Single payer when?
>everybody else has better healthcare
>so lets make ours worse
Trump ladies and gentlemen
When we get rid of all the spics and nigger... so probably never.
He's angling for SP. Not sure if he'll be able to pull it off. Hope he can.
Gotta let all the fatties and leeches die off before its feasible
The point of nationalism, and the moral superiority of the white man, is that we are more than just base consumers. We are thoughtful creatures that understand the concept of sacrifice, and that we are willing to sacrifice a relatively small amount to help our kin.
That's been the basic tennant of every nationalist from Hitler to Pinochet.
The American system of 'fuck you got mine' is the pinnacle of modern Jewry, and shows just how kiked you people really are.
Sure, you can show a picture of Boogie and say why should I have to pay for this mans degeneracy, or you can realise that degerates will always exist, and that you're better than them. And part of being better than them means that they're abuse of the system won't impact you helping your brothers.
Yep, it doesnt get much better than this
This. American's are pretty much all Jews in disguise with no concept of egalitarianism or a fair go. This is what happens when you are a mongrel race who's only real achievement was chimping out and murdering their owns kinsman during their (((revolution))). Pretty much every great thing done by an 'American' was done by a first generation Immigrant who only moved their because they knew it was the best place to make money off their talent by exploiting everyone else.
egalitarianism is cancer and you're a faggot
If you allow such degenerate leeches to thrive with excessive welfare, they will eventually outnumber you
We're seeing that a lot these days
You're a faggot.
If people want to pay for other's healthcare, then make it optional and don't force it you fucking Nazi.
>I'm cancer for wanting to help my own blood.
Fuck off, you're a country of dirty turncoats who only turn up to the fight to claim the credit.
Enjoy being kiked by the globalists who run your shithole of a country.
>they're abuse of the system won't impact you helping your brothers.
When your country is
It's not 2012 anymore lad.
>le current year meme
That's not an argument.
Here's "fair"
If you don't pay for other's health care, you don't get it either.
If you do, you get it.
That's a "fair go" for everyone.
It is optional. That's the point of democracy. Either the majority of the nation decide it's a good idea or they don't.
Then if you don't like the view of the majority you're free to leave.
This post is demented. You write like a nut job. Maybe rethink how you present yourself.
You need to chastise those who cause burden or restrict their access to resources like you would do with a child until they grow up and take responsibility.
The only good thing about healthcare is potentially more practitioners, who show the responsibility that we would expect from those who use the services.
Know what effects obesity has on the body without being "stuck" in that situation? = less inclined to be so. Less inclined to advocate situations that lead to it.
Also this.
Americans betray their own kind for dirty money even worse than Italians desu, and the fact that we're supposed to be the more Jew-like people besides the kikes says a lot
Of course you need to chastise the lazy and feckless, I wasn't advocating otherwise.
I bet you suck Malcolm Turnbull's Jew cock. If you want to go live in a deregulated mess move to the US.
Absolutely Un-Australian you queer cunt, are you a poo in loo here on exchange or something?
>Reddit spacing
GTFO of my board faggots
It's sad because trump is wrong on this. US still has some of the best healthcare in the world, it just has the cancer that was called obongo uncare attached to it.
Compare to canuckistan where experienced doctors (20+ years aesthetic surgeons) literally can't apply stitches.
Is this the fabled rebound manoeuvre?
you take it a step worse so that the movement grows strong enough to make real progress?
or is this autists justifying bad ideas?
>they're abuse of the system won't impact you helping your brothers.
Such commie lies.
He's obviously not talking about quality of care but accessibility and cost to the state. On these the US policy is a miserable failure and over-all the system is obviously yields a far worse cost-benefit analysis than those of other western democracies.
Jesus Christ Turnbull looked pathetic in that press video. Sitting on the edge of his chair all nervous like he wanted a pat on the head like a dog. What a weak cunt.
US population: 320 million
Aussie pupulation: 23 million
EU: We pay for their defenses so they can afford their healthcare
Canada: Trash health care system
We literally have 14 times as many people as Australia. How the fuck do people not understand why it might be a little bit more sustainable to have universal healthcare over there?
The left want:
>Universal healthcare
>Universal basic income
>Higher minimum wages
>Free college
>Welfare programs
Holy fuck how can these niggers be serious? I even want universal healthcare too but that will literally be impossible unless we close the border, enforce immigration laws, and only let actual citizens have access to it. And also if America stops being fat as a fuck.
They have become the party of "I want my cake and I want to eat it too" that's self destructing America. How? How the fuck can some people be so fucking stupid?
The FDA is the real moral issue. Just look at all the people dying because they wont approve needed experimental treatments, yet they will approve the latest snake oil anti-depressant. The system itself needs fundamental changes. No insurance company is going to fix that.
Honestly the worst prime minister in living memory, I don't think we've ever had such a spineless, unprincipled weasel in kirribilli.
>what is average gdp
The majority of Americans are fucking stupid and lazy. Of course they're going to vote to take money from the intelligent and the industrious who work harder and smarter. It's a foregone conclusion. The whole point of a constitutional republic is that the majority can't just vote to enslave a productive minority at will.
You act as if you don't also have 14 times the GDP and 14 times the government spending.
The population argument is a meme, the math doesn't add up. If you're really obsessed with it you could always the administration of the national single payer health service to the states (they've got the small pops you're obsessed over) and simply hand them money from the federal budget to cover it.
Even then that's only true on semantics: you have a health problem that could be solved if you get fixed up in the next 3 months, but the only appointment you can get in countries with socialized healthcare is in 2 years. Is that access? Health organizations say yes. I would say no.
Stop using the language of the left.
The rich are not "enslaved". They have no obligation to take part in an economy or country they don't want to.
Just look at what happened in the 70's with Labour. Overwhelming taxes caused the wealthy to leave. As long as a sense of fairness is maintained this is not a problem.
Remember, rich people are rich by virtue and privilege of taking part in the economy.
See >percentage of GDP: what is it? How does it work? This, and may other questions, will be answered after our next commercial break!
Just a silly argument. I'm not sure of any decent countries that don't have both socialized health and private health running in parallel.
In Australia I could pay to get fixed up in 3 months, or wait the two years. In a country with just private healthcare if you can't afford to pay (or don't want to burden your family with a mountain of debt) you might get no treatment at all.
so correct.
so many americans do not realize that their glorious revolution was started by shit tier british nobility who used it as an excuse to steal the land of their betters which they used to pay back their loans to the french who finance their theft.
america was really founded by the lowest traitorous scum imaginable along with a rabble of religious fanatics, convicts, insane people, and slavers.
it shows very well today.
The "race to the bottom" argument is BS in terms of healthcare. Overall outcomes in basically every other first world country has been better than the US for a long long time.
Here it's regionalized single payer system, most regions space between 15 and 60 days wait
Which defeats the entire point I was replying to, then.
Enslave is admittedly hyperbolic. You've said yourself though that the levels of taxation necessary to make universal healthcare feasible in the long term will lead to the productive leaving the USA. When that happens, the system starts to crumble. It happens in every single socialist country eventually. Brain drain > economic downturn > shit.
You act as though American's don't weigh 14 times your average Aussie or bong.
And if we have such a lovely GDP why was that ineffective from stopping Obongocare from imploding?
> If you're really obsessed with it you could always the administration of the national single payer health service to the states (they've got the small pops you're obsessed over) and simply hand them money from the federal budget to cover it.
Just because you;ve broken one budget up into 50 parts doesn't mean you're spending any less. It's still 320 million people within those 50 states literally nothing changes.
Right now, the triumvirate that are doctors, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical manufacturers are running wild and making massive profits by addicting kids to painkillers and then turning them into methadone customers for life if they survive their stint into heroine. These are rich kids as well as poor kids, along with adults who go in for chronic pain. Nobody wants to do anything about it. The jew media treats the opioid epidemic like a natural disaster or some other act of God. The political establishment of the left doesn't care because it means mostly white people dying. The right doesn't care because profits. Even if they did care, it'd be an uphill battle because doctors today are what Catholic priests were in the Roman and holy Roman empires. Clearly part of a monumentally profitable system, but treated as infallible and morally righteous as a given.
You want to completely upend the American medical institution when it has been leveraging lives for profit without scrutiny for fucking generations at this point? It'll be a war.
>You've said yourself though that the levels of taxation necessary to make universal healthcare feasible in the long term will lead to the productive leaving the USA
No I didn't... And honestly because of the size of the US economy and the amount of jingoism there it would take even more than what Labour did to get people to leave as well.
>. It's still 320 million people within those 50 states literally nothing changes.
Exactly, that's why the 'muh population' argument American's use is fucking retarded.
Seriously talking to you guys is like talking to a brick wall, you'll literally defend any godawful policy your country runs on just because it's 'unique' and 'what we've always done'. You're literally shilling for worse outcomes for your fellow countrymen.
Put it this way, you fuckers always complain about your plummeting white population, maybe if you let some of those poor and middle class whites get decent healthcare on the cheap they might be able to afford to have more kids, thus keeping up with spic immigration rates.
>maybe if you let some of those poor and middle class whites get decent healthcare on the cheap
Don't forget maternity leave.
I was shocked to learn women don't get maternity leave there. What the fuck?
But it's not because we just had universal healthcare for those 320 million people the last 8 years and it DIDN'T FUCKING WORK. It was imploding. For fucks sake king nigger was embezzling money into a slush fund from mortgage companies Fannie and Freddie to keep it afloat.
I even fucking said in my first post I WANT UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE but it won't fucking work if the left has their way with all their spending on other shit and having open borders so anyone from anywhere can come in and abuse those programs.
And it's not just an economic thing keeping the white populations down. It's again, the open borders bullshit and what's being pushed in the medias. Get your phd! Get a dog! Don't have kids! Don't settle down just go out and be a whore and find yourself at 30 addicted to xanax drinking wine and living with your two cats! The plummeting white population doesn't have nearly as much to do with healthcare as you think it does, unfortunately. What's stopping whitey from abusing the same welfare programs with 6 kids the way illegals or niggers do?
And I'll ask again: If our GDP was so great why couldn't it prevent Obongocare aka our previous universal healthcare system from imploding?
>Wealthiest country in the world
>Biggest defence/citizen worldwide monitoring budget in the world by far
>We can't pay for medicines
Literaly dumbest people ever, murricans.
>Get a peice of metal through my hand at work, freak out
>Get driven to hospital, see a fuck ton of people in the waiting room
>Nurse see's me, takes me straight to a room and I see a doctor and get treated
>Later that night i'm discharged, as i'm leaving past the emergency waiting room see it full of old/bored people sitting around with no visible injuries
There is literally nothing wrong with state funded healthcare. People with actual emergencies get treated immediatly. While fucking retards with the flu who STILL don't listen to advice to just sleep it off at home are the only ones who will wait for hours.
When I was a kid I was taken to emergency by my mother when I had the flu, waited there for fucking hours, just for a doctor to take my temperature and then tell my mum to take me home and to drink plenty of fluids and sleep.
Was pissed at my mum for weeks after that.
Our last Prime Minister wanted to introduce a fee for going to a doctor here, a fee of like $1 - $5. Something anyone who was sick or dying would happily pay, but would keep away people who just had a headache or a sneeze.
Obongo wasn't a legitimate universal healthcare system it was a sham that just funneled money to private corporations. No-one on here advocating for UHC here is saying they want fucking Obamacare. Stop strawmanning.
Land of the free though right? Ahahahaha. They're literally the country of cognitive dissonance.
Why are people butthurt over Trump stating the obvious truth?
Healthcare in the US sucks.
Hey Ausbros
Mr Downer is at my house rn
What should I say to him?
Woah so when Trump mentioned how good Australia's healthcare system was it's because they bothered to do it right had an actual uni healthcare system and not some sham called Niggercare?
Really made me think.
>they will eventually outnumber you
We're seeing that a lot these days
that's not how it works though
The elderly that paid taxes their whole lives are the ones that strain the health system the most, in the UK super obese people get pushed back treatment but we don't save that much money from it because they are such a minor factor.
That's our welfare system in general, out of work 20 something NEETS are not even 0.5% of our welfare bufget. But the overwelming majority of our welfare system goes on paying pensions
During nazi times there were no fat people , everybody was fit
Question of the year.
What's better - nazi ruler with completely not nazi population, or full nazi population, but ruler is not?
come on faggots
Are you a Nazi or are you not? Your answer depends on this, but you'd always pick the option with the population on your side. If literally everyone other than the leader is on the same side the leader is probably going to be overthrown in a matter of minutes, and then you control both.
I'm kinda, mm, centrist? And i mean overall situation, stability, economy, population wealth, immigration and all other things related to it. If all/many are nazi and ruler are one, we get Fashist Germany. If no one is nazi, we get liberal disorder, when everything is violated and nothing is in control (almost some pretty known countries in the Europe and on America continent). And if it's somehow balanced?
Wir mussen der weisse mann ausrotten
>hehe i'm the superior being
>Gimme ma chek wite boi!
>H-here ya go...
>President Trump tells the truth
>"Everyone" collectively shits their pants
Lets face the truth. America doesn't have the best healthcare system in the world. We just like saying that, but no one agrees with us.
You can't refuse to follow the best course of action just simply because some asshole also benefits. Spite will destroy you.
Fuck off commie. Didn't some woman die in brittan with blood pooling around her heart but the NHS bureaucrats sent her home to die alone?
Fuck you and fuck your nationalized health care. The government is not your daddy or your pimp, the government is meant to create an environment in which you can take care of yourself. That's the difference between you, and us. If we lose that we lose ourselves.
When lobbyists stop writing every single fucking one of our America's laws to cater specifically to their next 2 quarterly returns.
>incoherent rambling
And this is why the UK doesn't own the 13 colonies anymore. You never got it and you never will.
If you think that America's current wealth is down to your hyper individualism alone you're deluded.