thinks can't be really true. But he can listen to somebody else to make an argument before passing the final judgement.
In this way tou can mold your brain, open your mind so that you will understand what Bible is trying to portray. Reading an author who can explain biblical issues to you, molds your mind and step by step you see biblical stories from a richer perspective.
Its really about having a good soil where the seed can be planted rather than trying to plant a seed somewhere where it clearly can't grow.
I was in a similar situation.
Pick whatever your parents/grandparents are as long as it's not totally cucked.
If your family's religion is totally pozzed, I'd recommend Catholic, but anything which
1. Has absolute moral standards
2. Is successfully forming families with children
is a good choice.
Just go, participate every Sunday and have faith.
Another point if you are open to racially motivated message of Bible, Christian Identity basically does away with classic notion of "faith" and "love". It replaces them with idea that adamic man (a race among other humans) is "saved" no matter what individual believes and via this idea, both "faith" and "love" are cast into a different light.
It's core issues differ alot from mainstream but it strictly follows the word of Bible and these core issues have many historical similarities. For example adamic man being a separate man from other races can be found from Eusebius.
It might resonate with you because it really has different type of starting points than regular churchianity and has a strong historical, cultural correspondance with older types of christianity like Arianism and certain old Church fathers.
Wait did you just say that there is a third option to believing and not believing?
Its weird how you talk about math and axiomatic systems but seem to have never heard of the law of excluded middle.
Care to specify?
>I realise how important religion is in society
>I want to live a modern lifestyle
You seem confused.
Just follow the teachings of Christianity.
Why not buddhism? Christianity after all teaches you to stone unruly children, kill witches and tells you its ok to own slaves but not eat shrimp.
Don't follow the kike religion. Just teach your kids what is right, and why it is right. There is good reasoning behind many biblical principals.
Well your British so Christianity is seriously your only option unless you would like to join in on the Muslim take over of your society. If you would like to try to get into religion start reading the bible, either start with Genisis then Exodus or start with the Gospels in the new testament, that is the first four books. The second thing is just start going to church and maybe try talking with your pastor. Assuming your English the Church of England would be fine but some can be very liberal. The other main option would be a non-denominational/evangelical/baptist church which is more likely to be conservative but there are some liberal ones out there.
Its normal even for some good Christians to have doubt about the existence of God but what matters is that you want to believe, especially if you are in this for the value religion gives to society.
Also this is only marginally related to religion but try to get married as young as you are financially able to and have several children, church is generally a good way to meet women.
>Support a modernistic life style
Satan, you can find Satan. That's basically how you live now. Repent or enjoy the fires of hell.
Pagans must burn. Christians destroyed you before and we will destroy the nupagans today.
Heretics must burn.
Now we're getting warmer.
>Christianity after all teaches you to stone unruly children, kill witches and tells you its ok to own slaves but not eat shrimp.
>Nordic knowledge of Christianity
Never heard of the bible?
i did cherry pick of course, but those are still the teachings of christianity.
No, this was in Old Testament.
>church is generally a good way to meet women.
Shame most in my area are full of batshit crazy people.
No shit I've met some chick that believes she's something called a Hedge Witch. She made more sense than some baby-crazy twenty-something I met at Baptist Church.
Is the old testament just stories then?
its half of the book, you cant just toss it aside and cherry pick the parts you like, especially if its the infallible word of god.
>support a modern lifestyle?
liberal Protestantism or reformed judaism
pick one.
>Believing in the christian god(s)
are you fucking retarded lmao
Agnostic doesn't even work as a position because it functions like an adjective, i.e, agnostic atheism or agnostic theism.
The opposite of agnostic is gnostic, which means you are absolutely sure.
It is there for context, but we do not live by it anymore.
Jesus said "Go and sin no more" to the adulterous woman, if you went by the Old Testament law she would've been stoned.
This image always makes me laugh
This is what Muslims actually believe Christians worship.
as far as im concerned thats just stories too.
Can you please wrap this up and give me your best reason why anyone should believe in a god or the bible, i gtg soon.
Try Sikhi.
>anti-religion "religion"
>many religions have some truth to them
>duty to defend those who are having other religions pushed on them
>everyone armed and ready to fight
>no priestly class, no prohibition on women leading in prayers
>remember god, work hard, help others
It's great for the undecided. Forget about the asshole Punjabis who say you can't, just study on your own for a while and see if you like it.
The historical evidence for the resurrection:
Proof for the resurrection of Jesus:
The first 30 minutes is what's important from this one, the rest is questions and answers.
Ex-atheist scientist tells his story of becoming Christian after realizing that the story of creation in Genesis actually makes the most sense and gets a lot of things right compared to other religious books:
Cold case detective, former atheist analyzed the gospels using his skills and came to the conclusion that Christianity is the true religion and what is written in the New Testament is real.
The videos are long, but they basically come down to this:
1. The chain of custody is sound, the story doesn't change over time.
2. There was stuff in the Bible that was later confirmed by archeology(places, people, etc.)
3. There are even non-believers' accounts of some stuff Jesus did, just from them you can know a lot about Jesus if you piece it all together.
4. The differences between gospels aren't a bad sign, because witnesses rarely agree on stuff. If every eyewitness would say the same thing, it would be very fishy and would mean they probably talked to each other at one point.
5. The apostles died without getting rich, getting a girlfriend or getting power, they all died horribly. There was no point in spreading Christianity if they didn't believe in it. Why would they risk their life if it wasn't true? Why would they risk their life if it was all forged? Why would Paul try to join this new small church?
Also the only accounts of Romans getting Christians to change their faith was after the 1st century. No account of eyewitnesses ever changing their story.
>According to 100 Years of Nobel Prize (2005), a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates, have identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference (423 prizes).[5] Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of all the Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% of all Literature awards.[6]
>The three primary divisions of Christianity are Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Between 1901 and 2000 it was revealed that among 654 Laureates 31.8% have identified Protestant in its various forms (208 prize), 20.3% were Christians (no information about their denominations; 133 prize), 11.6% have identified as Catholic and 1.6% have identified as Eastern Orthodox.[7] Christians make up over 33.2% of the worlds population.[8][9][10][11]
>Our Lady of Zeitoun, also known simply as El-Zeitoun, Zeitun or rarely Our Lady of Light, was a mass Marian apparition that occurred in the Zeitoun district of Cairo, Egypt, over a period of 2–3 years beginning on April 2, 1968.
>The apparitions were also witnessed by President Gamal Abdel Nasser,[5] and captured by newspaper photographers and Egyptian television. Investigations performed by the police could find no explanation for the phenomenon. No device was found within a radius of fifteen miles capable of projecting the image, while the sheer number of photographs from independent sources suggests that no photographic manipulation was involved. Having been unable to produce an alternative explanation for the luminous sightings, the Egyptian government accepted the apparitions as true.[6]
Nonono, you're not supposed to do what you believe is right, you're supposed to do what god tells you to
>The Government
Nononno, you're not supposed to do what you believe is right, you're supposed to do what the law tells you to
>Liberal/Conservative statists
Nonono, you're not supposed to do what you believe is right, you're supposed to do what oppressed people/ self-righteous majorities tell you to
Nonono, you're not supposed to interpret information, you're supposed to accept what I tell you
>Parents raised this way
Nnonono, you're not supposed to do what you believe is right, you're supposed to do ehat I tell you to
>Children who never became adults
I don't do what I believe is right
You're all children raised by children governed by children under the false cause of childish-ness in the name of a false god who's story is expoused by children with funny hats
Just join the church with the best community in your area, or move to an area with a good church community.
For example, I may move to Utah and become a Mormon for that great community, even though the beliefs are sketchy, at best.
I could always go to, say, Japan, for my missions, right?
look up "steven anderson" on yoirube and watch him
>I fully subscribe to a set of morals because the people are nice
>I blindly accept the beliefs of a group that accepts me
>I advise others to join me in this brain whoring
yeah sorry i dont have the time or the motivation to sit through and read all this shit, i'll just be lazy and believe it after you win the nobel prize for proving god's existance.
Too bad none of that is actually good evidence.
>how can you possibly say that without looking at it
Trust me, if it was good evidence it would be common knowledge.
I'll repost:
>According to 100 Years of Nobel Prize (2005), a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates, have identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference (423 prizes).[5] Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of all the Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% of all Literature awards.[6]
>The three primary divisions of Christianity are Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Between 1901 and 2000 it was revealed that among 654 Laureates 31.8% have identified Protestant in its various forms (208 prize), 20.3% were Christians (no information about their denominations; 133 prize), 11.6% have identified as Catholic and 1.6% have identified as Eastern Orthodox.[7] Christians make up over 33.2% of the worlds population.[8][9][10][11]
Muh do what you think is right. What if you're mistaken? Countless generations before you had a brain too you know. Why would you throw out their experience entirely?
you are actually retarded
Nononno, you shouldn't believe what you belive is right, but rather what a bunch of non-Objectivists
Not even trying
There are no religions that suit a modern lifestyle.
They're all stone age tier
I just want to fuck Molly Mormon and make 12 little Mormons.
What more is there to life?
Anyway, what's wrong with Mormon morals? Most are regular conservative ones I already follow, and the rest are "Wear special underpants and don't drink."
Abrahamic religions spread their influence by violence and cunning. Everything of lasting value in Europe came from Pagan cultures. Christianity is an anti-human mind virus that stunted European development for over 1000 years.
Immunize yourself to the evils of Abraham. en.wikipedia.org
>successful at forming good families
Just like how pedophilia and blackmail is good a forming good governments
It's just another way to hide the fact you're morally decrepid on the inside
Not an argument.
>have my genitals and animalistic urge to beget children satisfied
>Have a self-developed morality based on my most basic assumptions of what is true in the world
>You wish to chose option 1
Why do you need religion?
You dont need to literally belive it just understand that Christianity has helped advance civilization
Well, since it's near impossible to fulfill option 2, I will choose option 1.
Have fun with your depression, though.
Because he just chose the label agnostic to represent how wishy washy and inconsistent his beliefs are
>have fun with dperession
>making a jab at something that isn't there
>making assumptions about the life of someone who disagrees with you
It's almost childish or something
To some it's about community and social needs.
There are some places that nail you as an outcast if you don't go to church on a Sunday. Especially Catholic communities.
You tend to find that in religious communities the people with the most standing are narcissists though.
Find your own place OP, forming relationships in a religious community can be a bad idea unless you're certain they actually understand the message the bible or whatever tries o tell them instead of using it as their own little cult of personality.
If there are any sport clubs n your area I suggest going for one of them.
What aspect of your life do you feel is unfulfilled in a manner that finding a faith or belief would fulfill it? Christian larpers are cringey as fuck
>wwaaaa being atheist is too mainstream now ;(
>literal fiction taken as fact
Not really, Christianity set Europe back centuries. When Europe finally awakened it was thanks to old European civilizations, not Christianity.
You're basically another "I'm not a Christian but..." jackass.
You ain't different you people are a dime a dozen
Jesus H
>never studied the occult
The word "occult" means "hidden" not spooky spells and whatever Llewelyn bullshit you're into
Just follow what Jesus taught throughout the gospel. Everything He said is contrary to a modern lifestyle. This isn't a self-help religion, its a God-help religion. You do what He says now (sacrifice all you own and do, maybe even your life) and you get your life back and MORE in the next one. Can't handle that, then go back to hugging trees and bowing to rocks.
Spirituality is something personal, you shouldnt believe something just because something or someone says so. only what you experience should matter. Me personally i realize the only way to have a spiritual experience is to meditate and practice no mind. No mind is very valuable for every day aswell, it does not mean you are stupid mindless cunt it is actually the other way about. look into it
>support a modern lifestyle?
The modern lifestyle is degenerate, user. Seeking "religious beliefs" that "support" it is self-defeating. What you need is a religion that supports a traditional, reasonable, morally good lifestyle.
Did I hear Zoroastrianism?
>morally good
It's like he's trying conform to a preset lifestyle he thinks made moral progress
I've read the qu'ran and it's a pile of shit. The worst shit I have ever subjected myself to
>And believe in Allah, for he is all knowing, and knows all, and everything, for he is the knowing one...that knows what you do, for he is knowing of what is in your heart, as he knows all of what you hold in your chest
>listen on repeat as a child for years
>boom brainwashed
What a faggy way to put something much more simple
My suggested reading list:
>Nicomachean Ethics
>Allegory of the Cave (Part of the Republic if I remember correctly)
>Mere Christianity by CS Lewis(I am told it is a good introduction to Christian language by my former atheist girlfriend)
>Orthodoxy by Chesterton (I think it breaks down a lot of misconceptions and is a generally good criticism of modernism)
>The Last Superstition by Feser (If you were to read one book at of all of these I would suggest this one, it's a good summary of all the various ideas presented above and shows the logical/reasoned belief in doctrine)
In conclusion there is a reason religion is good for society it is because religion is much closer to the truth than any other way of living. The truth is liberating and brings happiness - if we are to agree with Aristotle.
The truth will set you free!
By it will piss you off first.
What is it with religious peasentary, are they purposely acting retarded just to provoke reaction
Then go for it if that's what you think you want. Just realize that Ultra religious Mormon girls can be crazy and freak out if you don't follow the religion exactly. Just one month of not paying your ten percent tithing or one day of not wearing your Mormon underwear or praying and they will break down crying that you are sinning. Also you will have a hard time finding one to marry if you don't seem very devout. The higher your income the better your chances of course.
Never was there a truer statement. To provide some stories on the matter, my girlfriend was an Objectivist, feminist, atheist going into the university I am going to. We all take this philosophy/catholic/English course our first two semesters of freshman year in which the professor called her a false idolater in front of the entire class (God I love my university). From that point forward he (who was also a former Atheist) dismantled her negativity to Christianity, tempered her feminism, and brought her to Neo-Platonism. The final step was opening up to Christianity.
It saddens me that the modern university don't like the Ancients anymore, because they truly challenge how you want to live your life.
>a false idolater
It's like I'm in a daycare
Start to read the King James Version of the Bible and it should start to make you believe. STAY AWAY FROM THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION OF THE BIBLE!
If you go back far enough down the rabbithole of Christianity you fin out Jesus did miracles with a magic wand. you still cant be sure about King James's Bible. Its best to study the whole history of Christianity to get a clear picture of it all.