Finding a Religion

I recently spoke to some of my schoolmates who are 110% Christian and am curious about participating in the faith myself.

I got some recommended reading from one who is a Baptist (Mere Christianity) and one who is Catholic told me to stay away from it since their system is evidently corrupt. He doesn't attend services but professes faith in the Lord.

What's Sup Forums's recommended starter religion/denomination?

Other urls found in this thread:

go with unarius. it helped awaken the cavemen

judaism and the old testament are the ultimate redpill

Hey it's that guy who's only read Genesis and revelation again. What a wasteoid poofter faggot starting this thread early again.

I haven't started a Sup Forums thread in who knows how long, user. At least a few weeks. I've read through the bible in its entirety at least once, albeit quite some time ago. I think you have me confused with someone else.

No, I don't think so friend. Maybe you could humor me and rattle off your favorite 8 books of the bible?

It's been so long since I've read that I'm not going to try, honestly. I don't remember enough of the bible to pick favorite books.



Kind of odd you're starting this thread again. Some form of self flagellation, no doubt. Hey, no hard feelings. I kind of like you user, maybe you'll let me show you who put the Sodom in sodomy

Do it.

There is no punishment for Apostasy in Christianity, if you're baptized and quit the faith you still get into heaven if it's real.

Guess what the punishment for Apostasy is in Islam (hint: it involves rocks)

Tfw muzzers get stoned all day long but still won't calm tf down

Mere Christianity is a great book. A Case for Christ is another good read.

It's okay to "shop around" for a church; most churches are very welcoming of visitors, and larger churches might offer you a free Bible or something. (My church has ~3000 members and we give newcomers a Bible and a small devotional.) There's bound to be one that suits you.

Some questions to ask yourself:
>Do I want a small, familial church community or a large one?
>Do I want more traditional or modern services?
>Do I want/need a church that offers small groups, counseling, classes, or fellowship groups?
>Do I prefer a church that focuses more on community outreach or foreign missions?
>Would my children be engaged here?

Last question is a very important one. Lots of kids stop attending church because it's not personal enough for them. If you have children, find a church where there are other children their age who can be a godly influence in your kids' lives. Youth groups, whether local or more popular groups like Awana, can really help connect your kids with other young Christians to keep them in the faith.

Best of luck, user.

>kids dictating life decisions

kek you're not supposed to be that meek

>implying children leaving the church isn't a massive problem

Surveys vary, but most show around 70% of kids who grow up in church leaving it after graduation.

Thanks, user.
I'm really not that other user but okay.


best religion ever made

Probably because the average Christian is too meek

>not that other user

Don't play coy with me, user.

Many churches focus too much on making kids' services either super fun or super theological. There's got to be a balance between the two. Too much fun and there's no substance; too much substance and kids get burnt out.

Personally I think Christians can raise their kids too neurotically and prohibitively. Has to be quite the relief for some of those kids to not have to worry about church (and everything along with it)!for the first time in their lives.

That too. I'm lucky my parents raised me with Christian values but didn't take it to the extreme by restricting me from ordinary teenager stuff. So many people I've gone to school with (particularly girls) have kinda gone off the deep end since graduating. The more overprotective you are, the harder the kid will rebel (usually).

Well like Noah said, push them away with the left and draw them closer with the right.