ITT reasons to go MGTOW and not have children.
Reason 1: Your daughter will date niggers.
ITT reasons to go MGTOW and not have children.
Reason 1: Your daughter will date niggers.
I like how she goes from "K" to "I didn't do anything wrong!" when he threatens to cancel her phone. Typical
Reason 2: You love niggers and want to kill the white race
seems legit
I bet he browses Sup Forums
Here is the Instagram page of the coal burner in question.
looks mexican
I love her dad
Good father
What an absolute legend.
inb4 gofundme for her college
and normies will eat it up
hes clearly mre uoset than necessary, but i can see how hed be diussapointed. however stop makoing mgtow about race, men are just sick of western women and wanna be free to opt out of investing time and energy in them,.
this cant be allowed either as if beta males werent doing their jobs and letting alphas and women walk all over them, society couldn't operate without nice guy breadwiners to tax and leech off of.
why does everyone suddenly believe this shit?
last time I saw a nigger was probably in 2015
170k city in western poland here
you mad or jelly?
every single stupid whore will say you should marry them but never say we should fix laws that let them take everything you own including your children.
they want the ability to destroy men whenever they please and they'll never relax that as long as men don't hate them like the enemy they are.
a nigger may rob you for $300 worth o stuff
a jew may promote kike shit
a woman will divorce you, take your house, car, take your children, abuse your children, and have you paying her all your income while she's fucking random guys who may murder your kids
Yep, this is why I don't have kids, bevause of the degenerate culture which must be purged.
When the world is set right, then I could see having kids. But to bring a poor soul into this shitmess is irresponsible and evil.
This based dad browses Sup Forums
always the same garbage pictures
But, he closed the barn boor after the horses got out. A day late and a dollar short.
Sad man. I hope he had more than one kid desu. I would do the same thing and stick a middle finger to the press. Fuck those nigger loving (((press))) faggots, they need to gassed.
>and wanna be free to opt out of investing time and energy in them
You can. Go for a walk. Go buy some pizza or something. Have a beer, go for a drive, whatever. None of these actions require you to give any time to women. I can only assume you want a cute gf alongside that, in which case you want forced marriage or something.
If you want to spend no time on women then that's fine. You do you. I don't understand what point your making here.
Mexicans hate niggers. Yantas, they call them. Mexkcans even hate other latinos, especually other mexicans.
>those comments
i want to puke
to think there are so many legitimate mkultra pleb chattel out there, smfh
(((MGTOW))) is propaganda by the ((((globalists))) to get whites to stop reproducing more whites. Don't surrender western civilization and western women to the invading hordes of third-world shitskins.
>her only other public post is a bible quote image
cuckstains, when will they ever learn?
>getting racecucked by your daughter
just SAD!
Fucking jelly.
She's not white.
Why does he keep repeating himself?
>Sorry to say young people, but racism is a fact of life. Sure Obama, Biden and Hoder protected you these past 8 years, but they are gone now.
>I can only assume you want a cute gf alongside that,
i dont want girls in my life at all, sex isnt worth it to me anymore. And women in general are insufferable as friends.
what if you're not white and notice women cause trouble for you and go mgtow, is it still a jewish trick?
Feminism is a jew lie, mgtow is adam telling eve to fuck off with the forbidden fruits obsession that causes him trouble.
We should raid her social media profiles.
>women can't possibly be responsible for anything as a collective, therefore it's men fault women are undesirable.
Thats just sad. Raising children is like sailing in the ocean without a map. The king said go west, the first mate said go west, so you go west and land on Cannibal Island. Poor dad didnt do anything wrong.
Redpill your children at a younger age, Don't send them to liberal arts colleges. Problem solved. Sons are always better though
Then what's the problem? You've achieved what you wanted, thus making the claim you're not 'free to spend no energy on women' redundant. By your own logic you should be perfectly happy now.
feminism is female nature. it's like saying men fighting or being greedy is a jew trick. men have faults and we know them so we guard against them. feminism is the nature of those animals called female. it's just women finally wrote their philosophy after 2500 years.
spot on about telling the whore eve to fuck off. all these parasites really can't stand the idea of adam not eating the forbidden fruit and saying no. if adam doesn't eat it then they're just going to be doomed by themselves and they want to bring us down with them
If these two can have 10 children, Doesn't mean we shouldn't. You can redpill your children at a young age.
I don't wsnt children, I'm still a kid myself, it's all about me. :3
>men aren't allowed to talk with other men about these issues
there's no problem. you seem to be the one with a problem. when men understand something they like to spread their knowledge with other men. hence, we've got philosophy, education, and civilization. mgtow is the new branch of philosophy and shut it down doesn't work. you can't shame men into not talking about it when they don't value your opinion sweetie
Do you have a stroke user?
>Not having any children
Are you beyond retarded? Just because some people cannot raise their Kids to be decent doesnt mean no one should have them you imbecile.
I cannot imagine a parent who would accept that their kid molested someone so quickly.
No, the correct choise is to keep the nation white.
>I don't want children
Then you've basically betrayed both your country and race.
>I'm still a kid myself
So you're a hedonist eh? which means "I don't want children because of muh freetime"
Pathetic, The chance to redpill children of the future and you blew it.
I usually wake up to their bix nood jibberish like you hear birds chirping
t. cityfag who likes a breeze in his room
I'm not shaming anyone into anything. You said men were not free to invest time as they feel, then said you invested your time as you feel. I can't make the contradiction simpler than that.
You really think somebody would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?
Why is nobody considering the fact that this bitch posted it online to shame the father.
What a fuking skank.
People rather choose the bullshit blackpill over the redpill,
Hell it even sounds cucked, Black? bloody hell.
Improve yourself, study something you're passionate about, earn a comfortable living and cum dump&go, but don't fall for the relationship meme. From my experiences personally, these whores are nothing but a pocket pussy. Shame because the good conservative potential wives are outnumbered by the feminism cancer
Looks like a sand nigger to me
the problem is people going out of your way to say that everyone who opts out is an unhappy kissless virgin living with their mothers and "mgtow" is a jew trick trying to destroy the white race, completely obscuring the issue that many men find the nature of women reprehensible.
but this is absolutely not okay to say public ally without women and manbitches trying to silence of shame their perspective. which personally offends my sensibilities towrds free thought.
Good conservative women exist outside of the city.
There is no way a father would have this heated conversation over text.
girls need endless attention an validation, being antiracist is a big deal.
>subhuman niggers own the color black
you're the one that's cuck dude. "black" people are more like mud or shit people. the color black is its own thing.
he's saying men need to free themselves from roastie menace. no men don't need to die for roasties. the life of a female is objectively worth less than a males. it's time to throw off tradcuck, kike, and feminist propaganda and let men grow without these scum trying to put into the meat grinder. men need to advocate for their own cause and that goes against traditional cuckold society. tradcucks were the trash who allowed feminism and kikes to take control of society. men don't owe tradcuck SHIT. if they were so good then they wouldn't have ruined the most apex civilization in human history which didn't have a single enemy.
my first thoughts, If he was really this upset he wouldve kicked her ass instead
She will only date niggers if you are a bad father and she wants to get back at you.
While I agree that the girl is disgusting for doing this and the father has every right to be angry, he has failed on some level here.
Possibly he was too open while being insufficiently eloquent about his racism. So she heard all the hate without hearing good reasons why she should not be dating blacks. So, the thought bubbled up in her little succubus head "lol dad really h8s black guys omg... dunno y tho... i think their music is pretty cool... OMG if i d8 Tyreezzee he wil be rl mad omg"
All you need to be is dominant and tough, and go innawoods.
Go to a rural country like Ukraine or Poland (if you're white) for example, and move onto a land used for farming or the woods.
Bang, the rest is left up to you. Other than that, if you make the right decisions, you have the Farmers Daughter.
So you've achieved MGTOW status, you've gotten to the point you previously recognized would make you happy.
Now, rather than being happy with your new found ideal of freedom, you're concerned that people are saying mean things about you? You even arguged your point with 'this offends my sensibilities'. Is offense a valid argument now? Are we tumblr?
Sounds like you have a case of the hurt feelings rather than any meaningful point to make. Be happy that you've cast down the shackles of women oppressing you or whatever, don't salt out over other people not getting it. You've achieved your standard of happiness, so be happy or accept your standard wasn't as good as you first thought.
It basically is, Both Feminism and MGTOW are two sides of the coin. It's all apart of the plan to eliminate the conservative family unit.
I suggest bring them back over here and move to a 75%+ County. Most counties in Pennsylvania are 90%+ altogether. We just need to vote out leftist politicians here.
He is divorced from the mother. the kid lives with her mother.
if your daughter doesn't live with you then expect her to go off the rails.
When he met the women who would become the mother of his future child he should have made sure she shared the same values as he did.
Fault lies with the absent father
Faker than my fake girlfriend's fake tits. Some roastie probably had an elaborate text conversation with by messaging her own number, then posted the screenshots because she's a dumb roastie looking to virtue signal for nigger approval.
>he's saying men need to free themselves from roastie menace
And he's also saying he's done just that, proving it's possible to do so and making his earlier claim that men were not free to do as they please redundant.
I remember making this quite a while back, Shame that I lost the original file.
>daughter become slutty
>daughter get pregnant out of wedlock
>wife kills your dog
>wife fucks neighbor
>always the man's fault
I shouldn't have to, but the fact I have to go country backwood to find a decent life means I should just fuck off from society all together.
this is what happens when you listen to some whore woman at face value
not to mention STEP DAUGHTER?
I would kick out any non-blood for BEING raped before I dealt with my blood.
MGTOW is bad for society, which depends on pair-bonded couples. Western society, anyway, maybe it's different for Kalahari Bushmen or for headhunters in Papua-New Guinea.
But here's the thing: It is bad, but so what?
I'm not going to accept a raw deal to help society. I am not going to let a vacuous harpy into my life for the good of society.
Maybe if there were still real women out there - chaste, feminine, well behaved - it would be on the table. Even then though, John the Other's objections still hold; in this climate, even the NAWALT just described has been given a loaded gun to hold at my head, and it's just not worth the risk.
So yeah, it's bad for society, but I refuse to be disposable; this means I will not risk relations with women for the good of "society". I am not going to "take one for the team", I am not going to "man up"(which means, be disposable), I am not going to "do my bit", play my part or carry the water.
Those are all synonyms for putting other peoples' interests above my own, and FUCK THAT!
Some day things will change - too late for me, and much to late for me to consider reproduction. (Besides, change in society starts with the young. As the current crop goes through menopause, they aren't going to suddenly improve. The options anyone already in high school faces will not change.)
It's not at all backwoods if you know how to sustain yourself.
I am a child who wishes to have children..
u dont even know if he ever talked about the negatives in IRL. he was clearly just raging hard. i really dont get your comment. though yes the father did over react but im prety sure he dont give a fuck what others think.
you think this kind of stupid shit circular argument can work?
>you're happy with your results? so shut up and stop talking about it to prove it. stop telling others
not. going. to. work. we can be happy and still talk about it cause spreading the word is good. this kind of retard shill tactic and circular argument only works on women not men.
MEN LIKE TALKING ABOUT WHAT THEY KNOW WITH OTHER MEN. you can't stop it so don't bother. the knowledge will spread like truth always does. no man needs to ever think a roastie is worth shit.
>kikes, feminist, and tradcucks ruined society
>let me tell you about what these groups propaganda says
>they say there's 12893 genders, gender is a spectrum, and everything is always the mans fault.
>i know you don't believe anything the kikes say, but trust me and believe this kike propaganda. actually you need women and women are why we've got anything good.
nope. fuck you retard brainwashed tradcucks. you're the same garbage as feminist scum. if "traditional family" was so great then why did you tradcuck retards ruin it with feminism and vagina worship? if it was so great then we wouldn't ever get into the situation we're at now. you and your failed ideology won't stage a comeback like communism won't either.
Can't do it. I love to fuck, and I have an impregnation fetish.
RAISE them? Oh, honey, I didn't say anything about THAT...
The father wouldn't be absent if the cunt didn't divorce him.
Do it, Your country depends on it white brother.
>I ask some user to elaborate on their point, and so I must be a male shaming shill
Ok mate. I was just asking for an explanation. If you're so eager to sell other men your MGTOWpill, you're going the wrong way about it.
One more time; if men are unable to spend their energy as they see fit, how are you able to do so? How can you suggest women have your balls in a vice if you can literally drop them and do any number of other things?
That's all I was asking. No shaming, no shilling, not even attacking the MGTOW movement. Just asking for elaboration on a point which seems redundant to me.
I understand your point but we need to smarten up about these things.
This is not a housewife who cheats because she was lucky enough to bored at home and stupid enough to be unable to take up a productive hobby. So she bangs Paco the gardener like that hot glamorous milf did in that TV shows she loves and then blames it on the man for allowing her to get bored.
Parenting is something that needs to be done properly. You need to make sure that a girl knows to not make extremely terrible life decisions just for the sake of impressing some other stupid 18 year old bitches and she understands WHY she shouldn't. There is a level of responsibility you need to be willing to take the moment you jizz in to a pussy; you must be able to do it and you must do it properly. Because if you leave the media and SJW history teachers to educate her, they will produce a coalburning SJW at least half the time.
>apart of the plan to eliminate the conservative family unit.
marriage and easy census collecting was dead long before the internet came up with mgtow.
mgtow is the only move left. men establishing their own societies where women don't ruin them, they used to call them monastaries.
>ITT reasons to go MGTOW and not have children.
Every country of Latin America hates other countries of Latin America, that is not really a big surprise.
You're right that I don't know the details. I'm assuming it's true. And if it's true, I'm saying that old saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
Please see: I fleshed out what I meant a bit more there.
How will MGTOW even survive when you are all infertile?
>Muh Artificial wombs
Not an argument.
Did you even read my post, you fugging nikker?
too bad you didn't get 1488
lets see who the lucky person is!
wtf i love white genocide now
No, that's an absolute scumbag.
An absolute legend is someone who straightens out a lesbian.
>going about it wrong
you can't actually just explain to men that women will divorce them and take everything they own including their children. you like to larp about kids? what happens when she takes your kids and is a single mother raising them and court doesn't allow you to see them? white babies will save everything? you mean in 20 years when they vote for open borders cause they're raised by your ex-wife and they hate your guts?
it's easy as pie. your tradcuck philosophy is SHIT. if the nuclear family was so perfect then why did society collapse under it? why did all you tradcuckold that bent the knee for women sit around and watch as kikes gained control of america. tradcuck=feminism=kike shit. real men never respected women or thougth they were equal. it's time to bring back misogyny and make it great again. if you want to fuck a whore and risk it then shoot. we'll continue talking about how much they deserve to be despised and pointing the finger at the issue.
Imagine a feminist father, and a harpy step mom demanding he pay for what he did to her daughter