Colbert the political shill is about to become a cockholster to Sup Forums's collective sausage tsunami
Fucking brilliant. #FireColbert actually worked. Bill Nye is next.
Colbert the political shill is about to become a cockholster to Sup Forums's collective sausage tsunami
Fucking brilliant. #FireColbert actually worked. Bill Nye is next.
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I thought Americans were all about free speech and shit. If something counted as slander, he can just sue.
Anyone apologising for the right calling us "SJWs" obviously dont get it. This is just the first step in using the lefts tactics against them. This is us leveling the playing field.
They dont know what they want dad
>Oh yeah i remember the Gook joke.
Someone needs to assemble every
slightly or overtly "homophobic" or "racist"
joke (((Colbert))) has ever made. Do a list
and meme it to eternity. Destroy his image
as a liberal.
what was the joke?
It's not about defamation. The non-premium networks have to abide by a standard of decency in their broadcasting. Can't just talk about "cock holsters" on CBS.
He'll skate but they are making the motions of an effort to check their hypocrisy and double standard and so it worked, which is amazing, making them actually to pretend to believe in what they say they do.
When it comes down to the far left and far right, free speech only works until they get butt blasted. It just so happens that the right has enough collective autism to rally enough complaints to silence words spoken on television.
The left does the same with things like Bill O'Reilly, which was more due to his actions, but still working toward silencing him by cutting his show. The blind hypocrisy is irritating
-how much more of a fucking faggot can DRUMF get? Seriously, when I see that gay piece of shit sucking Putin's cock-
The liberals idiots are anti-free speech. They love the policing speech and ideas using government force.
I'm ok with turning their own censorship apparatus against them. Seems fair.
It isn't hypocrisy. It's retribution.
Are you exaggerating or is that really what he said?
oh yea, because whites are so stupid that some dumb inbred construction worker white guy pulls cliche asian eyes with his face like 11 years old in school do, and the evil white woman next to him laughs hysterically as she just wants to peacefully eat her food on her lunch break.
This anti-white propaganda is such bullshit and has the effect of killing two birds with one stone.
1. make whites look bigoted and stupid as fuck
2. divide (insert race here) against whites when they see this propaganda
Disgusting fucking kikery. Its literal propaganda warfare everywhere against whites.
Asians and whites actually have a healthy relationship geo-politically and within western nations with asian migrants
Niggers and muslims of course not because they're feral savages who lip smack at the sight of our women.
I think he said the only thing trump's mouth was good for was being a cock holster for Putin. Pretty lame attempt at shock humour regardless of your political leanings.
He said drumf has a cock holster as a mouth for putin's Dick, the whole thing was blipped and pol it's flexing its new autistic power muscle while trump is secretly censoring literally a show clown.
i wanna see where this ends
No, it's both. Just admit it senpai, you're all hypocrites who don't give a shit about actual freedom of speech
It's way worse. Here's the video. He goes on for 12+ minutes. He really start losing it around 11:20
>The blind hypocrisy is irritating
Forcing the left to obey there own arbitrary laws isn't hypocrisy at all. We're helping them get rid of their own hypocrisy.
>Taking a Canadian shitpost
>Turning it into bait
>Falling for bait
Can't we get Jawn Oliver fired instead of Colbert? Colbert isn't even that bad
Oh boy
Shut the fuck up its butt blasted hypocrisy. Both sides do it and neither will admit it and it's not going to get shit done.
If you can't take criticism then you shouldn't be making judgement calls. Voting in anger and spite will just make shit worse when the other side gets its turn. Now we're working towards taking people off the air because words.
The left will eat itself alive naturally over time without help if they don't realize the real issues plaguing this nation, and the right will be crushed under the weight of the rest of the countrys' ideals if they do not put forth less radical ideas and refuse to negotiate (a problem Democrats have as well, but right now the right is in charge and can take responsibility toward fixing this).
I digress. This petty shit won't help anything and is just fucking sad
Exactly. It's the only way liberals learn. You have to turn their own bullshit on them. We've now got them complaining about government spending because Trump goes to Mar-a-Lago so much.
Also checked!
I'm sorry for telling you to shut the fuck up. I'm just sick of this shit. Yes it's also retribution, but it's pointless and petty
>stupid sexy Trump.jpg
The joke literally didn't air, the FCC wouldn't investigate a joke that wasn't played on TV
Nothing is going to come of this. He didnt violate anything. I might not agree with what he said but I can stand behind his right to free speech just like I would with any other American citizen. This is another example of snowflakes not being able to take a fucking joke.
Wait, if they will deem the joke inappropriate or anything like that his show may get off air?
> "I'm not going to repeat the phrase, but I just want to say for
> the record, life is short, and anyone who expresses their love
> for another person, in their own way, is to me, an American
> hero," Colbert said.
Confirmed. Colbert like pizza.
>I thought Americans were all about free speech and shit
shame no one bothered calling obama a cocksucker on national tv
i wonder why
2os ommak ya ibn khawel
Anyone who saw Strangers With Candy knew that already.
Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences, sir bong. It ensures our freedom to speak against the government and discuss just about anything we want, but that does not absolve us of the consequences of violating the policies or privately owned businesses and federal regulations that prevent us from saying things on national television. Colbert's case is a violation of both
it would almost be impossible, HBO isn't bound by the FCC like CBS
Bonjour France, fille des USA ici. J'espère que votre femme et vos enfants sont bons. Uhmm, vous devez régler le pendule dans l'autre sens. Sinon, l'islam sera votre vie bientôt. Très bientôt. Il prend déjà 99% de votre vie maintenant. L'islam est un cancer grave et virulent qui a presque misastasé complètement dans votre cerveau. Terminez-le maintenant ou vous finirez. Le vote pour Macaroni et le fromage est comme un vote pour le cancer du cerveau. C'est le diable. Ne faites pas un accord avec le diable. Ne participez pas à votre dernier coup de mort suicide. Ne pas voter pour le cancer du cerveau français. Macron est égal au diable.
alzo checked
Fuckin hell you Americans are babies
[email protected]
There's a culture war going on. Either ur a soldier or on the sidelines being imposed upon.
>fighting against free speech
Never change Sup Forums
so much for freedom of speech
>Libtards restrict free speech
>We're supposed to sit on our hands while it magically doesn't apply to them
They won't do anything to him.
Anyone with half a brain can see how this will play out. Colbert will be found not in violation of anything, Lefties will laugh about it.
Meanwhile, we will start using the term "cock holster" for faggots until we win this battle in the culture war.
>implying communists are protected by the US constitution
Meanwhile you're giving the government more legitimacy in limiting free speech
>b-but this one time it's in our favor
Fucking retards, you never learn, the government isn't on your side
Russian commenting on Free Speech
>hey guise lets act like SJWs for our Le Dog Empferor!
This board is dead. RIP.
And this solves the problem? It's clearly just for lols come on man.
>if you attack the other side, you lose
>t. leftpol
free speech=/=hate speech, bigot
Its a good revenge desu. Liberal censore everything when someone cracks a joke at their expense, now that someone is trying to censore them they are freaking out. Its not so cool for them anymore when it also applies to them.
what was the joke?
>tfw you filed a complaint
Reddit was laughing about "triggered alt right"
Then they learned about the investigation and went furious.
Well i guess no one gets free speech then. 1st amendment was great while it lasted.
spoke like a true SJW my fellow pede.
But seriously next week Colbert is not going to host his show, so I guess good job Sup Forums?
Colbert called Trump Putin's cockholster, or maybe the other way around.
>thinks we are doing it for trump
um, no sweaty, it might seem like a harmless joke to a privileged cis het white male celebrity like Colbert, but it's violence against marginalized groups. He is punching down again, after his racist tirade against a woman of colour. It reinforces the notion that its inherently wrong to have a different sexuality than what cis het white capitalist patriarchy proscribes, and is damaging to fags and other oppressed folk. Please educate yourself, its not Sup Forumss job to explain intersectionality to maximaly privileged like you.
I don't know why you people are acting like this is new. We have had FCC broadcasting decency laws for decades. You can't say certain words or show certain stuff on the non-premium networks. Have you really never noticed that in your evidently very short life?
If Colbert is violating FCC regulations, it's nobody's fault but him and his writers. The company will be fined if there are violations.
You idiots don't realise this just hurts the cause? Nothing will happen to Colbert and this will be brought up every time the right calls the left snowflakes from now on. You basically destroyed that entire argument and have now made it unusable. Well done you bunch of absolute morons.
like, check your privilege, OK? Only white men like you think fighting for social justice is an insult, cause you are the ones that oppress everyone and are completely immersed in your privileges. Check 'em
Hey look at that they actually used a white man and a white woman for once
>#FireColbert actually worked
so this was his last week?
So "it's okay when democrats do it" was the last bastion of freedom?
Is that what you're saying?
^ this
This. It's even more amusing because the show isn't even live. The FCC decency laws are routinely enforced, I'm surprised the producers were arrogant enough to let this monologue into the final cut.
You'd have to find some stuff after he left the colbert report. The report was a parody of right wing commentators, so the racism and homophobia can be passed off as progressive. That's how you do gay and race jokes while having liberals suck your cock.
>libtards cancelled free speech for the right
>"guys it's better to at least leave them the rights that they took from you"
Sup 'pedes it's fucken great, we also need to prove that Democrats are the real racists, right? We will destroy them this way, my fellow god-emperors!
>JIDF doesn't know how to characterassassinate someone, we will teach them
oh my bad.
They've tried the snowflake angle before and it simply isn't going to stick. Ever. It's a glorified "NO U".
No one is saying it's ok when liberal block free speech. If the right does the same, then we've collectively agreed that free speech is no longer allowed in the United States.
>libtards cancelled free speech for the right
They didn't cancel shit you massive cretin. Even maistream liberals like Maher trashed antifaggots for their shit.
But now that faggots like you stooped to their level the right doesn't even have a moral high ground on the issue.
Insulting god emperor ain't free speech amirite? Maybe retards like you haven't realized it yet but the left has a lot more to gain once limiting free speech is normalized. Congratulations on taking the bait
>it's okay when democrats do it
>it is impossible to call both sides on their bullshit
There are countries that don't even know we can't cuss/curse on TV in The states.
>they dindu nuffin
ok, say nigger on American television to a black guy, and see if the law is as free as you say it is
>shutting down people who you don't agree with and celebrating it
Reminds me of that video where the antifa faggots get the announcement the speaker they were protesting was disinvited due to threats and they all start cheerings and smashing things.
it's public shaming, not law enforcement though. Nobody's going to put me in jail for that.
Also i'm against public shaming of unpopular opinions, they turn into witch hunts with cunts on high horses leading the way 100% of the time.
Either way you are all sjw faggots with differing ideologies and should be called out on it
so Sup Forums has become far-right SJW's now. Congratulations, you did it reddit!
This is so dumb, i hate censorship and the FCC.
Dont get me wrong, any night show host who wouldve said anything similar about Obama wouldve been fined immediately and forced to quit.
This shit only boosts Colberts ratings and makes him a malcontent against the FCC like Family Guy was. you just secured Podesta's Cockholster a long lasting job.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe is often hailed, but when things get hard and you want to actually drive the communists out... fuking traitors.
>in the land of the free
Oh no this Trump sucks Putin off joke is too grusome.
>Obscenity and simple insults
>Free Speech
Come on.
>But now that faggots like you stooped to their level the right doesn't even have a moral high ground on the issue.
>Insulting god emperor ain't free speech amirite? Maybe retards like you haven't realized it yet but the left has a lot more to gain once limiting free speech is normalized. Congratulations on taking the bait
All comedians are watching; what happens in an oppressive society is that they will turn the jokes into the fag telletubie; the nigger telletubie; the jew telettubie; and so on ad infinitum.
Information wants to be disseminated and it takes a lot more energy to suppress it than to pass it on
>hate and divisive speech against minorities
>Free Speech
Come on.
This isn't about free speech. This is about liberal hypocrisy and turning our enemies against each other.
Or pointing out the stupidity of it, while taking out some heads in the other side.
We cannot expect leftists retads to change their "mind" in mass by saying nothing. We are weaking them.
He should be executed, his punishment is mild.
>turning our enemies against each other
no one believes this is legitimately coming from the left just as no one on the left is legitimately upset.
in fact, the only in-fighting i've seen over this is right here on Sup Forums
>This petty shit won't help anything and is just fucking sad
Yeah but it's awesome at the same time.
Bill Nye and Kike-Kushner needs to go