New thread per request of a limey cunt
What does Sup Forums honestly think of Australia II
I like their accent and bants
More Australian wildlife
Fuck off with these slide threads. Important french stuff is happening.
Greatest former colony (excluding USA), Crocodile Dundee, and a can of Fosters.
I wish the houses were cheaper because it just seems like Britian with better weather and less Muslims.
Well none of us are French or can do fuck all about it.
The last important thing to happen in France was in 1799
>Australian wildlife
Can be inclusive and include the native fauna as well?
Actually, best former colony.
Greatest ally. Also culturally similar enough to get along well but different enough to be fun.
>French stuff
10/10 b8 m8
I was only going to post nice wildlife
pre 1960's, yes
big mistake
question for strayans
what's worse - fucking a trap or an abo woman?
abo woman
I honestly think people just savor your posts like farts from bantz jesus just because of your little tiny british flag
The best shitposters.
Your country from what I hear is a really weird place.
I saw how there is this deadly tiny scorpion that hides in people's shoes, that's traumatising.
The deadliest animal in my country was the barbary lion, and it's fucking extinct now.
>Chad Thunderroo
Abo. You don't know what you're gonna get with an Abo.
One is beastiality, the other is homosex
Actually a tough choice
Australia is one strange place.
looks like he's ready to fuck your bitch
Stop with these circle jerk treads
What does everyone think about this kangaroo?
ever notice that cylon fighters look like metallic croissants?
even worse than an unconvincing trap? hard to imagine all of them are so revolting.. how do abos procreate?
>tfw you will never have a sleepover with Caitlin Stasey
Why even live mates?
I was considering moving over to Straya. But, apparently I'd have to redo all my trade qualcs and pay like $20,000 to do an exam.
>how do abos procreate
Whilst heavily intoxicated
At least you can use your imagination in one case. Fucking an Abo is like fucking a syringe factory.
There's something more warm, humanizing and "american" about the australian accent than other funny accents. it's like an american valleygirl version of a bunch of other european accents
holy shit. what trade is it? are you a rocket surgeon?
>mfw I can't have that qt
>that semi-bush
color me intrigued
LOL I love Aussies.
Pretty fucking sweet wasteland but I still think it's fictional.
Why is she showing her wet hairy pussy?
Are there a lot of shark attacks down unda?
>high-cut one-piece swimsuit with thong-back
No, it's for an electrician. I went on a few forms for UK sparks moving over and it's stupidly expensive. NZ only requires you to sit an exam with a relevant board.
One time i was asking around about moving to australia with my wife if shit would become unbearable here in the cuck EU. Suprisingly Aussies were very helpful in pointing out the whitest towns to me and ofc bringing good bantz in the process. Also your accent is fucking amazing.
That is the most Australian thing I have seen since this video...
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think we're like that with pretty much any overseas qualification. Lots of chinks and poo in loos with fake degrees and certifications trying to pull shit.
Yeah, a few weeks ago a surfer got killed by one off WA's coast
i dont know the mechanisms in having foreign quals recognised
got a seth efrikaan mate who had to re do his marine quals before he could work here..
starting point
nah, it's totally safe.
She was a cutie too
I'm just laughing hysterically at OP's photo.
Fucking out loud laughing.
Thanks m8
AUS is the Mexico of the whole eastern hemisphere
Their women are toptier
Too fucking far away. Swap places with Canada and I might be interested.
Too cold. You come down here instead.
I know, but you'd think you'd prioritize people from Britain. Like you did till the 70s.
Unfortunately you're not guaranteed to actually be British despite coming from Britain these days.
What I heard from these forms is that you have to go to the embassy and sit an exam. After that, if you pass you have to go to AU and redo qualcs in an AU college. It wouldn't be too bad for me, I'm only doing my second one now here in UK. But, I still have to pay.
Ain't that the saddest thing? The kikes have twisted our countries' immigration systems to where we turn away men and woman of our own race
I love Australia!
I could probably do it, though. My tutor has loads of ex students in AU who are willing to ship Brits over and I've got Brit Expat relatives living in Melbourn. NZ's still a lot easier, though.
Australian girls are incredibly loose.
Dream destination with good landscapes
i suspect that, specifically with your trade, it comes down to the standards being different
i know you guys run 230vac at 50hz and 3 ph at 425vac, but seppoes run 110vac as mains
read up on ASNZS3000 for a little light reading
I don't know anything about your country but your flag kinda looks like a cream bun
>part 2
jesus christ, fuck off.
Stop putting us on some stupid pedestal
We're the only first world nation in the southern hemisphere. We're pretty awesome.
You guys are cunty desert britts
That's why i like you
Why do they keep sending ballad singers to Eurovision? They're also all non-white so far, which isn't unusual in Eurovision but three times in a row?
I know you think you're complimenting us, but that American comparison is insulting
I like you cunts, I wouldn't say I place you on a pedestal though, your gun laws r gey
Why is it insulting?
Australians are born for shitposting. I've never found a genuine, informative post under australian flag, only crappy photos and memes with weird text that has no connection with thread whatsoever. Its like if they are born under sign of shitposter.
in other words, they are my favorite dudes on Sup Forums
We're in Eurovision?
...why? Last I checked Australia isn't in Europe.
Thanks, mate. Read it when I've got time.
They're probably going to replace us with you guys. They've gotta have a tolken Anglo, for some reason.
so they always procreate
what the fuck is going on in this picture
I love Packed to the Rafters, please bring back another series with the same cast. American tv shows are so cliche desu.
How about they just stop messing around and put the US in. Hell put the whole god damn world in. A contest just for Europeans is racist after all.
australian intro in last eurovision pushed britain into the ocean by dropping aus into the north sea
It's on my list of countries to potentially move too.
Going a few months to Melbourne next year, anything I should know?
two previous contestants
I've got no problem with you fags.
b...but we're not European
You ever hear of the Ren and Stimpy show?
>aussies constantly flocking to the countries directly north of it
checks out
so isnt roachville but hey
cucks everywhere and if you see a wog headed towards bourke street in his car fucking run
australia needs its own duterte.
trumpu wins
Fucking hell lad