What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
hes just a shill pretending that everything he does is great just like any other politician
hes literally the new obongo who is just making shit up on the fly cause he thinks his voters are stupid niggers (most of them are)
so what can you do?! its politics and it will never work in favor of the people but is only there to rule and to destroy us
He meant that the fake news media did everything in its power to make the Republican healthcare victory look as bad as possible, when in actuality it is far better than obamacare.
>using the word 'literally'
>its the new 'like blah blah blah' word
Fuck off back to kikebook you millenial faglord.
We need to start using Ocare as derogative slang
It's literally no different except some people with pre-existing conditions may have to pay up to 30% higher in premiums if they've been uninsured for a certain period of time, but that increased rate will only apply for a short period. So it's basically just a tiny bit less unsustainable version of Obamacare. The libfag hysterics and conservacuck celebrations are a bunch of sound and fury signifying nothing.
pretty pathetic attempt to justify a fucking shit Paul Ryan bill
This isn't populism, this isn't what he promised, this isn't what bannon would have pushed him toward. It's simply Trump cowing to the pro-corporate, anti-worker Paul Ryan wing of the party. It's really worrying how he's reversed on Syria, reversed on now selling out to the bankers/Goldman Sachs, reversed on helping out struggling americans fucked over by healthcare/obamacare. I fully expect him to reverse on trade and just spend the rest of the year gunning for tax cuts for the rich, ie Paul Ryan's dream
>hes literally the new obongo
He really fucking is. It's fucking pathetic.
>This isn't populism, this isn't what he promised, this isn't what bannon would have pushed him toward. It's simply Trump cowing to the pro-corporate, anti-worker Paul Ryan wing of the party. It's really worrying how he's reversed on Syria, reversed on now selling out to the bankers/Goldman Sachs, reversed on helping out struggling americans fucked over by healthcare/obamacare. I fully expect him to reverse on trade and just spend the rest of the year gunning for tax cuts for the rich, ie Paul Ryan's dream
Sounds like you need to study free market economics
>5th of July
always look at the date, lads
What's the plan then?
He's in Germany, us europeans use d/m/y so it's 6th of May
Muh free markets are just as much a bullshit meme as muh equality.
Ok buzzfeed
Gotta win those fat sickly boomer voters some how; killing the free market is apparently worth it to him
Trump's American though??
free market economics doesnt work in the healthcare sector because there's no price transparency and the demand is almost always inelastic.
and I'm not against trade, but we make trade deals more for pushing the "american influence" abroad than to help our own citizens. Trade deals willl necessarily help most of the consumers, while harming some of the workers; that's fine if you know tax some of the beneficiaries to retrain and help the ones hurt by it, but we don't do that. We just ignore the costs and go "lol stupid peasant don't you know what comparative advantage is??"
You're European, don't you have that backwards ass calendar shit?
If in murrika it'd be June 5th btw
But it's clearly 6th of May ya ninny, go spread disinfo and shill somewhere else
Look at the language used surrounding the post
Fake news.
it's a fucking screenshot from a german phone, do you not see the german?
We can tell its you.
to us its like you're black pretending to be white. We can see your colour.
>What did he mean by this?
He is a barely educated moron that goes with his "gut" and follows the advice of people he takes a liking to.
Burgers here need to understand this and start planning on how to move forward.
That's the cliche' and faggots like you will cherrypick any politician's words to point towards a narrative. Like him or hate him trump is something different, he's just playing the game. Sure he'll fuck up a time or two bu-wait Nigga you're German shut ya face and go prep your bull
>spreading Fake News
that's some real flyover shit right there
I love seeing them sour grapes from you Germanbro
In the obscenely unlikely event Frexit happens, I can't wait to see your precious EU be destroyed.
I don't know what the fuck has happened to him. This bill does nothing to address healthcare costs, which are the only problem to begin with. In fact it's probably going to make it worse.
he sold out to Paul Ryan. He should have done infrastructure + wall first. instead he's made the frankenstein obamacare even more contradictory and terrible and he's gunning for massive tax cuts for the rich while his jew banker friends are smiling ear to ear and presenting it on tv. Somehow his administration became a bunch of jew bankers and his jew son in law. it's a fucking joke.