The #MacronLeaks turned against MLP, I don't know how they did it, but just look at pic related, this is TopTweet right now in France

Caption: "Whyyyyyyy Daddy, WHY DONT THEY BELIEVE IT ????"

The macronists successfully made everyone believe that the leak was fake, they are far more numerous than the patriots, this is a lost battle for any of us

You need to like and retweet those tweets to give some visibility to the truth, otherwise all of it would have been for nothing

Other urls found in this thread:

you're pathetic

Why, because I want the truth to be respcted?

Yeah, no, not retweeting anything I cant read.

>caring about what twitter liberals post

I bet the "Face With Tears of Joy" emoji actually makes you buttmad every time you see it

That tweet is actually funny though

why the laydboy posts are always so full of unprovoked butthurt?

>this is TopTweet right now in France
>less than 1k retweets

tweet more to drown out the kindergarten tier

if you respected the truth you wouldn't spread smut in the last 24 hours before the election. you know that this is not and can not be verified in the time frame allotted. Someone leaked this right now for that exact reason. you know you're a pawn and you want to be. You have no interest in truth.

If you browse reddit

looks we're going to get another country joining our rapefugee-cuck-boat, eh, sweden?

>I will never laugh at myself

Wew lad you're a boring fuck aren't you

>he posted it again
I can't believe it


some kind of false flag to make it look like LePen has Russian backing?

>twitter manipulating feeds

Surprise surprise, they're a commie organisation.

enjoy fingering your arsehole in your lonely chamber tonight you soulless fuckwit

Sage goes in all fields

>Sup Forums thinks a leak of emails the day before voting will somehow close a 20 point gap between Macron and Le Pen

And on top of it all nothing illegal has been found in them, time to admit Le Pen doesn't have a chance in hell in winning.

totally my man, praise kek yasss queen slay shadilay xDDDD back to plebbit he goes

>700 odd likes
>top tweet

really activated my almonds

>It's our emails, b-b-but some of them can be f-fake.

>Frontrunner Emmanuel Macron announces a 'massive and co-ordinated Russian hack' into his campaign's e-mails - just FOUR minutes before French journalists are banned from saying anything about them ahead of Sunday's presidential election

oy vey everybody don't talk about the made up thing now

Ahahahhaahahahahah I'll make at least 750k euros when Macron wins


I can't BELIEVE this, how can Le Pen lose?! I'm literally screeching right now. We proud western males can't take any more of this DEGENERACY in our WEST. We can't let Macron win and perpetuate the multicultural ZOG!
You're all a bunch of fucking morons, and I hope Macron wins to put an end to you manchildren.

Funny seeing how differently the left is reacting to the leaks and the trump dossier

one is fine, the other is not

Bonjour France, fille des USA ici. J'espère que votre femme et vos enfants sont bons. Uhmm, vous devez régler le pendule dans l'autre sens. Sinon, l'islam sera votre vie bientôt. Très bientôt. Il prend déjà 99% de votre vie maintenant. L'islam est un cancer grave et virulent qui a presque misastasé complètement dans votre cerveau. Terminez-le maintenant ou vous finirez. Le vote pour Macaroni et le fromage est comme un vote pour le cancer du cerveau. C'est le diable. Ne faites pas un accord avec le diable. Ne participez pas à votre dernier coup de mort suicide. Ne pas voter pour le cancer du cerveau français. Macron est égal au diable.

>concern shills still don't understand people are actually smarter than this

Are the leaks actually legit?

Good. The russian stooge le pen must burn in hell.
In fact, all paid russian trolls should.


Left is Macron,

Right is LePen

I think it's kind of useless to do anything now if the leaks had gained traction/been released sooner then there would have been more time to scour through them and for the media to get hold of them.

I did see somewhere on here an email of drug purchases from that leak.

People are not though.

They see twitter saying that a leak confirmed by Wikileaks, the Macron team itself, the FR gov

also, Le monde journal said it would post anything compromising if found

but those people still believe what twitter tells them, because they don't know about the rest since it's burried under hundreds of unfunny posts


Proof of why they aren't legit?

>More traitors and idiots than patriots
Reminds me of Poland

The tweets are attacking the media for attempting to cover up the leaks by claiming them as """"fake"""" yet the same medias were more than happy to report on email leaks against Fillion when it happened to him.

>thinking there aren't Twitter employees whose entire job is to spend all day manually fucking with absolutely everything on the site to create a perception that the globalist's narrative is the accepted one

Oh hey, look there's this new translation technology that can translate a tweet to your language.

Just express yourself in ameritard, we have enough braincell to handle it..

The problem with France now is they have a ton of 3rd world scum that would vote for the party and person that gives them free shit. They don't care what he does as long as that gravy train keeps on coming.

I just hope enough patriotic French are still there to stop the slide into becoming Africa.

Good luck Pierre.

I'm a lefist and I just came here to mock you retards
Nobody believe your fake new, it backfired hard.
Congrulations, thank to you Macron is confirmed to win.
Next time I bash a fash, I will think about you :)

Even if you take out the non french, Macron still wins

The people are retarded, believe me, this is just one example of many

I believe more and more that democracy appeared when the elites realised that even if the people chose, they could still control them because of how gullible they are

Frances fate will be that of its colony Haiti - niggers and arabs will overrun and kill the native population in 50-100 years.

May as well call you one of the following at this point:
Haiti 2.0

New Haiti

Neo Haiti

Don't call it a grave, it's what you idiots chose.




What do that leak contains? Any link?

100% true, these retards like being manipulated just as much as leftists, the lack of self awareness from people on Sup Forums is hilarious

>What do that leak contains?

Nothing of value

France is a third world Country

>these retards

You have to go back.


just exterminate that muslim-ridden low IQ shithole


please kill yourselves

>The #MacronLeaks turned against MLP
Geez, I did not expect that!

Daily reminder.
Noone has ever or will ever give a fuck about France.

If macaroon leak you don't have enough sugar in dough or too much filling in fill hole

All of the EU currently does. :^)

>a fucking leaf

As soon as polacks stop posting on every other board here like autistic monkeys, I'll stop posting dissenting opinions in your pristine hugbox

Wow, france sure is gay

Then when the elections over Le revolucion falls to the wayside like parachute pants and vegemite, and you find yourself starting DRUMPF BTFO threads 6 months from now

Nothing cares what you think, just wanted to point out that you stick out like a working nigger.

>Ree quit ruining r9k
>how do YOU like shitposting
>Sup Forums btfo

Why do you all care about the elections so much if you're going to die anyway at some point and it will all have been for nothing

We must preserve the world for our people.

That's bull. Stop being so alarmist. Shitposters gonna shitpost.

marry a white girl and have 7-10 children

Hi kike

Not a ladyboy most likely a Brit/Aussie pedo.

Spirit cooking?

lol look how mad this swede is

Of course I'm doing what I can on my life, but it's absurd to ignore the larger trends.

He hasn't had his daily dosage of nigger/muzzie cock yet. Or maybe he's just sad his wife hasn't been gangbanged in front of him yet because he's too busy building cucksheds at ikea.