How degenerate is weight lifting?

How degenerate is weight lifting?

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It is like all things, if you do it too much you become an autist. Moderation is key to flourishment.

Very. There is no benefit to weightlifting anything heavier than your own body during a push up or pull up.

You should only train with weights after your 40s-50s if you cant do bodyweight exercises in order to retain muscle mass and bone density.

30min cardio a day and bodyweight exercises is the true fitness red pill everything else is diet and genes.

Who else /nosugar/
its a fine line

What about things like strength or "aesthetics"

If its for health and fitness and general self esteem then its fine, when its about pure narcissism then it becomes a problem.

As a 198cm 145kg blue eyed Norwegian I can tell you that weight lifting is the least degenerate thing. It's masculine and it's a sign of a true alpha male. Musclets will tell you it's degenerate because they have a weak mind and no ambitions of being great.

Stay weak you lib cuck.

You must be as fat as hell to be 145

heh. first time I say it, but fpbp

absolute degeneracy
kill it with fire

t. Scrawny Manlet.

i bet you think letting your wife fuck other men is fine too.

That isn't even weightlifting. That's narcissism/laziness. Using that shit to give yourself "aesthetics" is for people who lack discipline and strength of mind.

neck yourself

This thread is best put on /bant/

Doing bodyweight exercises takes forever and gets boring. I do incorperate some as part of a superset.

Choke yourself to death with your mousecord

>when its about pure narcissism then it becomes a problem
Why so? Nothing wrong with being proud of your own hard work.

It's all muscle. I have 13% bodyfat


user i...

I have been hearing strength training is detrimental to the muscles atleast as part of a fighters training.

weightlifting is the same narcissism. You just gotta eat healthy, move a lot, don't use drugs/drink alcohol/smoke and you'll be good looking enough to attract any girl and be proud about yourself.

Dang I'm only 100kg and people call me big.

Barbell training on the core lifts is basedness itself.

It does lead to girls stealing your masculine essence though, so Sup Forums won't like it.

There is a MAJOR DIFFERENCE between health and fitness.

FITNESS: The bodies capacity for aerobic and/or anaerobic activity.

HEALTH: All the bodies systems: digestive, muscular, skeletal, mental, lymphatic, cardio, etc. all working together in harmonic balance.

Great fitness can come at the COST of great health.

Bodybuilding is the epitome of that principle, which is why it's degenerate. Plus all the body dysphoria and whatnot.

Only if you rely on strength training only. Hitting the bags is good cardio.

It kinda depends what you're going for. Strength/"Fitness", or women.

it's pretty much a waste of time, no matter how much weight training you do whites will always be smaller and weaker than blacks, just look at a group of young black men and a group of young white men, the blacks are always muscular while the whites vary from overweight, average and skin and bone

Do it many times you become strong

Do it many many more times you become stronger

The grow beard and hair and make it hobby so you become odin

I use to weightlift when I was younger (vanity). I'm 30 now I still lift, but with way lower weight, more reps, and I superset everything to get cardio + a bit of strength training.

I hate doing straight cardio (biking, running, eliptical, jogging) so I just made a workout to incorporate it.

ex. do 20 reps of low weight bench press, then immediately do 30 seconds of jump rope.

pause for 15 seconds

then another set of the same. It's working for me, and I've been on the keto diet / IF 16/8 diet. Never felt better.

Not at all degenerate. Casuals can gain some muscle and learn the fundamentals of good nutrition. And by good nutrition I don't just mean macros, I mean learning to appreciate the utter failure of one's eyes at eyeballing serving sizes of any food.

Lifting weights is an effective way to gain strength, faster then body weight exercises. Why is strength/weightlifting important? It boosts your test, gives you more energy, and pulling a bow is actually quite taxing if you aren't /fit/. Hunting with a bow is one of the most manly things you can do. but hey man continue to be a scrawny beta cuck, by all means

Once I started weightlifting (powerlifting routine) my regular headaches, back pain, waist pain cleared.
Anyone doing sedentary work for a living should consider it.
Cardio alone did nothing for me.

Depends. If you don't use substances or destroy your health for taking it to extreme it is fine. But if you use roids it is extremely degenerate.

The problem is when people get really into lifting but their routine is unbalanced and they neglect all flexibility training. In a short time they will end up with serious muscular imbalances and flexibility issues. For someone who just lifts, they can ignore those problems for a very long time, but a fighter is going to notice a drop in performance.

Proper warm-ups, stretching, and a properly balanced weightlifting regimen will help you become a better fighter without having those problems. It will just require more effort and planning.

If you're talking about professional bodybuilding, it's fairly hummasexual, and has a reputation for being so. Think of Arnold Schwarzenegger's posing in Robert Maplethorpe's perverse hummasexual "art" and appearances in gay porn publications and magnify it by a thousand.

It's not degenerate, I just find it a waste if time, unless you study the material arts or something,

what about training foot/leg muscles and tendons?

Well here's the issue. Op said weight lifting. Weight lifting isn't degenerate, it's actually the opposite. Every man should lift weights. It's the bodybuilders/strongmen/"dude bro my aesthetics" that pump themselves full of shit that are degenerate. Being a productive member of society that wakes up early and goes to test how strong he can be before going to work is ideal.

I only focus on the deadlift, squat and benchtoo and I supplement with isolation lifts.

leave your psychological books behind and get in the real world, when you're muscular people respect your. when you're physically fit you give an impression of a tiger who can snap anybody in a second. basically strong physical appearance opens the gate and intelligence keeps conquers the state.

vanity is the ultimate feminine tract therefore weightlifters are gay as fuck


For women weightlifting is also a good idea. Women don't end up looking masculine, but rather fit and toned. They have too little testosterone to become ''too muscular''. Who doesn't like a tight ass on a woman from all the squatting?

Women are gains goblins. You have to find a girl that isn't too needy too maintain gains.

t. Low test man/lanklet

Its one of the least degenerate things in existence. People who take care of their bodies and mind in equal manner are the ubermensch.

>The Ubermensch is Friedrich Nietzsche's answer to the problem of Nihilism. Nietzsche begins his premise with the assumption that God does not exist, and if God does not exist, thus objective morality and inherent value are not possible since there is no ultimate being that exists to create morality and value in the first place.
>Nietzsche's Ubermensch will act as his own God, giving himself morality and value as he sees fit according to him alone. The Ubermensch is neither slave or master as he does not impose his will upon others. The Ubermensch is an independent individual who has the power to banish herd instincts from his mind and become a master of self discipline.
>Above all, the Ubermensch is the next step in human evolution. Every human must deal with the question "What is the meaning of life"- some say God and Heaven, others say ultimate objective virtue, but the Ubermensch will give life value that is not based on superstition or mystical folly. The Ubermensch finds value in his life experience because it cannot be reasoned out through argument and logic. The Ubermensch would say that the meaning of life is that you die, so make it valuable.
>The Ubermensch is the opposite of Jesus Christ.

>The Ubermensch is the ultimate realization of the Will to Power, but no necessarily over others. His most valuable power is over himself. "He cannot rule himself will certainty be ruled by others"- Nietzsche

jesus christ thry are so disgusting

have you finished looking at yourself at the mirror and taking selfies for today fagboy?

Who /crossfit/ here?

>Falling for the crossfit Jew

It's pretty redpilled tbqh. There are 10 domains of fitness.

1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance - The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen.
2. Stamina - The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
3. Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.
4. Flexibility - the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
5. Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units,
to apply maximum force in minimum time.
6. Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
7. Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
8. Agility - The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
9. Balance - The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base.
10. Accuracy - The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

Crossfit was designed to address them all. With other sports you'll always have gaps in your fitness. It's the best preparation for the day of the rope.

How many injuries you have? Because that's how you know how long somebody's doing crossfit.

lift weights to improve your physique, not to become "big".

wtf is that

Doing weights+cardio and some martial art here and there will address all of this AND wont require you to train like a suicidal moron.

Impinged my rotator cuff once and I once had a weird injury in my foot of which I'm still not exactly sure what it was. Lasted about 3 weeks. Been doing it for 3.5 years.

It's not that hard if you have a fucking spine and don't give in to peer pressure when you shouldn't.

What you call "narcissism" is at center of Western identity from the beginning and what distinguishes it from the barbarian--the striving to overcome mere life and the ape hue-man within you. The love of beauty for its own sake. To transcend the barbaroid form of the neolithic manlet and have superior nature manifest itself.

Bodybuilding represents pinnacle of Western medicine and knowledge of biology put to great use, in the service of perfection of beauty, to transcend the mere animal in us and perfect nature.

Autistic thread. All I know is than in current Police/Military circles functional fitness is being encouraged much more than brute random lifting. Same goes for shooting. It's much more "real world", fast and aggressive vs. muh high score.

Running for a mile with an assault pack and scaling a wall is far better than running 50m while weezing and benching 450lb for Stacy.

Weight lifting is not degenerate at all when paired with cardio and intelligence.

Less degenerate than marrying an 18 yr old virgin and makimg 13 white babies.

that's the kind of faggot who associates protein shakes with steroids

Notice how all the cucked Eurofags on this thread are anti weightlifting but the burgers are all about it. This is reflective of why USA has to bail you faggots out of every war you stumble into. You are weak minded.

>How degenerate is weight lifting?

Really loving that empty buzzword, aren't you?

How the hell do SEALS stay that buff? When I watch their training videos all they do is run, swim, run, swim, nonstop.

Secret gubmint superfoots and PED

I'm guessing a very, very high caloric intake of good fats and protein. They cost uncle same alot of shekels. So I'm guessing they are treated better than Reservist Ramirez and GI Jamal.

Theres nothing wrong with a girl going to the gym (though I prefer cute, fragile flowers), but theres a point where there shoulders start getting big too, where it gets gross.