Ask someone who is from Ceuta, África, anything
Ask someone who is from Ceuta, África, anything
what porn do you watch?
do you like Chinese food?
How many fingers can you fit in your arsehole at once?
Sure, here is my question:
Why the fuck are you in Spain, you dirty nigger?
Gibraltar is British.
Which is your favourite colour?
What happens to the monkeys that make it over the fence??
Whatever is in /gif/ first page
Yes. Thai is better tho.
You tell us
You don't even know what Ceuta is do you?
It might be English, Chinese, Argentinian or Australian. It cannot be a tax haven to leech off our taxes.
They get in overcrowded concentration camps. Then some libtards cry until they are released instead of deported. Then they go straight to Germany.
Nobdy fucking cares. But it cannot be a tax heaven. After you leave the EU we will close the borders.
Oh don't worry. They just move to your country. There is nothing to be concerned about.
We get fined when we build a wall to protect our borders. Then we get fined because we let illegal immigrants in. Then we get fined when we put then in concentration camps to check if they are eligible for asylum or if they should be deported. Then we get fined when we set them free because they are illegal.
Fuck the EU
What do you think of Marocco
hang on let me try *clears throat*
Praat jy Afrikaans?
I will go to Ceuta.
The best neighbor we could have, considering we are bordering Africa.
I posted a photo of my eye to avoid the "hurt ur a bigger" posts. It failed.
On a scale of 0 to 10. How much of a shithole is Ceuta? why?
How is everyday life with muslims? do they behave?
I'd personally would sell both enclaves back to morocco.
Nigger. Ducking autocorrect.
I am % Spanish. Ik spreek keen Duits
you again? wtf
kill yourself
Nigga you're retarded, I would die than give the two footholds Europe and more importantly Spain has in Africa.
it is no different from cities that have no-go gypo zones, but instead of gypos it is muzzies.
Yeah give enclaves, then Andalusia, then the rest of the peninsula. Intelligent move
They are a drain on spanish economy. Literally a blackhole that sucks money no matter how much you throw at it. They have absolutely no value in any sense except providing a beach head in a war with morocco (not gonna happen).
Lets compromise ok? jsut tear the city down and kick all moors there to morocco and spanish to spain. Nice empty beach now. I could settle for that.
*blocks your path*
How much money and what profession would I need to move to Ceuta permanently?
>Whatever is in /gif/ first page
What is the cost of a house or apartment in Ceuta?
Unemployement rate in Ceuta is 40%. what the hell do half the people there to survive? government gibs?
Why do you want to go to Ceuta user? i've seen photos and it aint pretty.
Why would anyone want to come here.
Half of the population is Moroccan. They """""""""work"""""""""".
I believe the destiny of Spain is in generation and increase in Spanish not degeneration.
Stop romanticing Spain user. The USA may have its problems but let me tell you its way better than being from Spain. Nobody wants to be spanish, not even spanish people.
If you want to be nationalist be USA nationalist, otherwise you are wasting your time with spain friendo.
How many niggers jump the fence, on a monhly basis?
I live in Tangier, they are literal hell.
I am Spanish, I don't care about new world.
are you an actual spain born citizen or are you just a larping burger with MUH ANCESTRY shit?
if you are the former please, let me just tell you. Spain is shit. Dont you move from USA you fool, much less to go to the biggest shithole in the world within the shittiest country on civilized earth.
They come in big waves so the police don't have time to react. Maybe 0 in months and then suddenly thousands.
I've been to spain, it's not that bad stop crying.
I am nationalist it is my gusto and duty to serve spen.
We're kind of a vigilante group in stopping them, and we think someone is helping them cross, they always figure out right place and the right time to climb.
Also the government started deporting them to Western Sahara provinces, we're even raising petitions for tracking bracelets, trating them like animals is the only way.
Do you eat pork?
Yes. I am 100% Spanish
Morocco is paid to get rid of them, because it is illegal in Europe. It is fair tho because the only reason there are niggas in Morocco, is because you are in the bridge to Europe
>It might be English, Chinese, Argentinian or Australian. It cannot be a tax haven to leech off our taxes.
you have no say over that. gibraltar is british.
Portugal: Ceuta, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive migrant crisis and bring order to the European Union.
Ceuta: I'll never join you!
Portugal: If you only knew the power of The Alberto Barbosa! Spain never told you what happened to your father.
Ceuta: It told me enough! It told me you killed him!
Portugal: No. I am your father.
Ceuta: No... that's not true! That's impossible!
Portugal: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
Join your true Fatherland.
please do.
given that you're reliant on a continuous fiscal transfer straight from the EU net contributors, you'll be hit when the Germans decide to cut your block grants.
and if you start imposing your petty restrictions, your tourist trade will take a hit, too.
good luck with that. it's the only thing you've got.
This jus means potigal
Belongs to spen and it did join us brother in same destiny, Portuguese population is same as spanish
I have no say about my taxes?
The poorest Spanish region is richer than the richest Portuguese region. Let that sink for a moment.
I see Portugal same nation so I would fight and sacrifice for Portugal the same as for Spanish.
What do you do for a job?
Citation needed
That may have been true 10 years ago. It is not true today.
I am a web programmer
Just a feudal political construct same people, espanhol = Portuguese
oh no, you're totally right. you also have a very prosperous construction sector
>I have no say about my taxes?
you have no say over tax regulation in gibraltar, no
Economy of Ceuta is based off what, and what can be done massively for money in ceuta?
I was thinking IT work is best for Ceuta or how many factories can you fit in ceuta?
Ceuta is rightful Portuguese clay.
Keep killing those niggers, based neighbor.
I'm just trying to make a joke.
Then your muh heritage ancestry autism ruins it all.
>I would die than
Begone, LARPer or Spanish Legion has all the doors open I suppose
Something tradable to other regions that provides a benefit.
Also Iberia.
This thread is best put in /bant/
This, there is no seperation between spain and Portuguese state.
I can walk to Portugal from Madrid, why are the pueblos divided when there is one neighborhood in Iberia?
I know you from hispita
He should tell us how many fingers you can fit in your asshole? How can he know? Not to mind your own business or anything
I actually don't want them near Castile and León. Fug off from my home.
Also don't give details or lie. There are many eyes.
take your pick
Fuck off, Alberto.
Ceuta is now Raul clay
No you don't. I have never posted there.
You can also walk from France to Madrid
No you cant, there's only a small opening designating the small connection between Europe and Iberia which there is but there is no seperation of Portugal and Spain genetically geographically or otherwise.
Only 2 small opening roads go to France, all roads go to Portugal
>Why would anyone want to come here.
If I was a Sub-saharan African I would. Other than that, idk
>and we think someone is helping them cross
Ofc, there are people who make a business out of this, the same people who get them into boats etc
Can anyone exmplain this new meme plz? if he's from Africa why is the flag European?
Surely you mean Ceuta, Portugal right?
Pyrenees seperate Spain from
France, strait of gibraltar seperated Spain from Africa, only Iberian blood.
It's a Spanish territory in the African landmass, like Mexico in America
There is no natural connection in Africa and North Africa
Maybe you should leave this country if you hate it so much you faggot. And please take your pessimism with you, thats not what we need to get this country out of the shit
You are literally lower than a nigger stop posting your spic face in every Spanish thread faggot
Beside the locak smugglers, we hear sometimes, the timing and location is too precise.
Also, our coasr guards sometimes confiscate paperless boat of unknown origin, they are fairly new compared to the small fishing boats used by smugglers usually.
It only started to happened after the 2nd fence in Mellila was built.
By the way, we're buying Klansmen outfits, you know, just for the lulz, and the stabbings.
I wish open-season would come soon, so they'd let us use rifles in the woods and """"""accidently"""""""" shoot niggers.
Say that to my face
Crazy Moroccans kek
Ceuta is a Spanish territory in the north of Africa which triggers Moortuguese as much as how Galicia is Spanish.
>we're buying Klansmen outfit
>""""""accidently"""""""" shoot niggers
As you can see her 0 connection, North and ssa might as well deviate into 2 species.
At least Ceuta is better than shit filled Algeciras
Wow that's reasonable, stop trying to be white Pablo I see through that filthy moor blood, you are so desperate for validation it's utterly pathetic.
That song gives me a hard-on.
Would sound well on this video:
Retarded yemenese kept the negroids humans as innbreedable with actual humans.
Are Moroccans /ourguys/
le bimbo gib money is somekind of monkey or turcanimal
That's a meme just like Olivença, we're trying to find something to say to our neighbors because honestly there's not much desu. I don't think anyone really cares about it.
Yeah it's kinda sad how we don't really have memes for each other. We call you sardinas but that's really it.
so cuck porn and trannies?